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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 May 1929, p. 6

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WILMJ;TTE LIFE ,May 24, 1929 J. M. ThrOckmorton Dies Commencement Exercises in Wilmette on June 14 FoDo~ng Stroke May 21 One hundred and fifty pupils of the Wilmette Public schools who have completed their grammar school work will receive diplomas at the annual commencement exerci.;es·to be held in the Howard school gymnasium Friday evemng, ] une 14. The program for the exercises will be furnished largely by the musical organization s of the schools. The eighth graders went to New Trier High school last \veek to complete their registration for the fall term. t\ames of the graduate:; will be printed in a subsequent issue of \YIL· METTE LIFE. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Oakley and their daughter Elsie, of Chicago, have come to Wilmette to spend the summer with ~frs. Oakley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. :\lax Guier, 412 Gregory avenue. FOOT SLIPPED THAT title sounds INTERESTING enough FOR a scenano, but we HAVE a hunch that it was OUR foot that slipped last WEEK when we proposed TO inject some pep in to quR advertising. Ifs not SO much what to say as WHAT not to say that HAS us up a tree. We I ]. M. Throckmorton, 1321 Elmwood avenue, suffered a stroke while working in his garden Tuesday evening, May 21, and died a few hours later at his home. :Mr. Throckmorton, who was associated with the North American Accident Insurance company, had lived in \Vilmette about ten years. He had been a member of St. Augustine's Episcopal church vestry for the last three years and at the time of his death \Yas ecretary~treasurer of the \Vilmette Church union. He was also active in Communitv Chest work and in connection with the other civic enterprises. Surviving him are a daughter, Mabel Elizabeth, 17, a enior at New Trier High school; a son, John 13; two brother s. \V. K. Throckmorton and P. }. Throckmorton, both of Detroit, and a sister. Mr . James Orr, of Michigan City, Ind. :\[rs. Throckmorton died eleven years ago. Funeral ·en·ices \\·ill be held at St. Augustine\ church thi ~ afternoon at 3 o'clock. Dr. Hubert Carleton officiating. Th ve try oi the church will act a pall bearers. I nttrment will oe at Ro ·ehill. Rev. V .. V. Lop·er Is Delegate to Cong,l Meeting Sunday, May 26, will be the last t'ime that the Rev. Vere V. Lo'per will occupy the pulpit of the First Cot.lgregationa,l church until June 23. He will be a delegate to the meeting of the National council of Congregational churches to be held in Detroit on June 2. The pulpit of the church on Sund~y. June 2. will be occupied by President ]. R. Brownell of Northland college. Other \Vilmette delegates to the l'tation council will be the Rev. William E. McCormack, minister of education. Mrs. F. L. Joy, and Mrs. A. H. Howard The annual Children's Day exercis ,: s of the church will be held on June 9. under the directi.o n of Mr. McCormack . On that Sunday Mr. Loper wilt be th e speaker at the Commencement Vesper service at Grin nell college. On June 16. he will be in the midst of a series of addresses to the State Co11gregationa l Young People's conference of Iowa . Mr. McCormack will occupy the pulpi of the church on that Sunday. ~f r. and ~frs. Paul L. Roche. 801 Central · avenue, returned this week from the Derby, where they went wit h a party from the Lake Shore Athleti C' club. On their way back they stopped off at French Lick S_prings, Ind. -oSir George Croyden Marks of London, England was the week-end guest of ~lr. and Mrs. Thomas H. \Ve . t, 723 Ashland avenue. Sir Marks, formerly a member of Parliament, ha been in Chicago this week on busine~ ~. · ' Clinging Uoes your face powder stay on as long as you'd like to have it? If it does not. then vou want to try Cara Xom-e Face Powder. New Trier Debate Team to Meet Roosevelt High The );e,,· Trier High school affirmative debate team composed of John Ericbon. Lois Goldstein, and Dorland Davie -. "·as cheduled to meet Northwe -te rn universitv freshmen Fridav. Mav 2~. in a deb-ate on the ab::>litio;, -o-of ·the jury sys tem. The same team ~Irs. Kaomi B. Hamilton, 401 :\fapl c will debate Roosevelt High school of avenue, left Saturday for Salina, Ka :: . Chicago next T_ ue sday. Both debate for a two weeks' visit with her father. \Yill be held at Xew Trier. \Y. \V. Brown. l I .. COULD make these ads INTERESTING just by SPILLING what we know ABOUT some pe~ple, AND it would be m-ore INTERESTING for us WHEN they got wind of it. THIS business of being LITERARY is the bunk AND if we just tell you ABOUT Rubber Gloves. WHICH a Iotta lady CUSTOMERS are buying AT 37c a pair, that OUGHT to be interesting ENOUGH. I. I I Cara Nome Face Powder 1'HE PATTY SHOPPE 1153 Wilntette A venue Opposite First National Bank ., II I $2.00 Cara ::\ome Face Powder i:; famou for itt' fineness a 11 d clinging qualities. There·~ ..;ome tint that will blend periectly with yuur complexion . Get some today. I Lemon filled buttersponge cakes with butter cream tctng Special-each 35c and 75c Spanish bun cakes, delicious with fruit or . Ice cream . each 35c Assorted home made cookiesSpecial 25c doz. For Sunday Morning Breakfast i i. I Moral: Your foot won't slip any in buying Rubber Goods at this store. TASTY DANISH COFFEE CAKE STREUZEL BLITZ KUCHEN · C..tnl aad Wilmette A.-ea... THE PATTY SHOPPE Ceatral aad Wilmette A-.enaes P-..WPm t11 · aadzt Plaoae Wilmette za A a 1153 WILMETTE AVE. PHONBWII-~

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