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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 1929, p. 3

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May 31, 1929 WIL·METTE LIF.E ·ADD SATURDAY MORNING AS SUMMER SCHOOL DAY New Trier Board of Education Provides Extra Period, More Holidays, Earlier Coae 'By action of the Board of Education the New. Trier High school summe; school w1~l meet on six of the Saturday mornmgs of the 1929 session Wesley L. Brown, director, announc~d this week. The . utilization of these Satur- · days makes P.ossible the following improvements 111 the summer school schedule, it was pointed out: FirstJ a four-day vacation is allowed for ~ourth of July family trips, liousepartles, etc. There will be no school July 4-7. Second. in response to the pressure for an earlier clo_ sing date. school will close W ednesda v, August 7 instead of Friday, August 9. Should Improve Work Third, the new schedule provides f 'r exactly fort~· school davs, exclusive of opening day , closing -day, and holidays. \Vith periods one and one-half hours long. thi will allow exactlv sixtY clock hours' work for a sen1ester'-s credit. the minimum time required by the Korth Central association for such credit. 1n effect, this adds three davs' work to the summer term-the equivalent of over a week in the fall-and should make it possible for students and teachers to do a much more thorough piece of work. especially in those courses in ' ' "hich the work has be('n somewhat crowded in previous . ummers. ~f r. Brown in announcing the change ~ tated that it is in line with the modern trend in education to utilize Saturda ,. for classroom work. as for example ;;1 uni,·ersitics and colleges. in most of the lrading European schools. and in some other high school summer sch ool.. Adequate Rest Period The fact that the dailY school sessions last only half a day. permittinf ! the student to spend the other half da,· in outdoor recreation in the sunshine and fresh air. means that the students' health will he amply pro,-ided for without the usual Saturday holiday. N. T. DEBATE JUNE Taken by Death 3 GRADE SUDER SCHOOL OPENS HERE JUNE 17 Variety of Activity Offered Pupils Ranging From Kinclergarten to Eighth Grade - North ' , S hore Hich School Debatera to Meet Stroq CleYelaDd Heichta Team in Auditorium Seniors Present Play at High School Today· Senior3 of New Trier High school will present their annual class play, "The Gipsy Trail" hy Robert Housum. thi . Fridav and Saturdav, Mav 31 and June t: each time with a' diffe~ent cast. The two casts have been holding regular rehearsals for several weeks unde i the direction of Mis 3 Elizabeth Stan\\'OOd and Gordon Van Kirk. Students t~king- part in the two presentations of the play are: Charles Smith, Alan Hoagland. Mary Forest, Betty Lawrence, Billv Rothschild, Donald Hughes, William ·Bennett, Charles Pfingsten, Marv Elizabeth Townsend, Barbara Mea~ns, Willard Bent. Walter Lindblad, Robert Hertel, Kenneth Moeller, Genevieve Smithers, Elizabeth Jenkins, Grace Cook, and Katherine \Veiss. 1 Reappoint C. H. Jackson Local Village Attorney The reappointment of Charles H. Jackson as Wilmette village attorney was announced by Village President Earl E. Orner at an adjourned meeting oj the Village board Tue:;day night, May 28. 1\fr. Jackson is beginning his fifth vear of service as Wilmette's village attorney with ~he present admit!istration. The appomtment of a bmlding commissioner has been withheld owing to the illness of Howard Bowen, who holds that office at pre:;ent. Meanwhile Mr. Bowen will continue his dutie~ until a successor is appointed. . 4 New Trier High school will conclude its 1929 debating season Monday afternoon, June 3, at 2 o'clock, when a team composed of John Erickson, veteran Announcement was made in bulletins of several inter-scholastic debates, At- sent to parents recently th~t the Wilbert Denton, and Lowell Comee, will mette summer school will open Manengage Cleveland Heights High school day, June 17, to extend for a period of of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, in a de- six weeks. Sessions will be held in the bate on the abolition of th~ jury sys- . morning only. tern. The debate, which was to have The regular work of the eight grades ~een held ¥ay 17, was postponed ow- will be offered, as well as the followmg to the 1llness of one of the ~leve- ing special classes, provided there are land debaters. enough a_pplicants in each case to jusNew Trier will defend the jury sys- tify their formation: tern. i!l an attempt to take the third and Classes in kindergarten and primary dec1s1ve deb;t.te clash between the two occupational work for children from schools, as well as to win the splendid four to seven years of age at the Censilver lovi!lg cup of!ered by Louis .B. tral, Logan, amJ Howard schools. ~uppenhe1mer of .Wmne~ka to the wt~An art class at the Stolp school, conmng scho?l. Th1s years deb~te w1ll ducted by Mrs. Agnes N. Jones. The be the tl11rd between New ~ner and work of the class will iaclude pencil Cleveland, each school havmg won sketching and other forms of art. once. Manual training classes at the CenSome estimate of the strength of the tral and Howard schools for grades Cleveland team nay be gained from four to eight. the fa~t that on«: of the spea~ers reThe objective of the summer school, cently won _the Ohw state oratoncal con- according to the bulletin announcing te.st fo~ h1gh school stud~nts. James it, is to give each pupil the individual ~.1cc, V1ctor Pollak, and Milton Schles- attention and help that he needs. .The mger compose the Cleveland team. school will be under the direction The debate is open to the public and supervision of J. R. Harper, superinArthur ]. Taylo·r of Wilmette, mem- will be judged by Prof. C. D. Hardy, tendent of \Vilmette Public schools. ber of the New Trier High school of Northwestern. A small admission Tne staff of teachers will be announced later. Board of Education. prominent Chicago will be charged. The summer session is run on the tuibpsiness man and a leader in vVilmette 1 C · tion basis. Parents desiring further · Masonic circles, was taken bY death ommtttee information can obtain it at the school Saturday, May 25, failing to- recover Name Specta from the effects of an operation for to Ponder Zone Revisions office. appendicitis performed at the \Vest A special committee to consider sevSide hospital in Chicago. Mr. Taylor eral proposed revisions in the zoning Children's Chorus Sings was elected to the high school board qrdinance of the Village was ~ppointerl at Great Festival June 1 la·3t December to fill the vacancv creby Village Pre13ident Earl E. Orner at ated by the death of Leslie F . Gat-es. Tv,ro more concerts remain in the the adjourned meeting of the Village board Tuesday night of this week. North Shore Music Festival season. Members of the committee are: Robert They take place Saturday, June 1. T R I-SH I P PRESIDENT M. The children's concert takes place Stoddard, LlGlyd C. Ayres, and F.]. Saturday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock, Newey, representing the Zoning Board 1 Tom Hicks of Kenilworth Named of Appeals; Charles H. Jackson, Vil- with the program given by the 30loists, Alice Mock. soprano; Charles Roloff, Head of New Trier Boys' Organiza· lage attorney; C. Miles MacDonald. boy soprano, and Barre Hill, baritone; tion at Meeting Last Thursday and Hans von Rein':~perg, representing a children's chorus of 1500 voice'5, and the Village board. the Chicago Symphony orchestra. Tom Hicks of Kenih\·orth was electFrederick Stock and John W. Beattie ed president of the 'fri-Ship club at LEAGUE LUNCHEON JUNE 12 will be the conductors. Ne\v Trier High school at the annual Edith Mason, soprano, Richard BQnThe \Vilmette League of Women club election held Thursday night, elli, baritone, and Arne, 0 1d b e r g Voters will have its annual spring May 23, in connection \\'ith the monthly Tri-Ship dinner. J olm Barden. of luncheon at Shawnee Country club pianist, with the Festival chorus of 600 Winnetka, was elected vice president. June 12, at 12 :30 o'clock. Mrs. Merle singers, and the Chicago Symphony orchestra, will give the closing program Albert Bows, of \Vilmette, secretary. B. Snyder is chairman of the day. Saturday evening at 8:15 o'clock. and Richard Schuettge, of \Vilmette, treasurer. The following committee ~~~----------------. Frederick Stock and Dean Peter Lutkin will conduct. chairmen were cho~en: RoY West Glencoe, dinner committee: -Carlton Schroeder, \Vilmette. charity CO'llN. A. Schwall Recovering mittee, and Korman Roos. \Vinnetk.l, From Serious Illness clubroom committee. N. A. Schwall, 722 Ridge avenue, is The Tri-Ship club is composed of all recovering from an abscess in his boys in New Trier High school orthroat, which ha13 caused- an illness of ganized for the purpose of developing nearly a month. He has not been able among th_em the highest ideals l)f to eat anything for two weeks, and as sportsmanship, fellowship, and citizenshtp. It sponsors many activities dia result has lost twenty-one pounds. rected toward the accomplishment of This is the first time in fourteen years these aims. Donald Frisbie is the that Mr. Schwall has been absent on faculty sponsor. account of illness from his work at the Hal Totten, radio sports announcer First N ationat bank, where he is cashfor WMAQ, was the guest of the clnh ier. Mrs. Schwall and their children at its meeting last week. He gave a have been ill with bronchial pneumonia. talk on sports stories appearing in the daily newspapers. Additional enterBreak Ground Sunday for tainment was furnished by an elevenEnglish Lutheran Church piece student orchestra. Ground breaking ceremonies will be LEASES WILMETTE HOME held Sunday afternoon, June 2, at 3 .Tames \V. Peaslee, publisher of o'clock, on the site of the new Wil"Boating Business." with office13 in the m e t t e English Lutheran church, 113 North Michigan avenue, building, Seventh street and Greenleaf avenue. Chicago. has leased the newly reThe Rev. Paul E. Bishop, president of modeled and decorated residence at the Chicago Conference of the United 1220 Lake avenue, Wilmette, from the. Lutheran church in America, will be the owner, Robert E. Holmes of Up-Town speaker at this service. The actual Chicago. Mr. Peaslee, his family and ground breaking will be done by servants will take posses'3ion the early Charles F. Brandt and the Rev. Carl part of June. I. Empson, pastor of the church.

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