J2 · WILMET T e· LIFE June 7, 1929 ·-------~o..-h Shore's Smartest Beauty Shop~-------~~ realistio Regular $20 ·value Practice Fairway Is Popular With Golfe~s North shore golfers who feel the urge to practice when time is too short to permit a visit to their clubs have a practice fairway almost at their rloor. The North Shore Practice fairway has been opened on Lake avenue, Wilmette, just east of the North Shore lin e Skokie tracks, by ] ohn Cameron and hi s two brothers. Catl'teron was formerly assistant to AI Espinos.a at the Illinois Golf club. The fairway is 300 yards long and almost as wide. A small fee permits golfers to practice shot after shot. Balls and caddies are funished. The idea is not new although it has never heen tried out before a lon g the north shore. Another practicc fair\\'ay is to he opened . oon. 130 PUPILS ATfAJN SEARS' HONOR ROLL April Report Finds Large Group of Children Rated for Sch~larship Excell~nce Smart, Natural, Distinctive $ Including &autilul Nt~tural Set or Finger W111Je Smart women prefer smart waves and the Vanity Box offers a distinctive service to those of discriminating taste. In this beautiful ·'Modern Shop" you are assured a gorgeous permanent styled to accentuate your own personality. A beautiful deep marcel effect with fascinating ringlet ends or any style you prefer. Dors Nvt Discolor Gray or .Blonde Hair An Appointment Is Necessary The Realistic requires absolutely no finger waving or combs. It falls naturally into wonderful waoes. SPECIAL Genuine Eugene or Permo Paris Wave A Secret French Process $ ·7 The names of 130 pupils of the · ] oseph Sears school in Kenilworth appear qn scholarship honor lists for the past month,· relea sed at the school this ·week. Thirty-four pupils were li sted on the honor society, which is composed of sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. To be eligible fo r this society a pupil must have six "E's" on his report card. "E" is the highe st grade. The honor roll is composed of tho se students who make · a grade of "E" in effort. BRIDGE FINALS TOMORROW Following are the · honor society and The final s in the bridge tournament which bas been in progres s at the honor roll pupils: JIONOlt SOCif~Tl:" Edgewater Beach hotel thi s week, will Russell Cooke, Roy Demmon, Donald be played tomorrow afternoon and eveTom Hildebran~t, Shirley Bottning. The event, which was sponsored Harper, hof Barbara C lark, Elinor C l ark, Jean by the Chicago directors of the Auc - Cm;'ner, 11orothy Deacon, Jane Harris~n, tion Bridge League of America, was in Cecelia MacKinnon, Louise Watson, Jane charge of Andrew ] . Mouat, 616 Lake Bisb ee , Joy Mervis, Nancy Wilds, Jane \Vecse. Vinni e Grondal, Cather ine Hepan~ nuc, \Vilmctt e. Contract cluplicatetl burn Cynthia Holmes, J eannette Post, as wcli as auction duplicated bridge Pris~illa Wheelock. Caro lyn Wilson, \nre played, and . ection progressive Roge r Barrett, John B eckman, Clinton I)emmon, Herman Hintzpeter, Earl Moss, when called for. .Tacl< :Stebbins, Harry W eese , George Woodland, Jael< Ryrne, Jo e Harri~on, ~tan ley Kn i· ,·ht and Donald Vail. LEAVE FOR EUROPE UONOR ROLL Mr. and ~1r s . Ed\\'in B. Knudt so :1, · 6 3 6 Church St., Evanston Suite 1.1.2 - Carlson Bldg. Univ. 9700 Hours 9 A. 1\l, to 7 P. }1. AJJ Brar1ches of Heauty Culture. L e H.oy Eggert, Patricia Grover, Lucy day for a trip abroad wi.t h friend s from Huck. Harri £:;t Imus . .Tune Toops, Billy .Minneapoli s. The\· \\·ill sai l on Satur - Tortm·ello, Mary Wolf, Kirk Dilling, John day on the \\'bite ·S tar liner. Laurentic. '\Vilson , John Dea con, James Olin, Norman B e rni~. Andre w Kuby, Janet Co l\'in, from Montreal, and will visit ~or way Thoma:-; K e ith, Shirle y Wetterer, Ruth S\\Tclen, and countries on the contit;: Spre nger, Marion Mesick and Barbara ent. 'fh<'.Y ,,·ill b~ gone most of the Baggaley. 1141 Chestnut avenue, left on Thurs- Third Grade s llllllll e r. Fourth Orade Geo1·ge Richards, Kirl< Tayl o t·, Burton ~mith. Gerald ine f'0x, Zo de · 1a Chapelle, Virginia Howe. Bi lly . ~tebbinR, Arthur Bonnet, Arthur Cruttenden, Donald Stillm a n, A r f> nd Knoop, John \Veese , Jea,nn ~> tt e Robert~on, Mary Barrt>tt, B r nji t> l\Ia c Kinnon. i\fa1·y J . Smith, C'harlenP Dri\·er, Edith Gillett. .J:1 c k Fyfe, K enneth Smith and P eg~ y K et cham. }' ifth 0 rade Frnnk f'al")lent r, Jack Hold e n, Dan. Killip:-:, .TaniCl' Bouchnrd, Vah.. ntin e Clay, Jan e Peycke, A urica Sirnon, Alice K elly, Paul Cornt? ll , J e nnn P G<·ither, Dori s H eaton, Shir}(> y Hermann, Jan e Holm by. ~Tiriam Ilolnws, l\farsha Hu t.' k, Bobby i\T('C:lou<l, Gilbert Melntosh, ' l\lnrtha O'C'onnor, Hugh Petr rson, Mah Pl Sampl f'. John Sprfongt:>r, AnnPtte \Vi1liams and Dol'is \Volfe. Sixth . nrad·· Bobbie }1(· rger, Hus:-:ell Cooke, Bnbhit' Cutl e r, Hoy Demmon, Donald JTnrpf' r , Tf·m Jlild t> brandt, IrYing· l\Ioss, Dwight Snndsteel. Shirley Botthof, Barbara Clark. Elim·r Clark, .Jea n Cosner, Dorothy D eacon, Jan!:' Harrison, Mary Hu c k , Ct'<:tlia l\Ia ·Kinn on and Louise 'Yat son. SHenth nnd J:ig-hth nratl{'s .Jane Bisbee, .Toy l\l('rvis, Xancy \\'ild s. Jan e \Veese , Cath rine Hepburn, J pa nnfottP Post, Priscilla \\'heelocl<, arnlyn Wilson. Virginia .Johnston, Hoge r Bnrr e tt, Earl :.\loss . .Jack St ebbins. Tlarr:v Wt>t>se, Joe Harrison, ~·Hanl ey Knight and .Jnc:k Sinding. Light Weight Easy to carry around the house. The motor runs on ball bearings and never needs oiling. ..... Little ~eet grow correctly in the new juvenile Arch Preserver Shoes VERY advantage of the famous Arch Preserver inbuilt natural walking base is given to your child in the new Arch Preserver Shoes for juveniles. The children's models are scientifically designed to allow for normal, unhampered growth ... to strengthen the growing arch ..· to give the foot perfect , freedom and flexibility. Let us show you how different they are from the other children's shoes you Flexible as a 1love Ample foot room, where th' foot allowingfornatural have seen. bends. growth. "Triple Action" RAPID SWEEPING, THORO BEATING, POWERFUL SUCTION, thoroughly cleans the heaviest or lightest rug ~d leaves the nap like new. A trial will convince you. Fully guaranteed for two years. E !\'1iss Louise Hartman. daughter of ?\.fr. and Mrs. vVilliam ]. IL.rtman, 104 Central Park avenue. will he bri<le"maid for her cousin, ~fis . Helen Stuli of Chicago, who is to be married on , .June 15. -0- Hamilton Beach W ~ will b~ glad to let )'OU try IIIU fflan'~loau cl~aer in )'our own /Jo.. 01 oa our ·tore demonsiTatinc TIIC. · Tom Grisamorc, son of Dr. and Thomas L. Grisamore, 411 Lake lllH', has returned from Colgate \'Crsity, Hamilton,· N . Y., for the 1 mer recess. -0- ~frs . av uni stun- CONVENIENT TERMS Rm PRESFRVJ:'D fi Shoe SbO"p", -..q EVANSTON ""· Patterson Brotbe·s 1565 Shennan Ave. EVANSTON Mr. and Mrs. Frederick ]. Xcv;ry. 43(1 Lake ave nue, will leave by motor on Tuesday for the Un iversity of Illinois to attend the graduation of their daughter, Miss Helen, on June 12. f'FURSTORAGE-·i Tel. Univ. 990 OPEN TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS f I i IREDALE'S WILMETTE 1332 I I ..· I ·:··-------·--··--.:·!· I j