10 WILMETTE LIFE June 14, 1929 Wilmette Boy to Embark on Extended Oceanic Trip. Health Insurance· For The Wla~!e Family The best insurance you can buy is a modern heating system. American Radiator Heating Equipment is safeguarding precious lives in millions of homes. Thomas Ed·ward Wilson, son of Mr. · and Mrs. Gordon Wilson, 415 Ninth street, is home from the · Edgewo.od school, Greenwich , Conn. He has wtth him as his house guests two school friends Herbert Hewitt of St. Louis and StanleY Revnolds of California. The three J;oys are leaving in ten days to make an oceanic trip through the Panama Canal, to ports in South America, and up the \Vestern coast of Canada. On their w·a y to Chester, Pa ., where thev will board . their steamer. th ey will be the guests of Harry ~lark at Rex Terrace, Mich. They wtll he gone until the middle of September. 4 MOSQUITO ABATEMENT WORK NOW UNDER w · AY Spring Attack on "Pests" Progresses, Superintendent Reports ~ . Despite the delay in tax receipts a vast amount of work has been ac complished in the North Shore Mosquito Abatement district since th e spring work began April 15, according to a recent report of Superintendent \Villiam Edwards. With two foreman , two truck driv er s and fourte en laborers at work, scores of roadside · ditches throughout th e area have been cleaned and numerou s swampy areas drained. Eleven Mosquito "Tribes" Did vou know there are eleven di fferem -tribes comprising the mosquito pest of this section? According to Superintendent Edwards, "the one th at gives us the most trouble, and the on e that we are most anxious to eradicat e is the mosquito commonly known as the House Mosquito (Culex Pipien s). · It is a medium-sized mosquito, having a lean and hungry look, deep yellow to dark brown in color, with a whit e hand at the base of each segment of the abdomen. The adult female of thi s species lives through the winter hid den away about human habitation s. It breeds in large numbers whereever water stands long enough, in stagnant pools, rain barrels, water hol e!', tin cans. broken bottles and in ha sements. It breeds in the greatest abund ance in foul, polluted ·water, cesspool s, house sink drains, gutters etc." Ten Other Varieties Then thert- is the anopheles puncti pennis and anopheles quadrimaculatm. the common malaria mosquito. And still another known ·as the culex salinarius, the long-legged mar.sh mosquito. The four different types known as the common and most plentiful standing water breeders are the aed es vexans, aedes excrucians, aedes cin erius, and aedes cantator. . There is' also the aedes trh:ittatu s, or tre&-hole breeders. And the culex territan-s the hrown mosquitoes which breed in stagnant water and the ·culicefra inornata, the long-legged, golden brown 11lt>SQttito from marshes. The early crop of mosquitoes were the aedes cinerius and aedes excrucians: the cutlicines appear early in June and the anopheline mosquito v;ill not breed before the fir st of July. Urges Cooperation ..Tn addition to the work which the district is doing in the way of ditch and S\'\·amp drainage, Superintendent Edwards again calls attention to the importa nce of householders making it a point to see that there is no water standing in old cans or pools and that there is no tall grass or weeds left standing on their premises. · I la~ed lor leu than S7S a room We'll make a liberal allowance on your old furnace and arrange easy payments. We Guarantee All Work Harold James Nilson Wins Recognition for Art Work Among tll f' tudcn ts whose \\·ork has received favorable mention in th e 19281929 students' exhibition of the Nation~! Academy of Art, Chicago, is Harold James Nilson, 1518 Central avenue, \Vilmette. "Mr. Nilson," writes Hubert Ropp, dean of th_e academy, "h~s done some remarkalll,ly fine work thts year. His water color work has always been unusuallv fine for a yopng student and this yea~ he has done very well in oils." WILLIAM B. LUCKE 514 Railroad Avenue, Wilmette Tel. Wilmette 2020-2021 Announcement ·The ERMINE CLEANE~S, Incorporated are pleased to announce the opening of another branch office at 1150 CENTRAL A VENUE, WILMETTE The ERMINE CLEANERS, INCORPORATED, are by no means ne\v to the community ... having done work for a great number of Wilmette families, and also a· local tailoring establishment for the past nine years. 'rhe ever-increasing demand for ERMINE SERVICE has necessitated the opening of this nevv office ... and we sincerely hope you will pay us a visit and take advantage of our service. Watch for Our Future Announcements -{ Increased facilities enable us to thoroughly . at ................... . cIean men ' s suits . (Former price, $1.75) P. L. SMITHERS GOING ABROAD SI} tRMINE· CLEANERS, INCORPORATED OTTO F. FISHER, Pres. 1150 CENTRAL AVENUE PHONE WILMETTE 704 Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Smithers, 711 Lake avenue, will sail on June 18, from Quebec, for a trip abroad, to be gone until the first of September. They witt lanrl in Cherhourg, and from there will go to Genoa and Naples, and expect to pass most of their time in Switzerland, the Italian lake district, and Venice. They will spend two weeks in Paris, and plan on a three weeks' motor trip through Eng-land. They expect to meet the Clyde T. Hays and Mrs. I. K. Stover in Paris, and the Alber-t N. Pages in England. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B rrett and their naughter Marv. have returned to . their home at 55 Essex road, Kenilworth, after having spent six weeks in Denver, Colo.