WILMETTE LIFE June 14, 1929 I I ! eet'tt'"'"'"'"'"'m"""..."""""........ lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll·- Mra. Daiay Rothachild Diea Tueaday Afternoon Mrs. Daisy Arnold Rothschild, widow of David Rothschild and sister of On ] une 29, a group of north shore ] oseph K. Arnold, 430 Essex road; Kenilworth, passed away . ·lat her girls will leave for . the West to at_ brother's home on Tuesday afte'r noon tend the 1929 season 6£ :Camp Newaka, MISS HARRIS AN~OUNCFS THE REOPENING near . Ward, Colo., known to manv \ · of this week. and Mrs. Arnold returned from a ·Mr. trip to California some north shore residents. of the weeks ago and iound Mrs. Rothschild Camp N ewaka, lying at an altitude very ill on their return, and medical of 8,500 feet, is situated on Gold fake SuMMER TuTORING ScHooL aid failed to restore her. Funeral in the midst of the Colorado Rockies, at services were held at Rosehill cemetery twenty-five miles south of Estes Park. on Thursday, ] une 13. The top peaks Qf the Continental Di, GLENCOE UNION CHURCH vide are fifteen miles to the west . vf Mrs. Erwin W. Rinder, 612 Lake camp. Long's peak and the Twin SillWEDNESDAY, Ju1..Y SEvENTEEmH avenue, was called home recently from ters in Estes Pctrk, Mt. Audubon, the Phoenix, Ariz., where she had been Arapahoes, Sawtooth, Apache, Baldy, · since last November, by the critical and other peaks stand out in magnific·Registration should be made in advance through the School office, condition of Mr. Rinder, \'r ho had been ent panorama, their summits capped 2150 Lincoln Park We!ot, Telephone Diversey 1530. - ill with pneumonia. Mr. Rinder has with snow during the entire summf'r. Horseback riding is the favorite now recovered. and they have both ~ ... _ _ _ _ ~ returned to Phoenix, where they will sport at Camp Newaka, and upon thi s activity special emphasis is ]aid. The ..,.....,u..uuuutuun·u··"·uu·unnn··"'u' ' ' 'u'""""' '"' '"'"""""""""" 'u' u·u·u·u"""' u'""""""'u' ' """""""""" "'""""""""'""""'"'"h· retna in f0 r severa I n1on t hs. girls ride every day along trails through the mountains in the vicinity of camp. Later in the summer a long, sever.ll days' horsegack trip is taken up the St. Vrain canyon to the upper slope of the Djvide. The girls. under the the supervision of coun.s elors and a mountain guide. camp out in the mountains, carrying their blankets and food with them on their horses. Thev thu s have a gorgeous out-of-door campiilg t·xperienre. Another popular activ.ity is hiking. Trips arc made through some of th e canyons near by and up se ·eral peaks. One of the most interesting tt:i.P~ is up to the Tsabe11e Glacier, which is one of the four Jiving glaciers in that region. The girls climb up to Isa, helle Lake which lies at an altitude qf 12,000 feet. and then go on up Isabelle Peak several thousand feet higher to the glacier. This is a three day over.night trip, camping overnight at Long Lake which is below Isabelle Lake. A sno\\·-ball fight in J u]y or Augu~;t is a common occurence on such a trip. Other activities offered as a part of the camp program are swimming. canoeing, hasketba11. baseball. tennis. and work in arts and crafts and dramatics. During- the summer an automobile trip is taken via the Peak -to Peak Highway .to Estes P~rk. and through a part of the Rocky Moun tain National Park. Another· trip i:; made to the Chevene. W vo. "Frontier Days" to witne- s....--_the Rodeo. The girls get a fine 1dea of the old ':vest and its glorious cowboY and Indian days. After this trio, at the end of the summer a rode.o is staged at camp wherein the girls partake and show their accomplishments of the summer's riding. The camp season this year is Tuly 1 to August 26. Mrs. Merle B. \Valtz and Miss Emelvn Waltz of 554 Long· EXTRA FINE QUAUTY FINEQUAUTY SUPIIl FIM& QUALITY wood avenue~ Glencoe are the owner!\ and directors. Mrs. Waltz and her daughter. Miss Jane Bell Waltz. who is the horseback riding counselor at camp. have left for Colorado to open camp for the summer. World'· Notl:h shore girls who are going to Greate·t Camp Newaka as counselors are the Cloth.. Misses .. Margaret Smatlpage, . Miriam Le,vis, and Mildred Lucas, of Evanston. · Among those who are to be campers are: lane Soinnev, M-arv Ellen Boozer. Marion McDo~1ald, Charlotte Mood~· . Tean and Manzaret Lindstrom, ancl Sallv Clark. of Wilmette: Jan nice Berr. Kathrvn Benson. Beatrice Driver, Phvlli~ Dubskv. Bettv Ketc-ham. H Plen Rathbone. and Loretta White. of Ken1lworth: Gretchen Witt of Wimwtka: Ann Louise e~nd Jan e Hankins. Clara CornetJ, and Josephine Otter, of Glen- cAnnouncement North Shore Girls Leave Late in June to Camp in Rockies -= ;.= =_~- . II · SOME SAY: "Royal, I Don't Believe You Can Do It" Yet We've .Done It for Over 60 Years PUREST VIRGIN WOOL .V ERY LATEST I'ASmONS ROYAL QUALITY TAILORING BOYA.L QUALITY SERVICE Your Money Back If You're Not Entirely Satislied ... ONLY PRICES v.- 1641 Onington Ave. Open Tuaday, Tlwrsday and Saturday Even.in«a . COP. nther camners come frot,, Kans~c;. Oh;o. Michigan, lllinoi:;, California. a'nd Texas.