I June 14, 1929 WJ.LMETTE LIFE 25 State Plans Infant Even the Fishes Didn't Survive the Great Flood Hygiene Program to Even the fishes, best fitted of living Combat Death Rate creatures to escape, suffered catasStriking at infant and maternal mortality, which he declares is still unnecessarily high in many parts of lJlinois. Dr. Andy Han, state health director. has ordered a detailed studv of prevailing conditions in three typical counties. Those chosen are Frankli1_ 1, in the southern section. Mason in the central and \Viii in the northern. Findings of the studies. ,,._·hich will begin at once \,·ith the harmonious and active cooperation of the -state and local medical societies, are expected to result in a definite state-wide program that will substantialJy cut down the death rates which have cost I11inois 48,300 infants and 3.953 mothers during the last five years. "Over 7 percent of the babies born in 33 counties during the last five years have died within tweh·e months of birth." said O.r. HaJJ. "and losses of that magnitude are too great in the light of present day medical knowledge. ln 20 counties childbirth complications cost the lives of more than 7 mothers per 1.000 births in 1927. That figure is distinctly excessive and indicat<>s an mm·arranted lo s of motherhood. For the whole state 48,300 infant s and 3.953 maternal deaths ha\·e bee·n record\?d during the last five years. Wage Aggressive Campaign trophe in the flood of Noah's time, it was revealed recently by Henry Field, assistant curator of physical anthropology at Field Museum of Natural History, upon opening boxes of material . received from the Field ·Museum~.x ford University Joiitt Expedition ro Mesopotamia. Large slabs of clay excavated from the ruins of the ancient city of Kish, and now at the museum, contain the fossilized bon ~ s of hundreds of small fishes, identified as various species related to modern carp, goldfish, and minnows. The clay comes from the strata of the Kish site in which evidences of a great flood. estimated to have occurred about 3400 B. C., and believed to be· the one referred to in Genesis, were found recently by the expedition. It is believed that the hundreds of fish were swept inside a room of a building hy th~ swirling floo_ d waters. As the water receded from the building the room hecame an isolated pool in which they were impris.Qned. and still later when the room dried up they died. according to 1f r. Field's theory. Rock Gardens Now is the .best season of the year for constructing and deve~oping your Rock Garden. W.e furnish tht rock, build pools where desired, plant your job complete for two hundred dollars and up. Let us furnish you estimates at once. Franken Bros. Phone Deerfield 241 ~· "The state department oi health and the tate medical society, wQrking together, ha \ ' C decided to wage an aggres sive campaign again st the cau ses respon sibh.- for the se los se . Information secured in the detailed studv oi the situati on in Franklin, ~1a so n · and \\"ill countie s, each of which is typical with prevailing rate s noticeably aboYe th e state aYcrage, will be used a a basi s in mapping out the program. "The studie s will b~ comprchen siYe in character. Dr. Robert C. Cook, Dr. Elizabeth B. BaJI and Dr. Ethel Har rington. all staff physician s of the . tate di,·isiQn oi child hygiene, will ha\'C· charge of the \\'Orkin Franklin. ~1a so n and \\'ill countie s. re s pcctin~ ly. The name of even· infant \\·lw died and oi c\·en; mother . ,,·ho succumbed to childbirth complications in 1928 will be tak~n i rom the death certifica.tc s. Fr om the ph\·sician who signed the certificate wiit he secured a complete hi story 0i the case ,,·ith especial reference to fac tors important in the cause oi death . "Information brought to light in the se studies will be used in two way~ . Through its scientific sen-icc th e stat<:· medical soci etY will organize and carry out a progra111· among the local doctors. This ,,-ill cmpasizc the prol>lcnts of in j ant and maternal morality and sho\Y just what part the doctors must play in their solution. "The state department of health. l1n the othrr hand. \\·ill present the fact s to the puhli~ in an effort t? organi,ze and promote the popular sHlc of t.1e program for rl'ducing infant and ma ternal morality. "The state health department and the state medical - socidy, working in actiYe and hannonious cooperation on this project, opens the \vay ior splen did result.. It giyes strength to the hope that t'\'('r_ ,. pro!-ipective mothn and even· haln· born w1ll haYe thr PP portunit~: oi b~·nefi ting .hy the .hcst the medical . rience can offer. \\hen the da\· come s the loss nf infant ansi ma te~nal life- will he ncLdigihlc compared ,,·ith what it is now." ENTERTAIN FOR GOVENOR _ Mr. and ~1 rs . John Ben ham of Hl:'l About a BOn Voyage Gift.-.-.A customer said: "I know of nothing they would enjoy more when sailing for England than a beautiful box of nuts from the Billy Boy Nut Kitchen.'! Delight your friends gotng abroad with a gift box of crisp, tender, fresh, choice Billy Boy Nuts. This Week's Special CINNAMON ROASTED ALMONDS 95c pound. Regular price $1.25 Exquisitely Flavored , Crisp and Fresh They melt in your mouth. FRESH VERY HOUR at the BILLY BOY NUT KITCHEN Your Grocer Sell· Billy Boy· KrnihYorth annue. Kenil\\'orth. t'lltertained a dinner party of fi_ftcen Tu<'sdav evening of last wee~ 111, honor nf Go-,·ernor Evans as Captalll T·.vans~ for several vears ormmandant a_t the (,re~t I akes Kaval Training stattnn. H l' 1s ~w governor ~f th~ Yirgin Islands. and is here on a hncf v1s1t. NORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING PHONE GREENLEAF 519 3006 11 to 8 DAVIS ST. 0 pen Evenings Till 1~unda:vs