WILMETTE LIFE June 14, 1929 Teatro I 'At the .North Shore del Scenes Are LBIO Tropic Bill-O-Fare ·p eature of Film at .· . in _,No M~~n'· Ltmd" Shttidan ROIUl B.twHn wilmette 11nd Kenilworth Ph. Kenilworth 3980-3981 r---·-~------, 1 . . ._ , . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; _ _ _ ~~~1 DIVINE LADY" "THE Teatro, "The Pagan" Tropic scenes of wonderful beauty are a part of "The Pagan," Ramon Novarro's · 1ate s t Metro-GoldwynMayer picture, which will be shown at the Teatro del Lago this Saturday, ] une 15. . "The Pagan" : is a .so~nd synchronized film w1th smgmg sequences which introduce Novarro's rich tenor voice to the motion picture public. He gives several renditions o£"The Pagan Love Song," theme song of the production. \ \7illiam Haines. in the role of a prize fighter who goes to cc;>llege, is the attraction which will be at the Teatro this Sunday, June 16, in "The Duke Steps Out," a vivid comedy romance with dialogue, adapted from the Lucian Cary Saturday Evening · Post story. James Cruze, who directed Haines in "Excess Baggage" and "A Man's Man," directed the new play and the heroine is Joan Crawford, sensational hit of "Our Dancing Daughters." Unusual Film An unusual and entertaining picture -of society sPances and the craze for mysticism is pr:omised for the screen of the Teatro del Lago next Monday and Tuesday when the management of that playhouse will present "The Charlatan," a Universal production based on the famous Broadway stage success of that name. Holmes Herbert, Rockcliffe Fellowes, Margaret Livingston and Fred Mackaye are seen in the principal roles. George Melford diSaturflay, June tu "The Leatherrl'eck" ...... .. ....... Varsit.y "The Pagan" ............. . ..... . . . Teatt o "The Divine Lady" ........ . .... Norshore Sunday, June 16 "The Duke Steps Out" ............ Teatro "The Divine Ladr" ........ ·.: . . . ~orshore Monday, June lt . "'Vhere East Is East" ....... . ... Varstty "The Divine Lady" ...... . ..... . Norshore "The Charlatan" ............... . .. T eatro Tue!ilday, June 18 "Strong Boy" ......... Community House "The Charlatan" ... . .............. T eat ro "The Divine Lady" ........ . .... Norsh<?re "Where East Is East" ......... . . Vars1ty Wednesclay, June 19 "Nothing B_yt the Truth" .. . . . . ·~ · T eatro "T.he Divine Lady" ............. Norshore Thurstlny, June 20 "The Divine Lady" ..... . . . ..... Xorshore "Nothing But the Truth" ........ Teatro Fr iday, June 21 "Interference" ........ Community House "Nothing But the Truth" . ....... Teatro "The Divine Lady" ...... . ...... Norshore Norshore Presents Corinne Griffith as Lady Hamilton in Historical Film During Coming Week "The Divine Lady," with Corinne Griffith, H. B. Warner, Victor Varconi,and others will be shown at the Norshore for one week beginning this Saturday, June 15. The picture detail~ the historical romance of Lady Hamtlton and Lord Nelson. Corinne Griffith is first seen as the pretty and rather vulgar daughter of a woman cook. She and her mother come to work for one Charles Grenville, who, intrigued by Emma Cadogan's beauty, impressed by her adaptability and latent talent and flattered. by her adoration for himself, seduces, and then starts the task of making her into a lady. He has brought Emma a long way into the realm of the graces when, fearing that his uncle, Lord Hamilton, ' English ambassador at Naples may marry again, have an heir, and thus deprive him of the Hamilton fortune, he shrewdly install~ Emma in his uncle's establishment, believing she will keep the old fello~v amused-but never dreaming Hamilton will marry her. \Vhat happens thereafter will be revealed on the Norshore screen. Lou Kostoff and the Jazz Collegians will be on the Norshore stage next week in a show entitled "Land of Dreams." MATINEES SATURDAY, SUNDAY SATURDAY 8 SUNDAY Doon Open 1:30 Sbow Starts ~t l p. m., Continuous EVtningl During Wtti Doora Open 6:30 Show Startl 1 p. m. PROGR,\'f STARTING JUNE li; Saturday, June Iii (Singing and Sound) RA'l\fON NOVARRO and DOROTHY .JANIS Jn "THE PAGAN" "DPJivprfng thP Goods" Bust.-r Rro,·n Comedy Path.- RniPw and A.-sop's Fables In Sound Snnday, June 18 (Talking and Sound) WILLIAM HAINER and JOAN CRAWFORD ~"THE DUKE STEPS OUT" "Tht False Alarm Fir.- Company" Smith and Dale Talking Att Dally News and Klnogram . News :Monday and Toefilday, .June 11-IS (Talking ·and Sound) HOLMES HERBERT. and MARGARET LIVINGSTON . rected the picture under the supervision of Carl Laemmle, Jr. . · "Nothing But the Truth," starrm~ Richard Dix, will be the Teatro attraction for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, ] une 19, 20, and 21. The film is that favorite of farce successe? revamped for the screen and refurm_shed with newer and better comedy s1tuation~ aJ?d . an adequat~ trim~ing of 1~1ustc, smgmg and dancmg. Dt-x plays the part of the young man wh~ makes a wager that he can tell nothmg ~ut the truth for twenty-four consecutive hours. He wins the bet after going through a veritable circus of bizarre and amusin situations. ~~The CHARLATAll" Varsity Theater Showing "The Leatherneck" Today \Villiam Boyd, Alan Hale, and Robert Armstrong have the leading roles in "The Leatherneck," being presented this Friday and Saturday, June 14 and 15, at the Varsity theater in Evanston. The picture tells a story of loyalty and sacrifice in the marine corps in China. "The Leatherneck" is synchronized and there is some dialogue. It is quite well acted, staged, directed, and photographed. "Where East · Is East," with Lon Chaney, Lupe Velez, and Estelle Taylor, will be on the Varsity screen next Monday and Tuesday, June 17 and 18. Mr. Chaney is seen as a catcher of wild animals who supplies circuses and zoos. He is fearless and lonely-the only tender influence in his life being his daughter, Toyo (Lupe Velez). For Toyo's mother has abandoned her as a baby and Tiger Haynes (Chaney) has only bitter memories of his faithless, dangerous and beautiful Chinese wife. ".Jed's Vatatlon" Christie Comedy-AU Talkie Paramount News Wed., Thor. and Fri., .June 19-!0·!1 (All Talkie) RICHARD DIX "IIOTRIMG BUT THE TRUTH" ".Junior Lu.-k" Collegians All Talkie Movletone Rnlfw-All Talkie Klnogram Nf'ws Wfdnesday Paramount Nt>ws Thurs. and Fri. Saturcln.y, June 22 000% Talkie) ALL STAR STAGE CAST -NOW PLAYING AII·Talklng, Singing and Dancing Comfortably cool, always "Broadway Friday & Saturday June 14~15 Melody" with Charles ·K ing William Boyd in "STRANGE CARGO" "Fast Frflght"-Our Gang Comedy Pathe Rnlew Jn Sound "WHERt~ LOU KOSLOFF in "HI HATS" "The Ueathemeck" with Alan Hale Monday & Tuesday June 17-18 Saturday and all Next Week Sunday, June 2S t~AST IS EAST" Lon Chaney-In Sound Konday and Tuesday, June 24·2' "THE DANGJ:ROUS WOliAN" Baeln.no,·a-Talkle and Sound Wed., Thor. and Fri., June 21·'27·28 "THE LEATHERNECK" William Boycl-AII Talkie Saturday, .June ! .9 "SCANDAL" Laura LaPlante-All Talkie -CO:'\IING SOON66Come A(>ross"-Jt'an llershoJt and Cllarlle Chast>; "Tht :\laln I Lo,·e"Jiary· Brian and Richard Arlen; 668plte Marrlagt>"~Duster Keaton: Speelal llntlnt>e July 3 and 4th"Coq af'tte" ll a r y Plckforcl; 66 Broadl\ay llelocty"; "The Be· trayal"- Emil Jannlngs; "The Idle Bfth"-Conrad :Sagt>l; "The Letttr"-Jt>ann.- Eagc>ls; "Hfarts In Dl11e"-t~ox lfOl'letone Spetlal; "His Larky Day" Rt'glnald Denny; "Gf'ntltmen of the Press" -Walter Haston; "The Bridge of 8a· Lals Rey"-Don Ahorado; "The Stadlo Muder Mystery"R·tla Eldridge and Chester Conklin. Corinne Griffith with H. B. Warner, Victor Varconi in COLLEEN TO SING Colleen Moore will sing again in "Footlights and Fools," her next First National- Vita phone picture. At Bryan and George W. Meyer are writing five songs for the picture, and Miss ·M oore will sing several of them. Lon Chaney in "Where East is East" with Lupe Velez and · Estelle Taylor "Divine Lady" LOU KOSLOFF and the Jazz Coll~giana in "Land of Dream.a· COMMUNITY HOUSE Tnt's. June 18 l'rltlay June .21 William Powell Evelyn Brent Clive Brook Doris Kenyon In Vietor }f('Lagltn Leatrice Joy In Wednesday & Thursday June 19-20 "The Man I Love" Richard Arl~-Mary Brian "STRONG BOY" "Interference"