2 'WILMETTE LIFE June 14, 1929 CHILDREN'S WEEK J_ UNE ·14--21 Featuring Cinderella Dresses As the vvarm days are arriving, these dainty dresses 'viii be ·just the thing for your children. We offer them in all sizes- three to six and eight to fourteen. LOT ONE -- FJxtra special - this assortfnent c911sists of Prints, Dimities, and LaV\'!fts- sizes three to six. Priced. for the occasion- $1.00. LOT TWO- this assortment con· sists of all sizes- three to six and eight to fourteen- at $1.59 and $1.95. 4 ~ . Children's ·sun Suits w~ich allow the healthy sun rays to reach the rnaxin1un1 skin surfacein ·wool and cotton. Children's \Veek- $0.50 - $1.00-$1.50. Boys' Tub Suits- excellent for use as play suits. Children's \Veek - $1.25. C h i I d r en ' s Novelty S\\'eaters - ideal protection for the little tots against the cool breezes. Children's Week- small sizes $1.00 and larger sizes $1.25. Kiddies' Rayon Bloomers in pink, trimmed in blue, a II s i z e s. Children's Week- $1.00 .. Mothers-don't miss this seasonal sale! W orthen~Carrico Coc. 1148 Wilmette Avenue· Telephone Wilmette 5.88 '