26 WILMETTE LIFE June 21, 1929 Pocatello, Idaho; MacLean Brown Spring Valley, Ill. Baseball-A! \Veil, John Bornhoeft, AI Izard, Francis Waniata, Joe Schwartz, HmYard Prange,. John Jacobs, J o~ Kadison, Chicago; Les Heideman, Kewanee, Ill.; Bill , Carey, \Vinnetka; Jack Dempsey, Sas katche,,·an, Canada; Don Schuett and Larry Oilphant, Evanston; 1\el Vandenberg, Chicago Heights: George Panosh, Manit'cm·ac, \Vis., George Rojan, ,Muskegon, .M ich.; l\{alcom Fyfe, Valparaiso, Ind.; Gerald ~fcAkece. Dubuque. Iowa. Golf-Doug i\lcKay, Konsant Savikus. Chicago; John Whitaker, Glencoe; Oliver Rogers, Dixon, Ill.; Bill Miller, EYan ·ton. Tcnnis- F.d\\'in Martin, Piqu~. Ohio; AI Perrin, Saginaw, Mich.; Art Rooney, Evanston: l{us Bergherm, Billings, Mont.: Bert Riel, \\'atseka, Ill. Fencing-Henry Zettlcman and lning Rubin, Chicago . Freshmen winning numeral awards on the spring teams were: Baseball-Sidney Tregor, Frank Fros . . Arthur Flank and Rohert Bcaugureau. Chicago; \Villiam Mellin, Victor Deinlein and Fred Barnhart, E\·anston: Ralph Kimmerle, Berwy11, Ill.: Alfred }.f?,nteuffel, Varna, Ill.; Robert 1\orcl and Harold Schlueter, \\'i lm ette, John \'ierow, Oak Park, Ill.; ~Iichael \\'ren, St. ~fary' s oi tl1e \ \ ' oods ] nd.; John Garclis, Michigan Cit,·. Ind. . 'i'rack-Theodore\' an Dellcn. Robert Sorg, Harry Pritchard, Donald ~1audelhaum. Aaron Dolnich. Henn· i\fitchell and Edmund Lockhart, Chi·cago: Karl Dixon. Robert Bouvea and \\' illiam Ste\\·art, E,·.anston: Raymond Sulli,·an and Gordon Cuh·er, \\'ilmette: ~I aynard Hart. Onida, S. D .. James Pa~:ne. ~faywood. 1ll.. Frank Sorg, Ilighland Park. Kenneth \\'di s. Akron, Ohio; Eldon \\' underlie. Po:·t Huron. ~lich.: Dallas · ~~ an·il. La mel. Del.: Paul Englehritzcn. Charit on. ]()\\·a: Robert Ilail, Centralia, Ill.: Ted Rurge~s. Kenilworth, \\' illiam Carpen ttr Ea st Lynn, Ill.: Bob Lockhart. Logansport. Ind.; Paul Hamilton, Oak Park . Ill.: Julian Green, Kansas City, Kans.: John i\IcLtL key, Parkersburg. \\'. \'a. , Goli- R;nmond Frederick and 0. ". Schmidt, Chicago; C. D. Scouller, Pontiac Ill.: H. S. Challis, Se,,·ickley, Pa.: \\'illiam Lorimer, Cr\'stal Lakt·, Ill.: James \\'hitakcr , Glc~1coc: Sam Arnold. KirksYillc , .\l o. ; Fred Damaske, \\'innetka. 'T ennis- Bruce Bra\·ton, Detroit, ~I ich: \\'illi am Fuller,- Fargo, :'\. D.: Joe EYans, \\'ats cka, Ill.; Robert Hails. Centralia, 111. GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS X ext week's guide-lecture · tour . at Field ~~ useum of 1\atural Histon will begin ~1onday morning, June 2-J- \\·ith "Ba. kctrv" at 11 o'clock and "Earlv I·talian t\'rt" at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. On vVcdnesdav at the ame hours · subjects will l~e "Fishes and Reptiles" and "1\ath·e Philippine Industries,·" and on Friday, "Interesting Geological Formations" and "Camcs and Tovs." On Tuesdav and Thursday geJ{eral tour s of th~e departmems oi anthropology, botany, geology ar_ 1d zoology will be given. These tours of mu seum exhibits conclucted · ln· staff lecturers are free. - CJJeautiful N. U ..Athletes Win 39 Varsity Letters, 65 Frosh Numerals Thirty - nine varsity letters ancl 65 :'res l~man numerals were awarded w athletes competing in spor<ts at North,,-e. tern university this spring. A\vards for the entire year totaled 88 varsity letters and 155 Freshman numerals. Out of 88 ati1letes winning letters, 6-J of them \\·ere from 111lllOJS ~nd 47 of this 6-J v;ere from · Cook county. Out of the 155 freshmen \\'ho obtained numeral a\Yards, 107 of them were from illinois. These figures indicate that eventyfive percent of the athletes competing on North,,·es tern's teams hail from IJJ .. inois. Nine of the awards \\'ere \\·on lw students from the north shore village-s -Wilmette, Kenilworth, \\'inn etka, and Glencoe. \Vinners of varsity letters on the spri ng sport teams were: Track-John Gorby and Bert Fo.(, Evanston; Henrv Anderson and Eel McAuliffe, Chicago; Rut \\alter and Tom \\'arn e, Kokomo, Ind.; Scott Ingle, Hoopston, III.; Ralph \V olfe. Wedding &ifts There are hundreds of beautiful and useful Wedding Gifts to select from .... at Tatman's You may always rest assured that your selection . . . whatever it may be . . . will be wrapped and presented in a truly wedding gift manner. · TATMAN uThe House of Gifts" · 517 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON 625 N. MICHIGAN AVE. CHICAGO wrhen eye8 Does exposure to sun, wind and dust make your eyes bloodshot and cause a burning sensation? Then you should use Murine! A few drops of this harmless lotion speedily ends the burning feeling and soon clears up the bloodshot condition. Always apply Murine after motoring or outdoor sports to soothe and beautify your eyes. And also after sewing, reading or office work to relieve eye strain. Write the Murine Co., 9 E. Ohio St.. Chicago, for free books on eye beauty and eye care. burn lJRINL f.OR youR EYES for Appointment C"ll Uni". 866