24 WILMETTE LIFE July 12, 1929 Store Hours 9 to 6. including Saturday Tip-top A luxurious foundation garment to wear under summer frocks; boneless, slim and supple or line, and utterly practical! The Tip- Top is unique. A handful of silk -skillfully cut, . and sewed together again with a perfect knowledge of what fabric and line can ~ made to do. There are ~ bones- there is r:o weighty reinforceme.nt. The material itself does the re straining, which is nothing more than a smoothing out of your natural lines. Tailored tennis frocks without sle ~s sunbacks or highbacks-with pte ~ed and self-fabric pieces applied in 1 rrr stgns. ~ Two of the models are illustrated I( re y'ou choose from the following at t "' color-array: Eggshell Oress : Writing Paper that ·Really Expresses You--An important matter for the fastidious ! We have here a great many kinds to choose from, but we should like par ticularly to tell you about a few kinds that you might find just right: It is as perfectly comfortable as though you wore no corselette at all. But its firmness over diaphragm and hips , and the uplift line of the brassiere , make you feel even more relaxed than if you wcren ' t wearing one. The Tip -Top may be had of swami cloth, at $5. Of swami, with lace edging at the top, and a frill, or sort of skirtlctte, . of crepe de chine, at $7.50. Or of finest Milanese silk, at $12 .50. And here, below, we present this remarkabl"' garment: Jacket of Pencil Blue, Lime Green, Orchid, r. . e' Green, Orange Pink Oress: ]acket of Delicate Or ti~ White Oress: The jackets are straight, simple li :e you can wear with other frocks '·f colors, 'thus making possible a wi E of costumes· on a little foundation ':x ture of $I 7. 5o! Lord's- Second Floor Priscilla Check is a thin. crisp. foreignlooking paper: the square shape with an envelope lined vividly in plain blue : the long shape lined in smoke gray. 50 sheets, 50 envelopes, $2.2 5 a box. Lovely for mono grammtng. Jacket of Orange, Blac , White I is a paper suitable for a business-like J)erson who likes her stationery to have a certain distinguished ruggedness. Specially priced, as it happens, at $1-a deep, double -sized box containing 60 creamy, parchment-like sheets and 50 envelopes. Library Bond Colonial Kid Correspondence C.ards are a convenience: 24 white gilt-edged ones for SOc. Tinted ones, without the gilt edges, also SOc. Lord's-First Floor Jusr lnsidl' rhe Wesr Da(.)/s Street Door Lord's Thrift ~ ------designed for peo le service of their , ~iJ ~ A fairly -sheer service weight: suitable r t woman, and the woman who's on a Ion! ~a Icy Hot Bottles to take on a camping trip They keep liquids hot for 24 hours-and cold for 72. The pint size is $1; the quart, $2. Lisle to'ps-narrow ones, but so firm and ~ 1 quality that there's not much chance of~ rt Lisle feet and heels, strongly reinforced. ·· And a well-shaped, even-textured silk ea always looks well. gallon Jugs, $1.50 - A capacious insulated crock for carrying lunches or liquids. Red or green finish. Lord's --Drugs-First Floor Lord's-Second Floor And Smart Colors, Yo Lido Sand Light Blonde Suntan Atmosphere Mystery Gunmetal White Sunburn , .4 Lord's-First Floor