July 12, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 33 NORTH SHORE NEW AUTO SPEED LIMIT I A Motor Theater NOW 45 MILES PER HOUR L-----------------------------~ Illinois' Prima Facie Code· Permits Fast Traveling On Open Country Roads Illinois' ne\\' prima facie speed limit for passenger car on open country roads is forty - fiv!"! mile per hour. according to the touring bureau of the Chicago :Motor Club, which conducted an investigation \\'ith a vie\\' to clcarin):(\Ip conflicting report s. On'e rep o rt , which receincl \\·ide publicity, erroneously stated that th e limit \\·as fort\· miles. ~ The motor club touring bureau lllad e inquirie s of Secretary oi State \\' il liam J. Stratton and State Senator Hei1n· M. Dunlap, author of the bill. Both agreed that Gon~rnor Louis L. Emmerson apprm·ecl the iorty-fin mile speed. Senator Dunlap rleclared that the ialse reports probably aro~e from the fact that when he introduced the bill it provided for in increase o.f only five mile s per hour o,·er the ole! limit of thirty-five. "When the bill reached th e sL"nate committee on road and higlm·ay tran sportation, I caused it to he amended to permit forty-five miles. ho\\'e,·e r." explained the senator. ·· snmc confusion was also caused, I b elieve. h\· another bill which. at the time it ,\·as · introduc ed, provided for forty-five miles hut was later amended to fort\· miles. Tbat bill eventuallv \\'as killed . "There are sev~ral pro\'isions in th e law. as it now stand s. \\·hich sho uld he known to motor ists . The fortyfive mite limit is a prima iacic timh. i. e., motorist s may go ia:-.tcr \\·hen 1t is possible to do so with saict\·. but in the event theY are arrc<~tcd th e burden of proof "·ill .he up on then to con\'ince the cmtrt that the-'· \\·ere not endangering life nor pro!)erty by such a spee d. "The la\\' abo pro,·icles that no car mav he driven at a speed greater than is compatible \\'ith safety: therefore. :t is eas\' to concci,·c that it \\'Ottld be unlawful to clriH' a . fast as fortY-fi H mi~ upon a · crrnnled higll\\·ay . . "'I.· The motor club t o uring hun·au mack , the inquiries aitcr hundred s (li ~lcr plexed motorists hacl inquired \\'hat th' ia\\' actually was . Chiei Collin s of the co unt,,· high\\·~y police said that he had not ~-et re ceived formal notificati o n of the change in t :1e la,,· hut added that his staff \\·as not arresting motori :-b tra\'eling fortyfive mile s ner hour \\·hen there \\'a s no danger im:oh·ed. that would make many a static playhouse envious. With ~ uch equipment Th~ Detroit Players, under the direction of Adams T. Rice, are able to penetrate into sections that seldom enjoy theatrical performances. The result is a crowded house at almost every perfqrmance. Marmon, Roosevelt Score Heavily in June Shipments· The Marmon Motor Car Company, announces that June shipments of Marmon and Roosevelt automobiles were 104.5 percent ahead o( shipments in June of last y~ar. ~Iichiga n has th e first completr torized theatre to take the road. 1S venture is known as "The Detroit Players," and it carri.es on twenty-one Fede~l truck chassis a complete tent show, with all the para1)hernalia of an up-to-date modern theatre. The "theatre" it self is a big tent seating 850 people. with an electrical equipment CANADA PRODUCTION DROPS There are 4,341,000 people employed May production of automobiles in in the automobile industry in the Cnitecl States. according to the Chi- Canada dropped to 31,559 cars, or 25 percent below the record production cago Motor Club. of 41,901 cars in the preceding month s than the 33,942 cars There were· 36,000 miles of highway and 7 percent les_ reported for May of a year ago. surfaced in 1928. NASH'LIOO" Deli"ered, Pully Equipped Pr'ke· orza ~'400" Jtlodeb, 16 400" d.dtJanced Six 4-Dotw Sedan $930 to $2245 TourlniJ, Road· ster, (Joupe, Cabriolet, Vi~toria and Sedan Modell ln~ludin~r $1599 DELIVERED Fully Equipped, Notlai'1&6 Mor~ to Buu 'PRICED w GIVE YOU GREATEST VALUE of a pedal. And alloy steel springs individually designed for its size and weight, correlated with Houdaille, double-action, outboard-mounted, hydraulic shock absorbers. And the "world's easiest steering"! These are only a few of the features of this Nash "400", but they give you an idea of its greater value and the ex· traordinarily fine performance you . may expect from it. The delivered, }1.11/y equipped price on this, and on a/1"400" models is lower, for the simple reason that all this equipment-Bijur Centralized Chassis Lubrication, Houdaille hydraulic shock absorbers, bumpers, spare tire lock, and tire cover---.ls installed at the factory and included in the factory price. Some dealers charge as much as $50 to $60 extra for bumpers alone. Nash "400" Sedan, and you'll see immediately it is a car you certainly should consider, when you get ready to buy. For here, at a delivered, fully equipped price much lower than you would expect to pay for a car of its size and character, h an Advanced Six "400" Sedan with the Twin Ignition, high compression, valve-in-head, 7-bearing motor-with the beauty and style that have made the "400" a heavy {avorite among all the year's ·new cars-and with a host of other costly-car features never available before in this price field. Such features, for instance, as Bijur Centralized Chassis Lubrication which oils 2 9 chassis points at the pressure C ONSIDER the delivered, fully equipped price of this charming OPEN CARS POPULAR HERE The open model of automobile :s coming- hack into fa\·or in .-\rgentirn, Assistant Commercial Attache James G. Burke, Buenos Aires a<h·ised the Department of Commerce. The op~n car has a greater secoitd-hancl Yalue than the closed one. Taxi owner. pre ·· fer the open model because the climate is such that it can be used to better advantage during nine months of the year. ------·--- INDIANA DETOURS Except for the following, no changes took place among the detours of the federal highways of Indiana a.s reported last week: US-24 - A 3-mile detour has been added 3 miles east of Largo. US-150-There is a 6-mile detour \\·est of Prospect, which goes via \\'est Baden. This detour ts narrow. SUBURBAN NASH Phone Winnetka 2707 547 Lincoln Ave. CO~ Winnetka <7-te--lft' ~