Augus.t 2, 1929 · WILMETTE V.SITS WITH PARENTS LIFE 23 Coeds Again Surpass Men in Scholarship Prowess Northwestern university coeds demonstrated again in the second semester of the scholastic year which ei1ded in June that they have better heads on their shoulders than the men; and members of fraternities and sororities once more ·proved that they were bet ter students than the non-Greeks. Scholastic averages for the -second semester released · yesterday by Miss Katharine George, registrar of the college of lib eral arts, show that the coeds made an average of 1.297 again-st 1.0280 for the men. Both men and \\·omen increased their averages over those recorded for the first semester. Fraternity men and women ·made an average of 1.2552, while that of the no n-fraternity students was 1.1157. The scholastic average for all the students in the college was higher than that for the first semester and for the second semester of la st year. Seniors made h e tter scholarship records than did any of the other classes, while the freshman class made the lowe st. ~fr . and Mrs. N. 'I'. Carrington, 229 \\'oodhinc avenue, returned home from the South wednesdaY of last '"·ee k. The\· had been on a Tenne ssee riv er boat trip, and to Chatanooga and Lookout Mountain. Mrs. Percy Andrews, from Bronxas Oii-0-Matic Dealer ville. N. Y., formerly of Wilmette, is K 1 Ut'l' · · 1616 t tt1es corporatton, . spending the summer with her par. ausa ents, M r, and Mrs. M. J. P. Barrett,, Chtcago avenue, Evanston, has obtamed · f h' f d' 'b . at 533 Forest avenue. t h e exc Iustve ranc tse or tstn utlon 'll' . M · H . 0 11 o f t he W -0 attc eatmg . t , tams Miss .Alic e Walton, daughter of Mr. corporatiOns products for the north and Mrs. R. A. Walton, of 1607 Forest shore territory, including Evanston, avenue. is in the E~st, where she at- Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and tended the Alpha Gamma Delta con- Hubbard Woods. vention at Syracuse, N. Y. After atIts new showrooms in Evanston have tending the convention, she went to just been opened. As an inducement Glenside, P e nn., where she is now visit- for the pub lic to visit their showrooms ing Mrs. Elva Ramsev. Miss \Valton they are making special discounts on is a Northwestern ur;iversity student. oil burners and r..efrigerators until August 20. -0Mr. and :\Irs. M. H. \Vest, 916 GreenThe personnel of the company is leaf avenue, retur-ned Saturday from made up of experienced Oil-0-MatiMassachusetts. where Mrs. West was cians who have been trained in the facca lled by the illne ss of her mother, who tory branch and received their experii)) now convalescing. Mrs. West had ence in the Chicago territory. The been gone for ?.bout two and one-half service department is starting a new weeks, and was joined later by Mr. policy by maintaining a day and night West, who returned with her. service. Has Exclusive Rights I· GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS .Next week's ~uide lecture. tours at Fteld Museum of Natural History wtll b egm . M on d ay, A ugust · 5, w1t · h "PIants f E · V 1 " 11 · t~ k d o conomtc a ue at o c~c an "Th A f' B S d e rt o orneo, . umatra an Java, at 3 o ,c1oc k . W e d nes day a t t h e . . " . · same. hours s~,b)ects ,~tll b~ Ftsh .of Many Waters and Egyptian ·Bunal Customs"; arid on Friday "Clays and Clav Products" and "Animals an~ Plants of South America." There v. ·i be get1eral tours of the department anthropology, botany, geology auu zook~ Tuesday and Thursday. These tours of museum exhibits conducted by staff lecturers are free . Parties assemble inside the north entrance. Mr. and Mrs. ]. C. Baker, of 347 Maple avenue, had as their guest for a week their niece, Miss Genevieve Sproul, of Rockford, Ill. Miss Sproul left on Friday to return home. -·· II ~f r. and Mrs. Charles Feltman, -o- BIG SAVING and Full Clothes Satisfaction 800 Sht·ridan road, have . a il ed from Ne\\. York for a trip abroad. They will be ~one until th e fir st of September. Hop a ship, car, train, or plane with ROYAL'S PUT·OVEB SALE at .... s the Z3 Made &pressl' for YOU Cbaaffea~'· For SUIT or OVERCOAT AVIATRIX By Wheary Li,ht. Euy tO pack and carry. Remarkable capacity. New packing feature eliminate· wrinklin1 or dreaaea. Variety or siaea,atylea,oolor oombinationa. Priced from 77ae Worlcl'. Greated ... UNIFOBBS JltlileiOIIeavr· Clollaa Verla· W:ao·33 $10.00 up STAMDARD LUGGAGE CO. 612 u 4 2 Years in the Buainesa, Davis St., Evanston Grlf. 1641 Orrington Avenue O~en Tuuda,, TbuTsda, cmd SatuTda, Evenina· 822