August 9, 1929 initial performance. "La Campana Sommersa," known in English as "The Sunken Bell" received its world premiere onlv last November in New York when M~1e. Rethberg and Mr. Martinelli created the parts of Rautendelein and Heinrich. The opera formed an important part of the spring season at Rome, with Mme. Rethherg and Mr. Martinelli again in the part s they had created. These artists were again heard in these roles when "La Campana Sommersa" '"as given its first Ra,·inia perfo rmance recently,· and th ey will again si ng them on Tuesday night. Augu.;' 13. Others importantly cast are Mr. Basiola, Mme. Clausse n, ~f me. Monti-Gorsey, Miss Maxwell. Mi ss Swarthout, Miss Falco, Mr. Laz zari, Mr. Paltrinieri. Mr. D'Angelo and Mr. Olivicro. :Mr. Papi will conduct. I WILMETTE Belasco's colorful drama of ·· the same ·am_ e. ""ill he given at Ravinia Saturl~y nig~1t, August ~7. Mme. Re~hberg ·.vtll agam he heard 111 the dramahc part of Cho-c ho San, the "Butterfly" of thi s appealing · story, hut this time Edward Johnson '~ill smg the ro_le of Pinkerto~1, the Amencan naval officer. Others 111 the cast are Mme. Bourskaya, Mr. Basiola~ Mr. Paltrinieri, Mr. Ananian, Mr. D.Angelo, Mr. Cehanovsk,· and ~1 iss Falco. Mr. Papi will cond.ttct. . LIFE' TRAVELING ABROAD 13 I Kreisler: ¥'Poeme" hy Fihich and "Songs of Home" hy Sm~tana. Sunday night, August 18, "Lucia" will be the operatic offering at Ravinia. Florence Macbeth will have the title role and Mario Chamlee will sing the part of Edgar. Others in the cast are ~fr. Danise. Mr. Lazzari, Mr. Oliviero and Miss Falco Mr Papi will conduct. · · . 1 -· An Afternoon of Bohemian Mu sic and Bohemian Composers, dedicated to tl:e Bohemian . Arts Club of Chicago, 'n 11 be t h e n at 10 n a I concert of S u n rl a v af_tcrnoon, August 18. The pr gra1i1 wtll be played by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of E.ri~ _De La_marter. ] acques Gordon, noltm st wtll be the soloist. The or"Fedora" Wednesday chestral number s will incluclc \· Yorks "J.'cdora" the Giordano opera which hy DYorak and Smetana. Mr . Cor\\·ill be the Ravinia offering o n \Ved - don wilt play "Slavic DatH:e hy o,·oraknc. day nig-ht, August 14, has long b ee n a fa,·orite of the RaYinia repertoire hy rea so n of the splendor of its score <tnd the dramatic intensity of its action. 1fme. Y\·onne Gall is to han: the tttl~ role. which she has nen-r s ung before in her career. but fnr which she is eminenth· ftttl'd 1)\· rcasnn of her superb tr ;~ining a s ·an a ct r ess an<l the beaut,· nf her ,·oin·. Fdward lohn ~nn. ·,\'ho '"ill he Count Loris: has IH' H ·r been h ear d in this p;trt at Ha ,·i nia although he ha s he e n t rcmendoush· ,-; urcc ssf ul in it elsl·whcre. Othe~s in the c~rst are ~~ r. Hnthier. Ur. Ha sio la. ~!is s Falco. ~fi -s :Vfax,,·ell. \1i ss s,,·arthnut. \fr . D' :\ngeln. ~1 r. Paltrittieri. \f r. Cchatw\'sln· an d Mr. Oli\'icro. ~fr. Papi will co.nduct. An unu sual program has been pre '>arcd ior tlw children's concert and entertainment which will h e gi\'en Thursday aiternOl)ll. Augu st IS. The Chipgo Snnphony orchestra '"ill he under the dircctil)n nf ~~ r. De Lamartcr. who will explain the musical numbers to the children. while the entertainment which \\·ill fnllnw the cotJCcrt. ,,·ill he prese nted by Miss Ruth Pag-e, ~fr. f\dwin Strawbridge and the Ravinia Opera Ballet. The dance <1ivertissements to he offered hv these artists arc sure to intrigue the . intere st of children and gTO\\·n-ups alike. Children t\\·e lve Years of age and under are admitted f rre to t hcse concerts. Seats are f rec for e"cryone. Preserving time is here and uLa Traviata" Thursday now is the time to stock "La Traviata" which \Yilt he the up on this necessary operatic offering on Thursday night. Aug·ust lS. is one of the most melodious art.icle. Per. operas of the Italian list , and there is dozen quart Jars no artist in the world who is more popular as the exponent of its title role than ~·lme. Lucrczia Bori. The legion of admirers of this artist will rejoice to know that she is to be heard in this role on Augu~t 15, this heing the first time she has sung it this season. Mario Chamlee will appear opposite her as Alfred and Giuseppe Danise will he the father. Others in the cast are Miss Falco. Mr. D'Angelo, Mr. Paltrinieri, Mr. Cehanovsk\', Mr. 2 qt. all metal Ananian and Miss Correnti. - Miss freezer. . Cast. Page and Mr. Strawbridge will head the ballet and Mr. Papi will conduct. 1 ron dasher "Uarouf" that modern novelty of the with automatic French school which took ·Ravinia wood scrapers. patrons by storm last season, will he ginn its fifth performance of the current summer on Friday night Auo-ust 16. This demonstrates .the p~pul~ity which this opera enjoys in the rec..-ard of the public. Mr. Chamlee will a~ain ha,·c the title role and Mme. Gall will sing the part of the Princess. Others in the cast are Mme. Claussen, Mr. Rothier, Mr. Trevisan, Mr. Cehanovsky, Mr. Defrere, Mr. D'Angelo. Mr. Paltrinieri, Mr. Ananian and. Mr. Oliviero. Miss · Page and Mr. Strawbridge will head the ballet and Mr. Hasselmans will conduct. 'f R . II , . C k 331 1 00 e.~" · aiH1 1' r s. . u_ss~ Cumnor road J,cmh,orth have gone · · h · ' R · J h . to vtstt t etr son, usse 11 , r., w o IS at Duke Child's camp, in Canada. They ex p e c t to be t here about one week ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ and . then thev will motor in Canada 1 for another '~eek. o \ Wilmett~ The Kenilv..-orth Garden club met $1 Saturda,· at the home of Mr s. Alfred M c D ouga. - 1 H er sts · t cr. 'f .v rs. El' '. tza- 1 beth Jack gaye the lecture on "State J Parks of Illinoi s." v r. 1 ~ ·r Word has been recived from Mrs. Claude Burnham of Kenilworth, that she and· her three sons, who are traveling · · abroad, spent July 13 m London wtth _Mr .. and Mrs. H. A. Brassert, also of Kemlworth. Mrs. Burnham also met Mrs. John Vennema and her daughter, Marcelle, and Miss Charlotte EckJlart. Mrs. Vennema was · forraerly a res1dent of Kenilworth . Philip and James Burnham plan to sail for home about Aud 1 gust 23. while. Mrs. Burnham a!l . David will remain in Europe a whtle longer. 1 is to have a oo,ooo Thrift Club. Laced Parchment Effect Wolff-Griffis Real LAMP SHADES DOLLAR DAYS Bargain~ Assorted colors and sizes bridge-tablefloor lamps .... . .... . August 12-13 MASON JARS $}.00 for Colored Garbage Cans Foot Pedal Lifts Cover. 10 qt. galva:tized container. San i.t a r y $}.00 ~:~essary . . $1.00 'lcemont' J FOLDING STEP STOOLS In co/o,·s Red-Green-Yellow- Blue. Exceptional value $1.00 $1.00 Woiii·Grillis Hardware Phone Wilmette 183 1119 Central Avenue "Madame Butterfly" Saturday "Madame Butterfly," Puccini's immortal opera which is based on David