. August 9, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE PLAN TO SAIL ON BREMEN ts· is not for these servict!S he is remembered, but for carrying the wickedest tongue that e,·er hung in the head of an American congressman, or at any rate, in the head of one who had both th e courage and the wit to usc it." The following thought stimulant s in - Gerald \Y . Johnson in "Randolph of the form of sample sentences froin Hoanoke." , books to be found at the \Vilmcttr. Public library have been prepared by Nine Plays Among Books 1vfiss Ann L. \\ hitmack, librarian: "Men think the life of reason cold Added by Local Library llo\\. little do they know what it is Among the new books received reto he responsive to every call, solicited b\· cn.'n' impulse, yet still. like t h ~ centlv at the \ \ 'i lmcttc Public library magnet. Yihrate eYer to the north, are the f )lh)\ring pla\'S: Brnwnc-EYen·\rOtl1an. ne\·er so tense, never so aware of the Dane- Bill of .Divorcement. stress and strain of force as ·when most Howard- X cd ~fcCl hb' . Daughter. irn.·moYahh· fixed upon that goal. The IJou . man- Prunella . intcnsit\· of life is not to be mcasur~d Kichols- \\'ings Q,·er Europe In· the degree of oscillation." Rice- Street Scene. - G. LcnYes Dickinso n in "A ).f ndcrn Skm·-Anns and the 1\'fan. Sunposium." Shaw-}.f an of Dcstinv. *** Sheriff-] mtrne~·'s End-. "Sabine interrupted her thoughts b\· saying, 'lt is ridiculous for. me in m\· Dr. and ~Ir~. Jay ::--.J. Carner, 804 1Josition to giYe you advice. Besides, Prospect aYcnue. \\ innetka, who arc even if matters \\'ere different I'm not sure that I'd do it. Ach·ice means in Europe for a ten months' sojourn nothing and people seldom take it be- have taken a hou~c in Englanu 'vhere cause theY nc\·e r tell the whole truth. their three chi ldren will live \\'hile tl ·f" There is always something which thcv Garners tour Europe. The Garners keep concea led. and because it is cot~ are motoring througl' ~:~vera! counccaled it is the most impnrtant elemen t tries and studying in a number of of all and inHuenres them far more places. ~frs . .Garner although n0t in than am·thing an outsi der can say." practice is also a graduate dxt or of medicine. They e~pcct to return to - Louis Bromfield in "Possession." · the state s about the ftiteenth of May. ] ohn Rando lph has come down in lli!'-torv with one of the most terrible reputation.; e,·er attached to an AmeriCll l politician who nenr was convicted of murder. or treason or theft. He \\'as in public life for a third of a cen tury. He sened as a member of the !louse of Representatives and was Jefferson's floor-leader there; he served as scnatl)r from Virginia: he served as American ambas ador to Russia; lw sen·ed in the constitutional conn .' JJtinn of \ 'ir.{.!'i nia. and on mam· commissions and . pcrial 111issions. But it "~o Librarian Recounts Stimulating Shorts From Current Books Mt:s. C. R. Erwin. 615 Warwick road, Kenilworth. has announced that she. John Evert and his wife, who were and Mrs. Seaburv of Oak Park have a~r~~tcd ~ccently when federal pro- taken passage on- the new ocean liner, ht~ttton agent;; and members of the I the Bremen, which has just set a record \Vtlmette poltce department · found for speed, for their trip across the Jiq~or and l>re\Ying equipment at th eir I ocean. They plan to visit Southern restdence on Glcnvic\\' road near Hih- ~ Cermam· and France besides spendbard road, have .been bound over t o ing most of their time in Scotland and the grand jun·. Both Evert and his I tah·. 1\f rs. Erwin also said that she ·wi fc are out un $2,000 bonds. The,· I and her · companion would sail home appeared before lnited States Coni- from Italy, varying the usual pro· missioner Edwin K. \\ alker last Thurs- redure. da\· morning, after their ca .~e had heen ' continued from th e previous TuesdaY. ~~ r. and ~frs. 1olin ~[. Roberts, 328 IIrnn· Zcutschcl, 2015 Lake avenue. \\'anrick road. KenihYorth, are motorarrested at the same time as the Everts ing through \Vi scons in with Mr: and on similar charges. is out on $1,000 Robert's brother and his wife. They bonds. His case h as been held. over. stoppe_d to visit their two daughters who are at camp. -o).Jrs. Car l Keith. 310 \\'anYi ck road . ~ \'1 iss Dorothy A llen, 78 Robsart Kcnihrorth. has gone to Lake Genev~ for a few· \Yccks to visit her daughter road. Kenilworth. has bee n attending Corne lia. ' a house party in Traverse City, Mich. Everts Held Over to Grand Ch J ury on P roh I·b·t· I IOn. arge ~'ANNUAL AUGUST SALE OF FURS An unusual showing this, for it represents a superb collection of advance 1930 Models at most extraordinary savings. Every Coat is fi.nel y made, beautifully t r i m m e d. Choicest Pelts. Football Muffs in any Fur. *** -0- and ).lr~. Ballard High\' and ~I:·. a ml }.f rs. \\'illiam \\.hite oi Fuller Lane. \\.innetka ha\'c gone to Cape Cod to spend the twxt three \\'eeks. ~Ir.:;. lli.l.!'ll\· and ).fr=-. \\'hite \Yere the ).fisses ~fctzcl nt Kcnil\\'orth before their marriages . ).{r. -(·· ~~ r. and ).1 r~. L. ).f. Allen, 258 · ).!el- rose a\·enue. l:( en ihrnrth. have gone to \'t·,,· York to meet their llaughter and her 1ltlshand. ~fr. and ~frs. D. Slat er \\·ho art' ro.:tttming ir\HH Europe. Jap -Mink Broadtail Mink Leopard Ermine '1. Hudson Seal Krimmer Jap · Weasel Fitch Caracul I I Russian Squirrel DOLLAR DAY MJke every day dollJr day Raccoon Russian Caracul Muskrat Persian Lamb ... I ,, ,I I Cc·m~ A dollar a d.1y will pa y for a choice homesite In L.1kewood Manor. Wilm ette lHit. look them ov~r. s~c J..ogwood Seal quc~tinn~ . Know scJmcthin~ dc~tincd of \\'ilmcttc ic; the hom~~ no w on tlw prnp : rt\'. t\c;h of the unmt1.1l futur.- thi<i. nn\·c r portion to c;ce. ADVANCE STYLES NOW ON EXHIBIT A small deposit will be accepted STUDY OUR LOCATION I'hc property fronts on I ake avenue . the o nl y thr o ugh street in \\'jJ . mcttc running from Shcrid.1n Ro.1d to the west . l..1k~wood MJnor is con · venient to both the Chicago t5 0-Jorthwcstcrn R.1ilw,n· and the Skokie Valley f:lectric. the anticipa ted development of which will surpass .1nv simil.:lr transport.1tion S)";tem in the co untr y. The new Skokie V.1llcy Boulev.ud ( now und er constru cti on) will cross L1kc A:vc n uc convcni entlr ncar tL1 the property . \\'c are ne.u enough but not too nc.H to the ,\irporto; and flying fi~?lds now ;lttrLl(ting nJtion wide atte ntion and ncc~<;<;itating expend itures running into millions of dol!Jrs. The ad \·ant.1gco us loc.1tion of Lakewood l'vb nor is unique . Rcstrictionc; arc ample anrl rigid . A six room demonstration houc;e now open for inspection. Furriers displaying this e m b 1 e m are m e m b e r s of the A s s o c·i ate d Fur Industries of Chicago skilled and a re craftsmen, equipped by training to care for the best furs. Have your Furs repaired, remodeled or cleaned now at summer rates. Get our estimates All work guaranteed Office on the Property We have been established in business 'in Evanston since 1908 .H. A. Ropinski, FURRIER Manufacturer 9I6 ~ Retailer UNIVERSITY CHICAGO AVE.~ EvANSTON 3722