August 9, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE POSTMASTER ON VACATION I 21 ILLINOIS STATE FAIR TO BE BRILLIANT EVENT Keen Competition in Livestock Classes: Horse; Auto Races, Big Displays Christian . Science Churches "Love" was the subject of the lcssun-sermon in all Churches ui Christ, Scientist. on . ~unday, August -t. The golden text was, "The Lord direct your hearts into the lo\·e of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ .. (II Thcss. 3 :5); Among the citations \Yhich comprised the le..;son-serlliOil was th~.! following from the Bible: "Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercv with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations" (Deut. 7 :9). The lesson-sermon also included the following passages from th~ Christian Science textbook. "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," hy ~Iary Baker Eddy: .. The precise form (;f God . must be of small impoqance in comparison with the sublime question, '\\"hat is infinite :\find or divine Love?' . . . ~o for,m nor physical combination is ' adequate tn represent in finite Love" (p. 25o). Douglas Crooks, Kenilworth po:;tmaster, leaves this Friday on a week's vacation. He will go to L·~agle Rivtr in northern Wisconsin. Hope and Junior Carroll, children of and Mrs. H. C. Carroll, 1027 Greenwood avenue, left Thursday morningfor Elmwood, Ill., \\·here the\' will vtstt their grandmother until scl1ool starts in September. ~lr. Summer. or Winter Woddland Pasture Rea~onable Rates Horses called for and delivered KENTUCKY SADDLE STAJ.LION KIND SANFORD AT STUD Telegraph nond, J ]J. s. Behldere Rd. E. S. Dillenbeck, Superintendent Tel. Waukegan 4818 ##............................................................................ Ro·se·loa-Paatue DUFFIELD FARMS The competitiOn in all livestock classes at the Illinois State Fair, August 17 - 2~ wi11 he the keenest in the hi~torv of the state's exposition, accordit;g to the reports received hy Clarence F. Buck, director of agricul ture. Entry blanks mailed out with state fair prtmium lists are being return~cl tilled out with lists of the highest class livestock men in the 1929 state fair. \\'hen the first few hundred copies of the premium list came off the press, the\· were mailed to the exhibitors on record living in the more distant states in ord ·· r that they might recci\·e their <:opies as soon as Illinois r<;sidenh. \Vithin a few days. entry blanks began to trickle in to the state fair ofrice until in the last few days the list ()f entries has become especially heavy. An abundance of ~ntrics in all the competitiYe departments creates keen competition, and gives the state fa:.r visitors an opportunity to inspect the nation's finest specimens in the sundr)' branches li<;ted in the catalog. In addition to the classes that arc oncn to the worfd. there are a llllmher. of departments exclusivelv for lllinois produ ·..:L'rs. This feature of the premium ') Hering. a comparativl'ly recent d~ \·elopmcnt. is growing in popularity as ·· ·t gives the farmers of the state a chance tn compete with one another without meeting competition from the professional exhibitors who hri1 g the nation's best to Illinois during the fair. The harness races that remain open for entrie;o; that come up to . August .S, han~ everY indication of bringing hi~ fields to iacc the starting judge. The earl\" closing .. classics" all h<l\·e a;1 ahu;HiallCL' of entrit·s. Fnr the automnhile races, to he co~l ducted on the opening and closing dates. :\ ugust 17 and 2-t, there is a formidable arrav of driving talent listC'd from the auto· racing centers oi the 'L'ntire Central \\'Cst. The educational features-the "ume"tic science school, the boys' school, high school agricultural class display, the junior department and the competition between schools' displays of students' e~hihits, all will have a full quota of entries. judging from the early I applications. The entertainment features und~r contract this year will provide a wider range of acts than usual. .'\ few .>f the performers who have pro\'{~ d their popularity with the stall' fair audiences, will play return engagements hy request. Rilly Loretta and the H u.dson I Wonders are among the ones that will he hack again. "Billy" will IH· t.·mcmhered as the clown cop and "aniHHtnc·~ r extraordinary" who kept the crowds convulsed with laughter last year. The Hudson \\. ondcrs are the little girls that did eccentric and acrobatic dancing so successf ully last season. Froni the most important features, from a viewpoint of agricultural advancement and livestock hreecl improvement. on down through the lists, even unto the fun in Happy Hollow, the details of the eight-day program arc being worked out so thoroughly that a thorough, well balanced exposition is in prospect. 1 Corner Wabash Avenue and Monroe Street, Chicago 57th Year 3 FALL TERM Sept. 1929 Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting, Secretarial Training. etc. Experienced Teachers, Day and Evening Sessions. Free E'mployment Service-- OUR GRADUATES ARE WORKING. YOU MAY BE TOO, IF YOU SEND FOR OUR SPECIAL CIRCULAR, "METRO FACTS." Remember, While Away-Good, crisp, choicet fresh nuts are not obtainable everywhere. Why not take Billy Boy delicious salted nuts with you and be certain of something good to eat while away? In Billy Boy Heather-proof containers Billy Boys stay fresh any place. FRESH EVERY at the HOUR IIDibbY IIDOY NUt l(,itchenEVANSTON PHONE GREENLEAF NORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING Your Grocer RETURNS FROM MINNESOTA :Mrs. Henry Furst, 502 \Vashington avenue, returned recently from a trip to New Ulm, 1\linn. She was gone for four weeks, with her grandchild, 1f argaret Schuller. On her return, she was greeted by a new little grand daughter, Frances Jane, who was born July 3 at the Evanston hospital. 519 DAVIS ST. 3006 11 to 8 Sella Billy Bog· 0 !Jen Evenings Till 10-Sunda~s