JO WILMETTE LIFE September 20, 1929 WILME.T TE LIFE JSsr·:D F'lliJJA Y 01:' EACll WEEK by J,LOYD HOLJ,ISTt:R INC. Centml Ave .. W:lmette, Ill. Chicag-o ntlke: 6 K Michig-an Ave. Tel. State 6326 12~2-1::!36 . . . . . . . . . . Wllmt>ttr 4:100 srn~C UII'TIO'S J·JtH' t: .............. $2.00 A YEA H. All C'Hmmunications must be nccompaniPd !Jy tlw name and addrl'~S o f th e wriler. Articles fnr pub licati on mu~t r ach the rditor by W edne Rday nor·n t o i_n~un' appl'arance In current Issue. Ht~ ~~·lutions of cnnrlolencp, canls of thanks, obituarh·f;, W·tko ·s of <'lltl'rtninnwnts or otlwr :1ffairs wiH't't· an atlmit't:ttl<'C' charg-e is publiRh e d, will be chal'f.:;"('ll :tt charged against paroled prisoners. This decrease indicates wise action on the part of the board. Finalh·. the labor of ~Ir. Clabaug-h and hi:-; cc>-~,·orkers has meant. most uf all, lll()rc adl'qna te pr()tect ion c;f socie.t y. .\ ()t ()11 h· han· we north shore people cause r~· ,r lwing pr()ud of our neighbor\ hcnelirient service, hut \\' l' also take the (ll.'CL:-'ion to expres" to him and his ho:trd 1111r grateful appreciation. .\ fril'nd 11f ()\11':-'. a memlwr ()f the eng·iiH'l'Tiltg· prufe:-':-ii<ln and an experienced motori ·t, declare · that all autllnJOI>ile ~~cci(knt:-' :trl' pre,·cntahlc . Preventable \\ · h i k '\'l' c a 1111 o t a gT c e \\·ith him l'Olllj>lCL{'ly. .4ccidents still \\'l' ran go alnl·J"-~ as far as he docs . .\little murc care tak~..·11 at street intcr~cctiuns " ·ill certainlv cut do\\·n the nt1111her of accidl'nts ;una7:in.t.;·ly. \\ ·i 11 i no·nL· s s t o h o · i \'(. ' . t h e o t h l' r ft' 11 o \' · t lw right of " ·a.'· ha" "a'Td 111an;; a liic . Thi:-; " ·illing-nc:-- :-' ttl yiL·ld an ach·an·ag:l' to t lw ut her clri \ 'LT c1r to a pede:-; trian ha :-prnTllt('d a· .d \\·il l prl' \Tilt many an ;i\lt(J accid<:nt. ( ~racion:--ne:-;:--. the gTanting \1f a fa n1r to the ut her per~on. i" a rare ,·irt 11e in t h v s t' h t h ' · l · n i lc d ~tate s 1> u.t 11 one t 1H · Jt....;s pr()durti~· l' 11f lH'IlL'Iit to both partie:--. Thl' tendency t() cro:-.s against the red lig·ht i:-; ~aid hy st1111 · to he un the inrrc··l...,V . l'crhap:-; it is. hut in any ctSl' it j.., a dan .t.:·torutt"' h;thit. as i :' :tl:--o the habit ()J- llt~t ~l<J\\ · ing up at :--trel't int('r~lTti<Jns. l~t.·t:trcl : i11 g· :t t i11 t l' r "t· c t i ll11 :--; a 11 d :-.1 l Ill d i111 c s gi \' i 11 ~-·: tilt· :t~h · alltagt · '" tlte c1thtr <lri\'lT " ·ill pr('\ 'l' 11 t ;tltllt l " ! ; tll ;l t1 1l I ; llTid l' ll t :--. l' "]' n · i: dl.~ SHORE LINES (\\' C rt>g-ul:tt· adn·rtbing- raf<'s. Grade Separation will save life Let's have immediate action! ( ) Ill' 1' (Jj the . 1l1tJ:--t l'\Tlltiul tillll':-' i11 a clann)-anrl. the atmosphere. Bon and girls are ·hack at their ~~:, chonl desks, ~-a have returned for another long- sesston oi highly concentrated applicatinn t(~ the ta sk at hand and onc has the iecling that th111gs haYe .rl'turnccl to a state of what former President Hard111g lon.~ d to call twrmitlcy. After all. stm1mcr racati;m time is an abnormal sea ·on. \\' hile some of us arc a\\· a~·, others of ~s la!Hlr a lo11g it· 1 sort of daze, cit her. trying i n.di ti(:renth· to slln.KC' off effects of a ,·acatwn. or thu~k ing alrnost exclu . . in·1y in ll' rtlh oi a forthCtl!lllng ~l's~ion at the lakes, mountains or scashore. . ;\1\,·an; ,,.e experience a delinite feeling oi rdi~·1 :t11cl im~·ard jt·y at thi . . ~tulumn season \rhc.n en·ry <Jill' g ~·t:-. hack nn an cq ual foot in,g- t hat IS, t hn sc (li u ..; ,,)w mu-;t tnil- all determined to put forth our !Je~t effnrh un hcl,alf of the job hciorc ~~'· :' 11't that a nt~hlt- thought ? LOST OR FI'L CHED '! l.ihn;tl re\\ard olTL'I'ed ior relurn oi dug Clll lar. \rillncttl' liu"l'-l' tag :\11. 1' 13 ;ttt:tcht·d. in adn·rtent ly c!epnsited SO llll'\\'hl'l' l' <·n the north . . htm.: ],,. Cin. the '1\·pl·- J·:atin g Tnrier. I 'icttlrt· o i C in i.r1 1a" t \\' n ·J.( s e cl it i(lll ll i ~ 11 (1n· Li 11 t· s \\' i11 prtl \·idl' alllple desniptitll! 11f m·cbrrar. Thank:-. ~~ ~ lllurh - ).liquc. Northern Lights and Such finest 'season of the year G th~ hum of actiYitv is again in ENU IKE autumn weather is \tpon. us-the 'I. "11('11 he lir--t t'lltcn·d thv Colle,E[e 'ttrld he ha-- ll(:t·n li\· i11~:· tliHlcr tIll· lllt111l' ruot t ITt·. d t · p t'IH Ii 11 g· Ia r g l' ly (1 11 h i :-. p a r l' 11 b for fuud and :--!H·ltt-r. 'l'lll' <Ja,· \\·hen he hrc:tk-, thc:-.e hunH.' tic:-. i~ fraug·ht , \\·itl1 \·ari()ll" (.'11101 i(lll:-\. Lea~·hz,t: \'1 1\1111 per:-.()11\ life i . . the tin1c \\'hl'n lw :-.. lean·...; htllllC ft,r l.'ldlq.~· t·. FH·r :-.inn· tl1:tt 11\tJ'-t cn·ntiul uf :tlll!,,\11'" for I 'a:'..; i ng from gr;1 1111ll;ll- :-'C hool i 11 tu high :-.clwulllH'ant much to him . lie left tlh· ()ld 1t building \\'here he h:ul :'J'l'llt thl' lir:'t vig·1 \Tar:' ()f hi:' :'L'h()(d lift.. lie .:-.aid g(l(ld l1:\ L' to hi" gradl' tcaL·hcr" and to hi:-. d1ildl,1·<1d companion~. \\'ith hi:' mothl'r IH' \\'l'l11 ttl the 'gTand high "rho()l building :tnd "i:~·t11·d up i111' a cert:tin dL·Iin ite r()ur~e lilltTal :trb. manual trainint.;·. rulltllll'l'l·i:tl. l~ut the stt'J> fr(}m hig·h ~rh(l11l tt· L '<'llq_:, · i:' a longl'r (\Ill' and take:-; hi111 into ..;trapg·t·:· :-iurrounding:-.. lie lea\·c:-. hi:' h(lllll' h('hind and <"lltcr:-; a Cl.!lcg·e many mile:-. a\\·ay. l ie lin<b hilll"'clf in a Ill'\\' Ct'l111tn· \\·here fatlwr and 1111lthcr du not li\'C and ~,· hcrl' hl' lllll"t depend 1111 him:-;clf. Fur four _\'l':tr:' he lin·, away front home under unfa111iliar ~ki( ' :'. To the p;:rcnb the day:-' of thl' rhild', . lea ,·ing hume are :'ad. aln1o:'t tragic. day:-- . Thl' child i:-' llL'l'llllling a man and nnt:-'t l·e in training ftlr .the dntie:-; and delighb of 111:tnhoud. If the child i:-; tu he a rom fort t(l hi:-; parl'nh he must he a cumfurt a:-; a m:ttt :tnd no Iunger ·as a cl~ild. Tlw entire n(lrth :-;hnre ha:-; ran:--l' fl1r hc.:ing· pruud <~i the \\'ork done l)\· un~· of i b r i t i z L' 1h. 1I i 11 t ( 111 ( ~ . C Ia 1'a 11 g h .' and t h <: lloar<l llf l 1 ardo!l:' Cause for Co111· and Parlllt·:-. u( \\'hirh he has lH: L'Il tnunity Pride chairman for the p a:-- t t h r l'l' ·' ·l' a r :-'. . \ r o 1111 n t 111 it y () r a gT ( 1up uf Clllllllltlllitil's lta" aln1u:-;t IH'\Tr tlH' tljl purtnnity to art a:-; a unit in the.· ;Hh·;l!lrv llH'Ilt ()f Cl \\ ' Ort!J\· l.JliL'l't. 'I'Jwrei<IH' it fld )0\\':-. that <mt--ta.ndin:t.:· g'tHid \\·ork 11111'-t he d<1!H~ ]J,· indiridual..: . 1Ii . . linal :-.tatclll<.'llt rct·t·n tly puhli:-'lH·d in thl':--l' r(llumn..; indirau·:-. rkarh· the ,·alnahk \\'(Jrk d(llH' l1y ::\lr. l'lahaugl; and hi:' :t~ ~oriatl':-.. 1:ir:-:t, thl' CLSl' uf t·,·er\' inmat ~: of our ]'l'll:tl and rd()rm:tt11ry in:'t{tutiu1h has been :--tudi(·t} carl'fulh :tnd Ct11hcientiothh· during- this thn·(.·-y('a;- ]'l'l'i(ld. Thi:-;. m·:an-:-' clu . . c con..,iderati11n (If <1\Tr }(),(~)() indi\'idual hi~turie..,. w llH '1tilw r :"> h i p f t· nor y c <1 111111111 ~ i t .\ . In t 1 church, and rltth tlH'rt.' must Le indi,·idu:tl . . \\' h<l :t . . :--11111(' rt'"-JilltlSihility and d() \'.' <1rk that H'"ulb in hL·m· Public Spirited lit-- t<J the organiza ti11n <li " ·hich 1hn· Citizens arc a part. If in an)· ~uL·il't \ ' tlwn· are 1111 -,uch indi,·iduals that "-ll~·ict~ · \\·ill he \\T:tk and :--h,~rt-li\Td. In \\ 'ilmctte there are quite a numhl'r of ·tltv...;c pul1lir ~piritl'd pl·r..,nn:-;, prominent anwng· " ·hom are l{:tlph l'. \\·c~scl and l ,ca I. ()rr. ,,·Jw. on their o\\'11 initiatin.' and by .tlll'ir P\\·n tttltiring elTurb collected th~· "'· lwn·\\·ithal to l'llahlc the \\'ilmcttc I,eg·iun I >rum and Bugle curps to go to 1\.ock I :'land on ~[on day. ~eptcmher lG, :mel cuntpctl' f(lr tlll' :-'tatt· prize. Orr and \\.l's (I ~cl. '!'hi:-. i:-; not L1l' lir:-;t tin1c that the"e t\\'o g·entltllll'l1 han· sa red the day hy gctt ing hu~y at the Jhyrhol()gical moment. lt's about ti111e that attl'ntion shuulcl he calkd tu "!tat the,· haYe dnne. :\la,· tltc- t1tunl>l'r ()f such citizen:' 111rrca:-;c! It \\a~ ah11 11t midnight a illDnth ago as \\T \\'l·re retmning irn111 Tra,·nsc City aitn a ~te:tk dinnn :~1 1 d a llltH·ie there iu company ,,·ith Ed Stl'flens. a 1~~~-~tl iar t(lt \1111, that \\'e ;.;a\\' a Jll :lrn:luu s ~.:xltibition ttl till· \'orthnn Li ghts. Tht air \\·as C<Hll and clear. and \H' \\'ere ~pcecling pltasantly n\)rth\\'ard ,,.h<.:n t· ur C<~ll1paninrl, the aior t· . .;aid Fcl. t·xclaimcd. ··~ay, l<·tl k at tht·m lights!" \\'e dimmed our m\·n in ! . dll!> and t(Hlk in the magnifrcent . -.ignilirant hl.'ad · li . l'l'k ... l ial dispLt,·, broad hnrizuntal lumin utb bands ,,·ith blue and· \rhitc n~rtical trailer~. ( lnc ~atunla\· \H' \\tllt on·r ll) to\\'11 to see if lcm :\nderson. had mended our b(·at. :\ s \re ;!('ared hi:-. little shack 011 the riHr·!'> ulg~·. :-.ll'llv littk girl" cun~.: running up. ··() ·m ister, hLTe\ a dead man~·· There lay J em 011 the gras:, in a -..ilapdvs:; heap. \\'c ~uon iouncl that h<.: \\'as dead - drunk. \\ 'c got him into his shac k and pr(1ppcd hin1 up llll his cot. "llo\\"s the boat, ]en! ;-·· "\Veil, ii ~hl' leak . it 's your iault. If she dol' sn't, it':-. t·urs ." he 111\lll ~ hlcd. \\ 'i ll Cropp, well -driYcr, near Leland, ~Iich, clai111ed to he able to detect the presence (lf \\'ater t!lHicrgrLHl!HI by the usc of a willa'" crotch. He held it tightly in both hands, and hy turning clown,.. ards it indicated the presence of water. An Ev.tll~l\lll \\'Oman, o\\'ncr of a Leland home, asked \\'ill \\'hy till' magic t\\·ig \\'llttldn't \\'ork for her . "Perhaps it \\'Ottld." said \Villiam, "if I had 111\' arm annllld ,·ou." Incidental!\· it ma\· he added that the ~alll.l' old boy took inorc th-;ln tbttal joy in hazing at the summer bathing beauties . _ \ friend of ours up north had a clock \\'hich \\()ulcln't run for more than a few minutes. He .~hoo k it . lt ran. It . topped. He took it apart and oiled the " ·orks. 1\o usc. He talked o\'er the ud'liculty \\'ith mechanical friends and acquaintances. :\o success. The clock remained out of ct~mtnission for many days. One day he disco,·e red that he had not \\'OtltHl the blamed thing. He \' 'mtnd it . It's been going ever since. Name of iriend furnished on request. -Fit, the Filo:"\ofcr. \\ ·e came arru:-;:-; the iakc fr()lll Ludington to 1lil\\'aukee on that "·indy night \\·hen the gra\'(_ ·1 b()at, _ \nda:-'le. \\'l'nt clo\\·n. carrying to their gra~· e all on hoard. l low ~till \\T lay in that upper berth while our more fortunate boat bucked the south\\'est gale! If our craft had' taken a nose dive t the IH)ttom th i ~ paragraph \n.mld never ha\'C been ·w ritten. Ju . t think of it! l) Weekly Joke Culling bought a new car and traded m my play~.:r piano as f1rst payment." "l didn't know t lwy accepted player pianos as payment on cars." · "They don't usually, but the c;alesman is a neigh1H1r of mine." .. T .As nearly as can he cleterminecl, the Chicago Cubs \\'t}l ha\'e become ::\ational League champions at thts ~e~tling. They weren't at this writing, sed he ag omzmgly. \Ve'rc not inclined to deplore-as arc somet]Jc ."fact that the Cubs will play in the \Vorld Senes, now that ot~r chances of getting a seat ctown front, or even 111 the park, are about as good as those of the proverbial snowball in Hades. -Mique. · ' thi:-' q ud \' ha :-' kcl to a dl'Crt·a ..;e of 5() percent in t.he ntunl>er uf paflde:-', which derrea"t ha:-. kd t<> a marked decrease in the percentage of nc \\' en nws ~tc()nd, he found in day. Tust \\'hat that day \\'iU he nobody ;ecms to kno\\'. llu\\·e,·cr. sufficient unto the day 1s 1he burden thereof. . 'l'a~ hills f(,r ]<J2R \\'ill sun·h\'()tlr mail some cold " ·intel-