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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1929, p. 22

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22 WILMETTE LIFE December 13, 1929 At the Neighbor~ MOSTor ftii8£STIOR 1111 LEAST . 9M-- Mrs. R. S. Childs Gives Lecture for Kenilworth Voters The Board of the Kenilworth League of Women Voters met at the home of the president, Mrs. E. F. Snydacker, on Tuesday of this week at 12 :30 o'clock. So many demands are maJe · on the time during the busy days preceding Christmas it was necessary to dovetail this meeting in between oth·..:r meetings and, in consequence, the discussion and reports were given "ov~r the teacup," as it were, and during the delicious luncheon which the hoste ss served. By P. H. MJ;:AT .MARKET CO. · .,.=....:. , ·. AU Telephone and C. 0. D. Orden Carefully and Quickly Delivered Charce Accounts Solicited from Reliable People SPECIALS FOR FRI. AND SAT., DEC. 13th AND 14th OYSTERS Always fresh-received daily. We suggest that you place your order NOW for Christmas Poultry. SIRLODI STEAK Frah cut. A aavory, juicy cut from prime steera. TenderYES! lb. C& C BEST BUTTER The regular meeting of the · Xeig11bor \\'a~ held on Tuesday of this we~k \':ith the program in charge of the department of philanthropy, Mrs. Crrus :\. Barr, chairman. :Mrs. Barr brought Judge ~~arcus A. Kavanagh, of the Superior court, as th~ speaker of the da,· ,,·ho e subject \\·as, "Traitors D ] ustice." There was a large audicn :: e to greet Judge Kavanagh and his talk pro\'ed to be largely along the lines of Mrs. E. L. Childs of \Vinnetka talked law enforcement. It was something each one could take home to herself. about the "Sanitary District" and gave a clear, concise 'outline of the beginThe quartet from the Korthwestcrn nings of this organization and what school of music gaYe a very appropriate its duties now are. It was a revelaand delightful group of Christmas tion to her listeners to learn of the songs. large sum of money which pas s ~ s The next meeting \\·ill be held the through the hands of this group uf first week of the new year, on January nine men and showed what an interest 7 when ~Irs. Edwin Hedrick \rill gi';e as yoters we should take in electing an interpretatiQn of the original sto:~· sui.t able men to this board, one-t\\'en of "~Iadame Butterfly" by John Luther tieth of each taxpayer's taxes goe inLong. ~fiss ~~ argaret Bluthardt will to this fund, the speaker announcerl . give selections from the Puccini opera. Under Ci,,il Service the funds would The department of philanthropy, of need to be accounted for, but under the present system this is not so, ~~ r : . . whi-ch ~Irs. C. A. Barr is chairman. met Tue srla\· afternoon of thi week Childs pointed out. for a short ses ion preceding the regnlar meeting of the club to di cuss disbursement of its funds for the year. There is ahran an actiYe intere st in thi annual meeting and this Year \\':15 no exception. The follmYing charities benefited this \'ear: The ~Ian· Bartel me club the kenilworth \\"elfare association' the Grosse Point Health center, the F~ll 0 ,,. _ ship club; Gro,·e House for Conve\e<;cents, Arden Shore. Illinoi Children's horne, Xorth\Yestern settlement, the Hadley School for the Blind, and the Infant \Yelfare society. Mrs. Childs also included in her talk. which took up the se,,·age pha . e < 'i the sanitarv district, an interesting ac1 · count oi the "Great Lakes to Gnli \Vaterwa,·" and showed what great benefits she thought the middle \\· e ~ t w~:ml~ gain from the ace mpli:'htnt1 1t ot thts plan. After a short business meeting t;1 c board adjourned until January 7. 39 49 And it'a WAPSIE VAL· LEY-pure and aweetaone better. Try it! Lb . .. ...... . . .. . . . 4Sc PORK ROAST You ret a lean, freah cutdelicioua and tender. Lb. . . .. POT ROAST Fresh cut. Try this for your Sunday dinner. It's great! Lb. .. .. . 1811 '/2C 32c & 35c ~Ir. and Urs. Harn· \\". ~fons. lSi \Yooclstock aYcnue, had as their gue sts for five daYs, ~lr. and ~r rs. E. ~f. Buckius of Los Angeles, Cal. SMALL PORK LOINS Selected from Choice cuts that come to ua each clay. Lb. .. SPRING LEG LAMB The pink bones prove t e n d e r n e a 1 · Genuine SPRING LAMB. Lb·. ........... . .. . Prompt Delivery 221/2C 3gC hone Wilmette 634 TURKEYS, DUCKS, GEESE, FRYING CHICKENS at Market Price Grape Fruit, 2 for .... . ... ... 2Sc Best Brick Butter, . 2 lbs . .... 89c Good Luck Butterine, 1 lb . .. 27c Leg of Lamb, lb ... ....... . .. 3Sc Breast of Lamb, lb ... .. . ..... lSc Rib & Loin Lamb Chops, lb., 48c 4-lb. Shoulders of Lamb, lb., 25c Swift's Premium Bacon, 3 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . $1.10 Bacon Squares (Sliced), 2 lbs . . . . . .... ... . .. . .. .. .. 4Sc Bacon Sqaures, lb. . . . . . . ... zo· c Armour Star Bacon, \\'hole or Half, lb . .. .. . . ... . .. ... . 3Sc California Hams. lb . ...... . .. 22c Armour's Star Hams, lb . . . 28%c Ham Shanks, lb .... . ... .. .... 18c Smoked Butts, lb . . ..... ..... .39c Fresh Spare Ribs, lb . .. . . . ... 18c Pork Shoulder, lb . . . . ... .. ... 19c Rib Pork Roast, lb . ..... ..... 26c Pork Shoulder. sliced, lb ..... 28c Calves' Liver, lb . .. ... .. . . ... 69c Dressed Rabbits, 3 for . . .. . $1.00 Pork Liver, 2 lbs ... .... . . . .. . 25c Steer Liver, lb . .. . ...... .... . 28c Pork Tenderloin, lb . .. .. . .. . 60c Loin of Pork Roast, lb ... . . . . 24c Whole Pork Loin, lb . .. . .. ... 22c Home-made Sausage ~!eat . . 30c Small Link Sausage, lb . ... .. . 29c Mickelbern·'s Mild Sausage, 3Sc Dried Beef, lb . . ..... . ... . ... 69c Fresh Brains, lb ... . . . .. ... ... 18c Best Round and Sirloin Steak, 4Sc Flank Steak. lb . . . .. . . .. . ..... 3Sc Fresh Cut Hamburger, lb . . . . 2Sc Best Rib Roast Beef, lb . .. 3Sc-38c Best Pot Roast. lb . .. ... . 2Sc-28c Short Ribs Beef. lb . ... ...... 18c Boneless Rump Roast, lb . . .. . 34c Leg Veal, 10 to 12 lbs., whole, 28c Breast of Veal, lb ... . ........ 18c Shoulder Veal Roast, lb . . ... . 2Sc V eat Rib Chops. lb ..... . ..... 28c Veal Loin Chops, lb .. . ....... 3Sc Best Grade Lard, 2 lbs . . ..... 29c Yellow American Cheese, lb., 3Sc - SLICED BACOif sliced-real hickory taate, cured to a turnsmacb like couatry bacon. 3 lbs. for .. LAMB ROAST $1 Select ahoulder-a roast you'll be pleased to serve at rour Sunday 2811:~ dinner. Lb. . . . . ~" SPRIIfG CBICKEifS KORTH SHOBE MARKETS 7tt Elm 8L Wlaaetka f aDd Ill Wlnaetka WUmette llU WUmette An. Wilmette 181f and 711 110~ Winnetka f17 and U8 Hubbard Woods Linden An. EVAMSTOM MARKETS Jilt 81tenaaa ..l.Yea·e Greealeaf 1818·1817 lNI Ceatral SL Qnealeaf ' " ' 705 Jlata Street Greenleaf lt8t Ht7 Greenleaf 8t. Unhenlty 17M 1936 Maple Avenue, Evanaton University 12·13

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