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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1929, p. 1

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WILMETTE ·· Vol. XVIII. No. 12 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, DECEMBER 13, 1929 LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS Published. weeklv b31 Lloyd Hollister l1w., IZJZ-IZJ6 Central Ave., Wilmette Illinois Entered ae 8econcl clan matter March IJ, 1924, at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, under the Act of Ma;ch J, 18J9. Subscription priQe sz.oo a vear· 27 ORPHANS AWAIT YOUR CHRISTMAS INVITATION Sponsors Hope Entire List of Lake Bluff Tots Will Be Assigned Next Week Near-Riot Squelched as Our Scissors Man Slices Up $100,000 Crisp paper money of sizable denomination has been circulating about the village in recent days bearing the stamp of the First National bank of Wilmette and the signatures of 1ts president, Edwin B. Knudtson and vice-president, Dan G. Stiles. ' The currency arrived from Washington about a week ago apparently ready to spend, except that it came in sheets which, had not a fast-thinking telle~ thought of a novel scheme, might have necessitated some tedious manipulation of the bank scissors. The brilliant thought of the aforementioned teller resulted -in a parade under heavy police guard, to the cut~ ting room of Lloyd Hollister Inc., where the big power scissors did the job of separating the bank notes in ji,.; time. All of which was very lovely for the First ::\ational but something else agatn insofar as the printing office 's taff was concerned. Coming on the heels of the stock market crash, this precipitant display of $100,000 simoleons all in one hunch barely missed provoking a riot. Smitty, the cop, however, held the angry mob at bay with his trusty six shooter. \Vhat's worse-we understand the re ain't goin' to be no more bills to cut -a t least not in our printing office. I _._L_e_c_tu_r_es_s_u_nd_a_y,_, I REPORT ·sALES LAG IN XMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN Urge Villagers to Purchase Seals From School Children of Community Business of allotting some sixty children f:om the Lake Bluff Orphanage to . Wtlmette homes for Christmas, ~h~ch started this week, proved flourtshmg enough when it is considered that to date all but twenty-seven of the Y .oungstcrs have been definitely asst~ned to households in this village. That t~1e twet~ty-seven children yet to be asstgned wtll have been "claimed" before another \veek has passed is the confident expectation of members of the Philathea society of the Wilmette Pa~ish Methodist Episcopal church wluch is sponsoring this Christmas cheer program for the orphanage tot s. Urge Prompt Response .~f rs. Roy 1la skins, who is charged wtth the task of finding Christmas "homes " fnr the orphans, is hopeful that all the children will have been taken within a few days in order that all arrangements for the da\· may be completed at lea st a week before ChrL tmas. The children arc brought to \V]mette at 10 o'clock Christmas morning through the courtesy of the Chicago, ?\nrth Shore and Milwaukee railroad and directed to the Village hall \vh e re their hosts arc expected to assume the ta sk of providing entertainment for the balanc e o£ the clay. The return trip to Lake Bluff hegins promptly at 5 o'clock 0. E. S. Plans Xmas Party from the \\' ilmette avenue station of for Children December 16 the K )rth Shore line. The \"'ilmette chapter of the Order Scan This List! Li sted below are the twentY -seven of Eastern Star will give a Christmas orphans still to be allotted. -If you party for the children of its members want an orphan for Christmas day call 11onclay evening, December 16, at 8 :30 ~frs. Haskin at \Vilmette 155. Call o'clock. The party will be held at the 1fasonic temple, 1010 Central avenue. toda\' ! Xame Ag-e 1\n interesting program is said to have Arco. Sestina .. .... .. . . . . ... . . . · ..... 10 been arranged, including the presentaDe\\'itt, Charles . . ... . . .. . . .. . ...... 14 tion of gifts by Santa Claus. All Fraleigh, Marjorie . . ........... . .... 11 members are urged to be present and Halpenny, Virginia .. . .. . ........ . .. 11 to bring their children. Halpenny, Loren ....... ....... .... . . 10 Halpenny, Donald .. ......... ... . ... 8 Kehler, Elmer .... ................. 10 Lighthall, Ulrich ....... .. ........ .. 9 Lighthall, David ...· .. .. . . .......... 8 La Vine, Virginia ........ .. ...... . . 10 Montez, Lorraine . . . . . . . . . ...... .. 10 O'I\falley, Gerald ................... 11 O'Malley, Marjorie ....... ... .... . . 9 O'Malley, :M ildred .................. 7 Pera, Erema ....................... 15 Pag-e, Erma Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Pag-e, Roscoe ....................... 10 Page, Bernice .. .... . .. .. .. . . ...... . 13 Polus, George ... . .. ........... . . . .. 8 Rosberg, Harold . .. ........ ... ... .. 9 Reinhold, Muriel .......... . . .. ..... 9 Simpson,, Edith . .. ..... ....... . ..... 12 ' Spillman, Leafy ................. .. . 11 Wauchop, Lawrence ... . ...... . ... 7 Weston, Georg-e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Young, Francis . ....... . ....... . . ... 13 Young, Dorothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Christmas seal sales in Wilmette this year are falling short of the goal, Jt was reported this week by Mrs. Freeland G. Stecker, publicity chairman for the drive in this village. The fact that Wilmette school children are not permitted to make a house-to-house canvass this year is believed to be largely responsible for the reduced number of sales. Officials of the Grosse Point Health Center, which derives the major portion of its funds from the Chicago Tuberculosis institute, are urging Wilmette residents to cooperate in the annual Christmas seal community pr·:>ject by purchasing the seals at one of the stores in the village or from a srhool pupil in their family. Phone the School! Villagers may also obtain the seals by getting in touch with one of the women in charge of the Christmas seal drives at the various school buildings. Mrs. William Balhatchet is in charge of the drive at the Central school, Mrs. C. 0. Walliser at the Laurel school, Mrs. E. J. Hoffman and Mrs. A. L. Grinnell at the Howard school, Mrs. D. H. Maxwell at the Logan school, Mrs. P. H. Rein at St. Francis school, and Mrs. ]. ]. Huerter at St. Joseph school. Whether or not Wilmette maintains its Christmas seal Quota this year depends largely upon the initiative of individual residents, since no canvass of the village is being made. The appeal to purchase the health seals is addressed to every citizen. In The Name of Good Health The Chicago Tuberculosis institute beneficiary of the Christmas seal sales, has thirty public health nurses and twenty other health workers; health centers in seventeen towns and cities in Cook county; health service in thirty-five communities; beside the administrative offices in Chicago. An indu:;trial secretary has recently been added to the staff. Public health has become popular. Every community .is no\v clamoring for health work; the program develops as fast as funds are obtained to meet the demand. Buy Christmas seals! The ·Rev. George V. Keith, S. ]., of Loyola university, Chicago, and formerly dean of men at Detroit universtty, ts to lecture at the Wilmette Woman's club Sunday evening, December 15 on , t he "S acred Love Story of the Mass." The address, to be illustrated ·with color photographic reproductions of great art masterpieces, is for the benefit of the Mallinckrodt High school quilding fund. The choir of St. Francis Xavier church is to present the musical theme in the program. I. D. Iverson Named High Priest Wilmette R. A. M. Ira D. Iverson, 737 Park avenue, was elected high priest of the Wilmette Chapter No. 253, Royal Arch Masons, in the annual election of officers held last Tuesday evening. Other officers named are as follows: Andrew J . Mouat, king; Freeland G. Stecker, scribe; L. A. Bower, treasurer: George R. Harbaugh, secretary. James G. Barber is the retiring high priest. Installation ceremonies will be conducted by the chapter· at the l\f asonic temple next Tuesday evening. SPEAKS AT N. T. W. H. Seaman, director of admissions at Oberlin college, Oberlin, Ohio, spoke to New Trier High school seniors on \Vednesday morning. "Player in Shadow" Subject of Upton Talk to Pupils Capt. T. Dinsmore Upton, famous coach and playground director, was scheduled to speak to pupils of the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth this Friday afternoon, December 13, at 1 :30 o'clock on the subject, "The Player in the Shadow." Mr. Upton has planned and directed community and recreational activities of vouth in the United States, Canada and New Zealand. He is widely known as an inspirational speaker. In This Issue Kenilworth Church School to Present Christmas Play Members of the Sunday school of th'e Kenilworth Union church are to present the pantomime "Why the Chimes Rang" in a Christmas program Sunday afternoon, December 22. The production is given under the direction of Tom Slater, a leader in Northwestern ·university dramatic circles. WHAT TO GIVE! The many Christmas advertise· ments in this issue will help solve this perplexing problem and also guide you to the best selections and values. Pages Automobiles ........... 59-62 Amusement Directory ..... 75 Book Comment ........... 54 Boy Scout Affairs . . . . . . . . 46 Church News ............. 68 Classified Ads ......... 76-78 Club Activities ............ 52 Credit M"n'a Association Editorials-Shore Lines ... 42 Will Hold Elections Soon Junior Life ........... : . .. 66 The Wilmette Credit Men's associaMusic Page .............. 44 tion board of directors met last night appoint a nominating committee Recreation Events ........ 64 to which will select a slate of candidates Society News ............ SO for the 1930 official positions in the Travel Corner ............ 49 association. The vote on the candidates will be by mail ballot.

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