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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1929, p. 60

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60 WILMETTE LIFE December 13, 1929 How long would your present auto- accelerate to thirty miles an hour in mobile last if you installed a 350 horse- the same time that it may be stopped when going at that speed. power engine in the chassis and drove "Some drivers who would not expect it ~\'ide . open? a standard chassis to stand up with a There isu't a motorist in the world 350 horsepower engine make it a pracwho would impose such a load 011 an tice to use the brakes to their full power for every stop. That is, they ordinary chassis, because every driver maintain speed to the last possible knows that no standard automobil~ moment even when they know long in could withstand the terrific stresses im - advance that they must come to a posed by so powerful an engine. stand-still, and then bring the car t<J t-.:evertheless, many motorists habitu- a sudden halt. ally impose equal stresses on their cars "It is a great advantage to have the without realizing it, a fact brought oLtt ability to make sudden stops in emerby Carl Hanson of Hanson Motor com- gencies, but it is a gross abuse of a pany. 555-7 Chestnut street, Graham- car to usc this power harshly every Paige representative in vVinnetka, in a time. Drivers should use their brake:-; discussion of brakes and braking. moderately for all service stops. \Vhen "Few oersons re.alize how much they see a red light a block ahead, they energy n{ust be dissipated to stop a should let the car slow down gradually, car," Mr. Hanson said. "Motor-wise bringing it to a stand-still finally with drivers who know that it requires tre- gentle brake pressure. This practice, mendous horsepower to give rapid ac- if followed regularly, not only saves celeration never seem to think of the tires and brake linings, but guards braking in similar terms. the whole chassis from undue stresses." "\Vith hydraulic four-wheel brakes, such as used in all Graham-Paige cars Chicago Motorists Like a car running at any speed can b~ 1 brought to a dead stop in one-fifth the Motoradio lnsta lation Another addition to the ever-gTo\\·ing list of dealers along Automobile Row, Chicago, who arc selling Motoradio is Artistic the Chicago Pierce-Arrow Sales company, at 26th and Michigan avenue. The Pierce-Arrow company has installed Motoradio in a number of its Your home has Jts own atmosphere. latest body models which are on dis With the aid or our Interior decorators you can express thJs play at the new show rooms. Motolndlvlduallty In the decorations. radio i:; a popular Chicago-built radio set for the automobile. To date more Motoradios have been installed in Chicago automobiles than set of any other make. Painter and Decorator Good Brakes Place Added I time that it takes to attain that speed. Finance . C ompanies h M Graham-Paige 612, therefore, would · Stra·n on t e otor Car A require an engine .of 3so horsepower to Do ' Billion Dollar Business in 1929 WINTER MONTHS BRING CARBON MONOXIDE TOLL ~-----------------------·- ' DECORATING M. Portenbauser 1030 Greenleaf Phone 2764 ------------------------- Sums totaling approximately $1,381),- Motorists Are Cautioned Never 000,000 were advanced by finance comto Remain in Closed Garage panies of the United States during the With Car Running currer1t calendar year for automobile purchases, it was estimated in a stateMotorists should take the utmos t ment made public this week by the Am- precautions to protect themselves from erican Motorists association as re- the danger of carbon monoxide during viewed by The Automobile Club of the winter months and the simple st is. to never remain. in a closed garag t Illinois. The estimate is based upon the vol- with the car runnmg, according to a ume of business transacted by 338 fin- statement issued by the Chicago Moto r aJ.1Ce companies during the first half club. of the year and upon the assumption It was said that the danger from car that business during the latter months bon m~moxide has assumed national has folJowcd the same general trend proportlot.ls and an automobile. runningas in the last three previous years. . 111 an or.dtnary small garage wtth door s The sales of approximately 2,940,000 ~nd ~·m1o~~s clos~d will produce cars, new, used and unclassified have t noug 0 d t~ gas 111 a few minut es been handled through these finance 0 .. ~~use ea · companies during the year. About 59 l he ~mly safeguard is never to run per cent of this number was new can>; the engme unless the garage door is us ed cars and those in the unclassified open or at least two windows," the group making up the remainder. Of motor club asserted. all the money advanced for car purWhile there are no definite fig-ure s chases hv the finance companies, 70 available on the annual toll of deaths per cent was to finance new cars. from carbon monoxide, the census huSince 1925 time pavments and credit reau says there were 2,378 deaths in sales of both new and USed Cars have 1923, \VhiJe the number Of automobiles fallen off ten per cent. This decrease has since nearly doubled. is partially explained by the more care-~ The club pointed out that a car owner ful investig-ation of credit risks, stricter working in a garage with the engine financial terms and, perhaps, the lo\Yer running should go at once into the · open upon feeling the slighte st headprices of cars. "The average direct loss per re- ache. possessed car, that is, the amount O\Ying Effective treatment of acute carbon minus the amount received from sale, monoxide poisoning was outlined a s fa thovers between $40 and $65 when cars lows: are purchased through finance companics on the basis of 12 or less pa _ l'l. The victim should he rem a nd to mcnts, and between $60 and $95 when fresh ~ir as soon as possible. payments are stretcDed over a period 2. If breathing has stopped, or is CAR OLD IN SIX YEARS weak and intermittent, or present in hut The average life of a car is six and of more than 12 monthly payment s. three-fourths years. "Thl' installment plan has become a occasional gasps, artificial respiration popular method of purchasing various bv the Schaefer method should he commotlities in this country during rc- given persistently until normal breathcent years," says Si. Mayer, president ing is resumed, or until after the of Th~.: Automobile Club of Illinois and heart has stopped. Vice-President of the A. M. A., "and 3. Pure oxygen, or a mixture of 5 it cannot be denied that sales of aut·)- per cent of carbo·n dioxide in oxygen, mobiles, both nevv and used, have should be administered for twenty I been stimulated through the activities minutes or more, beginning as soon a·s of the various finance companies." possible. - ,I II I I Are You Read~ to Junk Your Car If not, let us supply you with winter driving insurance in the form of Weed Tire Chains, alcohol for your radiator and a new battery to assure you of starting power, lights and horn. , C 0 N S I D E.R THE CONOVER AS A CHRISTMAS GIFT ticdl gif.t, to be sure. Prdc~ical enough to Wdsh, rmse and dry automdtJcally the dishes of more than a thousand meals that will be served in your home next year. Surely ~ gift so thoroughly helpful as this is not too practical to be appreciated by the homemaker. Prices UJ7 from $94.25. (Payments "Little by Little ' if desired.) Give Your Car a Chance ! ! A Conover Electric Dishwdsher is d prdC· MILLER & MILLER 732 Twelfth St. George Miller Phone Wil. 50 Leo Miller g), ice stores will be open evenings 1~ntil 9 J>. M. B"flillning Dccernuer 1Hit the Public Srn- _ I OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager 1141 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2899 .,···,.·······Ytl'tl'ti'Nri'N'a'VV-.IV'.We·tf'tf'.·rl'.-.-.·rl'rl'.·.·rl'tl'a·······"·········-. PUBLIC SER~"CE . COMDA~ ·vI r...-u' ·

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