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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1929, p. 64

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64 WILMETTE LIFE December 13, 1929 Wilmette Playground and Recreation Activities 54 Cage Squads in 8 Leagues to Start Play Soon Fifty-four teams, 131 games and · h 1 1 · · f h e1g t eagues are t 1e statistics or t e basketball program for boys sponsored by the \Vilmette Playground and Reh f 11 · t _ . n b rd · crea t 10 oa · m c arge o a m ra mural athletics for \Vilmette gram mar schools. This . is the largest quota of teams enlisted in any league sponsored by the board this year, Daniel M. DaYis, director oj recreation, announces. A basketball league for girls will · be started at the close of the volleyball · 'I~ I sc h e d u Ie now m progress. uec afternoons each week are devoted to boys' sports and two to girls' · sports, both the Howard and Stolp gym nasiums being used constantly on those afternoons from 3 :30 to 5 o'clock Women's Basketball 7 p. SPORT CALENDAR · i\fonday, December l8 Dark Horses (29) Purdue (ll) Mary Lauer Gladys Engels Pamalee Burpee Geraldine Weber Marian Pearson Hosetta Conley Lois Miller Gladys Schaefer· Karay Pearson Marie Arndt Winnifred Barry Kathlyn Welter Anne Brownlee Florence Clifford Jans, referee -Horsefeathers (21) \Vi sco ns i11 (4:)) Gladys Fehlen A nn e titenJpel Elizab th Faber B tty Hyerson Peg-t:;"y liflttS Hita \Vt>·ber ElHie Paterson Harriet 1\fcD"ennot t Elaine Merganthaler Karay Pearson Betty NelsonRuth Snlitl1 Lois Hammett Jans, referee __ m.-Girls' basketball. Stolp gymnasium. 7:30 p. m. - l\len's volleyball. Howard gymnasium. Tuesday, December 17 6 Teams Potential Champions in Local Horseshoe Tourney By D. C. S. At least six out of the eight teams in the Horseshoe league sponsored by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board have a good chance to finish in fint place. Several teams that have lost games are composed of fine pitchers and good enough to "take" any other team in the league. Some have been handicapped so far by pitching indoors but the strangeness is wearing off and there should be many good games before the season ends. The games arc played at 7 :30 and 8 :30 on Thur sday evenings in the attic of Howard schooL He!:iults of last week'~ Horse::;hoe gam es f()llow: Congregational St. John's Jrs. (3, 5) 7:30 p. m.-Girls' basketball. Stolp g-ymnasium. 7 :ao p. m.-Men's horseshoe practice. Howard school attic. 7:30 p. m.-Girls' gymnasium class. Howard gymnasium. W('dnestlny, December 18 !l :30 a. m.-Women's swimming class. E\'anston Y. M:. C. A. f .40 p. m.-Women's .swimming class. Soverei~n I schoo l gymnasium. 7 !l. m. - 1\Ien's basketball. school gymnasium. 7 p. m.-Men's basketball. hotel. Howard Stolp 'l'hur!'day, Decemb('r 19 O'I~ays (2) Notre Dame (0) Marcella Kummer Geraldine Weber Marion Pe:t rso n Phyllis Dally Domthy Smith ( Elizabeth Hoffman Following is the schedule of the boy s' Mary Hoffman Eleanor O'Brieu basketball games: l<;mma Hicks Helen Deinlein Margaret De Marco Lois l\Jiller Jans, referee 7:30 p. m.-Men's horseshoes. Howard sehool attic. 7 :30 p. m.-Women's gymna:-;ium class. Howard school gymn.asium. 7 :30 p. m.-Women's gymnasium class. St<JlJJ sehool gymnasium. 7:30 p. m.- Aero club for boys. f'entral school manual trnining room. l<'rlchly, Def·ember 20 !l :30 a. m.- ,Vomen's swimming class. E\·anston Y. M. C. A. 7 p. m.-Junior poli ce athletic hour. J Inward g-ymnasium. 7 :30 p. m .-Roxing- :;tnd ·w restling cla~::;. (21, 21) Elmer Hack er Art Cram ·r St. John's (21, 21) Fred Prochnow John Cramer vVilm ette Grocery (6, 21, 21) Hollin SimondA l\Iark Simonds 11 St. John's Jrs. (9, 16) Elmer lla clu·r Art Cramer Gym Class (21' 16, 4) Emil Salzman XorthW('Rtern (26) XYZ (6) Lois Miller Geraldine Weller Marion Pear·son Dorothy Kumm er }' I.F 'f ll AND SIXTH (~JtA1H:S Ruth Braun Marion Russell Marcella Kumm er Jlorat.ln.y, Dcrcmber 9 Eliza beth Iloffmn 11 Alice \Veber }<"'ranees Kelley 3 :30 )J m. - Howard 5.A 1 Y::i. Jloward l\largaret Klauk c Helen Dcinl<·in 5B J, Jluwar·d. I!:leanor O'Brien Dorothv Kummer a :ao p. m.-Central 5A I YS. Centra l Clementfne Antiono all J, Stolp. Jan fi, referee Wc.·tlnesdny, Dc.·t·l'mher 11 3 ::w p. m.- Howard till 1 vs. llowar<l 6A 1. Jloward. Ohio (14) Chicago (IS) a :30 p. tn.- Central 6A I vs. Cl·ntral J{oHemary Swanson Geraldine 1\licl\ 6B l , Btolp. l\ln t·y Falasc-o l\larion \Veher Friday, ])t'ct-mlwr 1!1 ::\Ta rion Huss c:ll Virginia Fitzhugh a :30 p. 111. - Howard 5C II vs. Howard Franct·s Kt-~lley Bernice Gould 5C I, 11 oward. Marian Pearson Louise Co~lianese 4 p. m...:_ lloward 5B 1 I Y:-;. llowanl Florence Kriesant \\.innifre<l Barry 5A 11, lloward . Jam;, referee 4 :30 p. m.-St. Francis G 1 l vs. f-;t Frand:-; ti l, II ow a rd. '1'::'\T (~l) 3 :ao p. m . -t ·entral 5C I vs. St. Frand:-; Illin ois (36) ElnitH' Hurbrrick C'a ther·ine P(·arson 5 11, ~tolp. J lt' l(·n ::\Iiller Knthlyn \V(·Jter 4 p. m.-( 'eutral GC 1 YS. Ct·ntra l 6C 11 llt>l ~>n II unt er :\l;ujori e ln·rson StolJl. Dorothy Hu:;chli :M arj ori e P<>terxon 4 ::iO p. m.-CL· ntral GB ll v:-;. Central Eugenia Henke Dorothy Vollman 6A 11 , ~l(Jlp. Winnifred Darry OliYe Billimael.: Jlmulny, Dt·c.·f'mlH·r 16 Jans, referee :3 :30 p. m.-- li<1Ward 5A 1 vs. 1loward 5C ll, Howar·d. 3 ::lO p. m.-Central 5 · I I v ~. ~t. FranciH Brownies (9) Roughneck::; (35) 5 1, ~tolp. Mary Lauer Geraldine Weher Josephine Pridmore Vera Johnson " ' c.·clucsday, Dc.·c.·t'mber HI 3:30 p. m.-Howard 6B 11 v:-;. llowar<l Eva Bf·rndtse n Alice Nord 6A .11, Jloward. l\fargaret Castor Naomi Price 3 :.30 p. m.- <.'entral 6A I v::;. Central Florence. Clifford . Dorothy Smith 6C II, Stoln. Mary Ntestadt Lorrame Jannes O'Shea :\largaret Wieberg }'rldn:r. ])c.·ft>mber 20 3:30 p. m.- Howanl 5J3 11 vs. l Inward Anne Boddie .Janet Brown 5B I. HQward. 4 p. m.- J .loward 6A I vs. St. FranciH Jans, referee 6 11. Howard . 4 :30 p. m. - lloward 6B ll v:-;. Howard Ohio (16) Purdue (41) 6B I, Jloward. l\Tary Falasco Alice Nord 3:30 p. m.=-central 5A I vs. St. Franch; Dorothy BuC'klev Mary Lauer 5 II. Stolt). Anne Stempel · Jane Kl·ier 4 p. m.-C'e ntral 5C 1 I Ys. Central 5B I , Elizabeth Faber Dorothy Vollman Stolp. Rose Swanson Katherine Didier 4 :30 p. m.-Central 6B II vs. Ct'ntral Jeannette Brennen Marie Arndt 6B l, Stolp. ~larian F'itzhug-h )fondny, Junuury 6 Elizabeth Hoffman 3:30 p. m. - Howard 5A ll YS. llownrd Florence Kriesant 5C l, Howard. Jans. referee 3:30 p. 111.- St. Francis 5 I vs. Central SA II, Stolo. N. U. (2) Notre Dame (0) Wtdnt'stlay, Jn.nunry 8 C:race Ludwig Eleanor Bryant 3 :30 p. m.-Howard 6A 11 vs. St. Fmn- Olive Oelerich l\fary Lauer cis 6 I, Howard. B(·tty Barry Alice Nord 3:30 P. m.-Central 6A II vs. Central Ruth Braun Geraldine Weber 6C 1, Stolp. ' l\f arian Pear::;on Minnie Coglianese }'rftlny, Jnnonry 10 l\[argan·t Klauke Vivian English 3 :30 p. m.- Iloward 5A I \ ' S. Howar·d Aliee ·weber Mary Pope 5B II, Howard. Jans, referee 4 p. m.- Howard 5A II vs. H<·ward 5C 11, Howard. .f :30 p. m.-Howard 6A I vs. II< "\'ard C'hica~o (4) Wisconsin (59) Geraldine l\rick 6B IJ, Howard. Anne Stempel .:\Iarion Weber 3:30 P. m.-Ce ntral 5A I vs. C1·ntrnJ Elizabeth Faber Virginia Fitzhugh 5C I I, Stolp. Rita Weber Katherine PenrRon 4 p. m.-Central 6A I vs. Central 6B II, Bernice Gould Loui~e Cogliane~e Stolp. Katherine Didier Harriet McDermott 4 :30 p. m.-Centml 6A II vs. Centr.tl ::\larie Renich Jans, referee 6C ll, Stolp. Jlonday, Janoury 13 Boys' Cage Schedule Howard g-ymnasium. 8 p. m.- l\Jen's g-ymnaRium clal-'s. Howard school ~ymna:-ium. S ]). m.--l\larriNl couples' dancing cln::;::;. Stolp f;Chool gymnasium. 3 :~0 Jll·rlwr t .l \larqunrdt Will ~larquaJ·dt .John Schmidt Tf: ,ur S 'l'A~ JH'XGS \V(Jil p. m.--Boy's ba~ketball. Sixth, fifth, seyentl), and eighth gmdes. Stolp and Howard gymnasiums. 1X'I'RAJil: H.AL CAJ.JENDA R Jronclay, WNlnc-sdny, Friclay ~ :~0 p m.-(;irl!-l' volleyball. :c-;<·Yenth nnd e i~hth grade:-;. and Il owanl gymna::;ium . 1'uf·st1ny untl 'l'hurstlny Sixth, S{olp ... 4 St. .John'~ Wilmette Gro ery .. 4 Mdlwdi:-;ts ..... . ... !:! l\l,·n's Gym Class 2 1. 0. 0. 1·' l i .1 CollgTega tiona 1 .1 J. 0. 0. F., J .... .... ... .... . 1 ~t. John's Jrs. .. . ....... .. 0 · 0 ·· Lost l'd. 1000 0 ] 000 0 2 ~ ;,oo :::3:.3 :,oo 2 3:~a ~;jl) 2 :~ 2 !)00 "Weather Man" All That Keeps Skaters Off Ice Men's Basketball Ridg-e Phnrmaey (7) ·'chultz & Norcl ( 49) ~Ian·nce SteffenH Hobert :McLe:w Robert Nord Adam Bn uer .John Borm:amp .Jo<' Kmft llent·y l\lill pr Eug-ene Hardt navmond SteffPns Morris Lang llnrry Peters Stanley Smith Ovi Wleberg vVolff-Griffi!-i (39) Schneider's Booter·y (5) Robert V\'ilson ·wmard Uttenreuther Robert \'VolfE Robert Steffens Don lloyd Raymond 1 Ioffmn n Manor .Boyd Robert Evans Herbert \Volff En rl l\Tiller August \V n llowi t?. Prcsbytcri[Jn I (52) State Bnnk (20) Harry Stone Robert Smith Herbert Weld Chris Schaefer Ted Stone Lawrence Roth Ed Hill Kenneth Kf'JT Carl Hall Ballard Robinson Charle's Lauer St. Joseph (34) .Tunio1· A. ·C. (2:-1) John lllif Bob Koennn Stanley Hawkin~on Frank Rf'ynoldH Rollin Simonds Bob \Vaters Ger,r~e White Don 1\fclntyn · Harold Schleuter Die!< Hn<'k Henry Specht 'fEA)l S'rANDJNGS Won Preshyteria n T ............. 5 Schultz and Nord .......... 5 Terminal A . C.. .... . ... . ... 3 ~tate nanl< ................ 3 Wo Iff -G l'i ffl s ............... :1 lrethodist ...... .. ........ 3 St. Joseph .......... 2 H.id~e A \'('1111<' Pharmacy .. 2 Presbyterian II ............ . 2 .Junior A. C. .. .. ........... 1 Rc-hn<'i<ler Bootery ......... 1 I. 0 . 0. F . . .......... ... ... 0 Lost Pet . 0 JOOil 0 2 2 2 2 2 :I :~ ]000 600 (lOll (l0fl GOO riO II 400 400 2011 4 4 5 200 000 .__I_ _ Won LoRt .............. 3 0 ..... . ........ 3 0 o WiRconsfn .. . ............... 3 nark Hor::;e~ ... .. . .. ..... 2 1 Horsefeathers ........... . . . 2 1 O'KayR .................... 2 1 Brownies ....... . ........ .. 1 2 Chicago ... ... ... .. . ........ 1 2 Friday. Jnnonry 17 2 3 :30 p. m.- Hi.l.}\'anl GA I vs. Ho\\·ard Ohio ..... . ...... ..... ... ... 1 ! ~~~u e .............. ...... 1 2 SA II. Howard. 1 4 P. m.-St. Francis 6 1 YS. Howard XYZ ::::::::: .::::::::::: .. ~ ~ I~linol::; . _. . . . . . . . . ...... : : 0 3 (Continued on page 75) Notre Dame ............. . 0 3 :'i:orthwe~tern nou~hneeks .. 3 :30 p. m. -Howard 5C I vs. Howard 5B l, Howard. 3 :30 p. m.-Central 5A 1I vs. entral 5B 1, Stohl. W('dnfsclny. Ja_ nuury l:» 3 :30 p. n1.-Howard 6A II vs. St. Francis 6 II, Howard. 3 :30 p. m.- 'entral 6 I vs. Central 6B 1, Stolp T:E A )l S'r ANDINGS M_en _'_ s_V_o _l_ le _:v_ b_a_ll___ Pre~ by. l .. Pet. 1000 1000 1000 Bapth->t (]5, 15) Walter HaaH Frank Guthridge Art Youngberg 66fl George Williams 666 Earl Carlson 666 Earl McDow 333 :l33 Mf'n'H Ciym Cl:t~s I 333 (I !i, 15) 333 Waltc·r J)r,r,!-'C! 1~~ ('arl Cr·pp1 ·rt. Art Au!-itin 000 William .:\1:tr·.:\fr,ran 000 \Villinm BnJHI>r,v:tk The Recreation board is ready when ever the "\Veather Man" is ready. That " ·as the verdict \Vednesday about the ice skating season opening in the village. Final preparations on the two skating ponds were made last week and flooding will start the miaute the weather gets to the freezing point, Daniel ~1. Davis, director of recreation. announces. The ponds will he maintained at the Village Green just north of the Howard school and on the municipal golf links at the foot of Greenleaf street, the same places 111 usc for the · past three years . The toboggan has been erected at the Village Green and members of the recrcarion staff expect it to be even more popular than last year. The hours of skating will be much the same a_s last year; that is, from 3 :30 till 9 every afternoon and evening except Saturday when the pond will he open at 9 o'clock in the morning and keep open until 9 o'clock Saturdav evening. A warning bell will be rung at 9 o'clock and all skaters must leave the pond at once, evervonc will be required to be gone fr~m the Village Green hv 9:15 o'clock. William Williams Arthur Seddon Arthur Garniss Howard P. T. A. Ridge AVE'. Pharmacy (15, 15) (3, 4) M. E. Lynch Harry Peters Ray Robinson Henry Miller Jess Walworth Ray Steffens John Baughman Joe Converse Walter Doose Adam Bauer Baptist (15, 15) l\Iethodist (2, 3,) Art ·Youngberg LesLe Hann~walt garl Carlson Leslie Matson Earl McDow Staver Moulding AI Gruhn William 1\lacMoran Walter Haas John Baughman TEAl\1 S'l'ANDINGS II ( 4, G) Bert Colvin Stanlt·y PHerson Ed Hill .James Lyons Ed Youngberg Carl Geppert (11, 12) .To(' Convcr::;e ::\fen'H Gym Class II {'I iffnnl , Darlint:;" AIIJnrt TuckPr tlu in :\1 organ Rr,hert Calvert Baptist Men's Gym I J-Udge Electric St. Joseph Men's Gym II Howard P. 'I'. A. Methodist Presbyterian II Ridge Avenue Pharmacy Presbyterian I I. 0. 0. F. Optimist w 6 5 3 ~ 4 3 2 L 0 0 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 1 0 0 3 3 4 5 5 Pet. 1000 1000 800 750 600 500 400 400 400 200 000 000

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