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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Dec 1929, p. 76

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76 WILMETTE !0 LIFE GARDENING December 13, 1929 SERVICE BUREAU NORSHORE CAMERA SHOP FRAMING TINTING XMAS CARDS rr.ade from your own negatives. 1145 Greenleaf Ave. Wilmette 1676 44Lll-3t CARPENTER WO~K. CONTRACT OR day. BY responsible man. A-1 mecbanic. Best references. c. Anderson, 6438 N. Richmond st. Sheldrake 101.29. 44LTN10-4tn ALL KINDS OF CARPENTER WORK. repairing and remodeling done by reliable man reasonably. Call after 6 P. M. Mr. Rutar. Wlnn. 2480. 44LTN3-tfe FOSTER NISTLE OIL BURNER SERVICE All burners at all hrs. Wilmette 179 44LTN11-tfc CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General N otice-Clastdfted advertisements wm be to residentll of the distr1ct trom chargea only Evanston to Glencoe 1Bclus1ve whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are recular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. NURSERY STOCK~ Landscape and Gardening Work Spechillst ln Rockery and Fountains JOHN OSTROWSKY 2343 W. Park Ave. l'el. Highland Park 49 20LTN4-tfc TREES TAKEN DOWN AND CUT UP for firewood. Also garden work by hour or contract. Call Winnetka 1793.. 20LTN11-4tc ~~~~~~~~~~~ Rates-15 cents a line In one paper. 25 cents a ltne In any two papers. . 30 cents a line In all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 60 t!ent1. AYera.ge of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our offtcE at 123! Central Ave., Wilmette, or 664 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. !7 INTERIOR DECORATING Deadline advertisements will be acto Wednesday 6 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'ol.ock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. for Insertions--cepted Classified up ARE YOUR LAl\1PSHADES DIFFERENT? DO THEY EXPRESS YOUR INDIVIDUALITY? DO THEY HARMONIZE PERFECTLY WITH Y 0 UIR . C 0 L 0 R SCHEME? ALAN GOODRICH shades are desig-ned by interior decorators. They create an environment that is liveable as well as intt>resting and cost no more than ordinary shades. We wire vases and design shades to match. l~Oit SALE-A_ UTOS }'OR SALE-AUTOS X~LAS OFFE.RI~GS ILnrni ~@ll Im IEw£ID.ITil~ ttcanm 0 ArmJID@1ill rm~n rm ~ the Opening of Onr JU.co:-.:nJTIO~ED A~D (:l AH:\:-.:TI~J...D Lincoln l!t:!S. 5 pasR. seclan-evf;'ry appearance t1f JWW. A dt>finilt> g-uar:ulh·e with this l'ar whil'h will satisfa<"l<lJ'iiY sen·t' the ne1 owJwr for many yl'ar·s. $a,OOO. Paek:u<l 6- \ ' I'I'Y !at~· 4 pa~~ . ~'"lllH'. g-iven good ca ,."' hy itH fon1wr 0\\'llt·J'. $!I :ill. ('a(Hlln<" ;) pas:-;. ~edan, clt·luxt> t·quipnwnt - look . .: Jlt'W and will rt-ndl'r IWW car St'l'\'it·t·. $1,!1{);). Linl'oln ~ p:t~lo; . ~t'dan nil in t'X<"<'IIent condition arul g-uarantt.·t·d. $1,250. Paekanl ::-;ix - :> pt~ss. ~t.' dan, all I' L" fini:,;hl-'d :1nd l't>nid\l t' d. \\"p g·uarant ·e :;ntiHfnct inn . $i:?;;, · Hu~· IIlii of illcllllH' lhru Ford :\lot· II' <'(), l·. ('. ('. Finane·(>. Alan Goodrich Studio 632 Church St. r,o GENF.RAL IO;PAIUS ----------------JEWELRY REPAIRING AKD HEmodeling by a craftsman of rare ability and orig-inality. D es igns f'reated fo: individuals. Paul Dn.v y, Jewt>Jer, 116a Wilmette Ave. Ph. ·wilmette 6. 50L35-t fc SPECLt\L J1ISPLALY 2i EXCEf>'rTO~:\L 1312 CSED C.\l{S at R.\DJC:\LL\" LO\\r PRICl~S 128 of Evanston & FOUND 8 0 27LTN11-2tc .:a.:;;_ _ _ _ _ L_: _ _'~_'- - - - - - - : - - - : _ _ _ _;.,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I..~OS'l' ·-MONDAY NIGHT IN WTN- PICTURE FRAMING BRASOR ART STORE CHICAGO AVE. UNIV. 9179 27LTN5-tfc netka, female polieP dog. 1 fad collar and lea!'h attached. Rewa nl. Tel. -\vinnetlm 858 o1· Wilmette 3S!l. ri5L'l' .~'H2-ltc J,AUNDRY ·tt ( EVA~STO)J" 1033 ]) :\\ ~ J S S l . C'OR OAK AYE. · ··nnll] J:oncl Surd\' Curs" .:\11 :\T:tkt's . .·\II :\l()<lt·ls ' , 'VOMAN 'WANTS DUNDLE washing- to 1al<t' home. B<·st of referC'nces. Satisfaction g-uaranteed. Called fot· and deliH·red. Phone University 4500. 2SLTNI2-1tp FOLND FOX TBTIRIER. :\lA.LE. white with black RJ?Ot on . bndy and ear. K e nilworth Pollee Dep~ t. '> o;,ur:-.:· L-ltc FOUND-POLICE DOG. MALE, D I~O\V~ and black. KL·nilworth Polic·p D r p ' t. ' 5!iLT~I2-I~· POUXD FOX TElllUEF:., ::\TALE·. white with brown spot on ear. I{Pnilworth Police Dep't. 55LTX12-ltc I_ ·OS T - NE .. AI~ 1GTH & 11TLL ST. M.A:-.:'S - · spectacles with thin blaclc rims . Ph. Wilmette 27R6. 5i1L12-ltc HELP WANTED-FEMALE 'l'R:\DES ~.:\CCEP1'ED Jn !ll:tl1~· east·s your· us t'tl c:tr will handle tht' down paynwnt. OPEX ~:il':\DAYS .-\XD EYE);J~GS E\ ..\XS'fQ~ ~ :\SH CO. Clb:t®llli®Y & 0Cnmm1bm1lflk l'l'Ol\1 HAy and 4Ll? lt c ------------------ D. K. Y<) GEI>l~G. PHES. WHY PAY MACHINE PRICES 'VHEN hand work is just the ::::arne. The Herr Hand Laundry. Wilm e tte n4. 28LTN10-4tl) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ 1 = !W J,OANS SON, INC. Charles H. Brethold 1st and 2nd mortgages Insurance 545 Main St., Wilmette Tel. 65 30L17-tfc AUTIIOH.IZED LI~COLX JS22 Hidgt> Ave. BUY A. GO'LD SE4l\L BCICK. FOR Xl\t1AS · 192 DEALEL1S EVAXSTO~ Evanston GREENLEAI< OOfiO 4LTN12-ltc l!l27 Oakland landau ::;edan, painted Hol>in egg blue with black fe)lders. Velour upholstery, original finish. Tires n nil motor in fin e condition. l\1 u :~.t ~ell today. $400. 1Sl9 RTDGB AYENUE EXP. \VHITE MAID FOR GEK. HS\VK No laundry. Own room and hath. Ref. req. Ph. Winnetka 1619. 56LT12-ltc WTD.-COMP. WHITE GIHL FOR GEN. hswl<:. No laundry. Ph. Wilnwtte 721.T. 56LT~l2-1 tc COl\IPETE~T FOR S.ALE-PIERCE ARA-1 1928 Nash C'uupe, paintt>d darl-\ ,.;-ray with black fend rs. Ti1·es g-uod, meeh- 34 WATCHES anical condition A-1. \Viii sacritiee nt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29-H Buick ............. .. ...... $1,300 $395. CLOCKS - ALL 1\IAKES AND SIZES 2 -48 Buic·k $800 rf'paiJ·t>d by f'XPHt. Clocks called for 2 -47S Bukk . . . . . . . . . . . . $875 1929 Es~ex ~ednn painted light blue, good and deliver·ed. Prices reasonable. Paul $875 2 -47S Buick tires, good mechanical condition. A Da Yt' Y. .Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette Ave. 28-50 Buick .. . . $1.075 real buy at $395. Packard Rt-dan . . . . $400 Phone \Vilmette 6. 34L36-tfc 26-50 Buick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $475 Willys-Knight iO-A eabriolet painted blue 27-51 Buiek . ·.............. $750 and gray. Tires good, meC'hanical conOakland eoach $27;) dition A-1. Ca r· sold new for $1.700. 27-47 Ruil'k $650 CAN EASILY BE FOUND AMONG THE Today at $495. 25-47 Bukk $325 new holi<lny assortment pf .novelty jew4LTN12-1tc 27-58 Bukk $750 elry, wrist watcht's, pearls, diamond Nash coach ......... $275 rings, bar pins, lavalliers and ear rings. CHEVROLET 19204 DOOR SEDAN. 25-40 RUit'k . . . $175 Make your ReJection early. With very low mileage and !oaks lik e 26-47 Buick . . . .. . . . . . . $425 n ew. A bargain at $45u. See Mr. Kipp 24-'45 Buick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $125 at 1820 Ridge Ave., Eva11:-ton. TJni· 26-47 Buick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400 JEWELER AND WATCH MAKER versity 720. 4LT ~ 1:~-1te 113!) Greenleaf Ave. Ph. Wilmette 4516 34LTN12-2tc BEAUTIFUL OAKI...~AND, LATEST - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . osts :-.:othing- to See Them! . mod e l brown sedan. Six natural wood WATCH REPAIRING DONE BY EXTerms and trades ean be arranged. wheels. Must sell. Phone Glencoe 1646 pert. Watches cleaned and adjusted. evenings or Sundays. Exceptional barKorth Shore Buick Co. Hn\'(~ your old movement put in a modgain. 4LTN12-ltp t=> t'n case. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 1027 DAVIS ST. Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6. OPF..:-.: EYE:-.:INGS AND SUNDAYS 17 DRESSMAKING 34L35-tfc Look for the Gold Seal Buick 4L12-ltc ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING AND 35 JUUSICAL INSTRUMENTS remodeling done by experienced girl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Good work at reasonable rates. Work FOH. SAI.JE-B FLAT CORNET, PRACdone in your home or mine. Call Wintically new. Original cost, $85. Will ro,,~ Litnousine. connetka 571. 17LTNL12-ltc l:lell for $50. Ph. Winn·e tka 15!lR. 3G_r_ 1_ 2-_ 1_tc . . T_N_ dition. 1 passenger. Call DRESSMAKING, REMODELING AND _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ plain sewing by the day. Ph. Green- FOH SALE-$250 VICTROLA CABINET '\T innetka leaf 1142. model for $25. 'Vinnetka 2156. 17 LTNIZ-ltc 35 LTNl 2-1tc 4LTN12-ltc F_O_R_S_A_L_E-~--0-N-N. _ C_L_A_T_t1-N-E-T-._F_U_L_L l?·A EXCHANGE REO FLYl:\G CLOl:D 1927 BROUGHAM. Roehm system, . excellent condition. I ha\'e two cars and l1PPd only one. SAN DIEGO, CALIF., VERY DESIRPhone \Vinnetka 216. 35L'rN12-ltc \\.ill sacri1ke my Heo for $~50. It mu~t able resid en tial vacant. Value $30,000 be seen to appn·<.·iat . :->·'"' :\fr Kipp, clear. 'Vill consider exchange for North E FLAT SAXAPHONE, ALMOST NEW. 1 20 Ridgt.> A n·., E\·anstl·ll, T;ni\···r:-:ity Shore. Write Wilmette Life A-116. Reasonable. Winnetl.;a 1 4R5. 720. ·I I.T:\'1:!-lt c 17-ALT11-2tp· 35 LTNl 2-lt<· l'aL'kanl 5-26 sedan, side mountl:l, $1,250 WHITE GIRL FOR GENeral hom;ework. No laundry. 3 adults. Heferences. Tel. \Vil. 2091. 56LT12-ltc TO ASSIST nights. prt'f. 56LTN12-1tc YOUNG WHITE GIRL with hswk. Go home Wilmette 3561. GO SITUA'riON WANTED-FE:\IALE 'rHE XMAS GIFT MIDDLE AGED GERMAN, EXP. GOOD cool< wants- working housekee per position. Widower or bachelor's home. No small children. Ref . . Tel. Highland Park 1837. 60LTN12-ltp WANTED-DAY'S WORK BY EXP. woman. Ref. if necessary. Ph. Greenleaf 2672. 60LTN12-1 tp TWO GIRLS WISH POSITION AS cook and second maid. Winnetka 2!'132. 60LTN12-ltp WOULD I...TKE HOUSEWORK BY DAY or would take care children_ 9 to 4. T el. Winn. 2337. 60LTN12-ltp EXP. LA UNDRESS ON MON. AND Wed. Good ref. University 2!lS2. 60LT12-Jtc Jl0l\1E WTD.-DAY vVOHK OR GEN. nights. Ph. University 10097. 60LTl2-ltp EXP. WHITE WOMAN WANTS LAUNdry or hswk. Wed., nlso every other Tues. Ph. Wilmette 3804. 60L12-ltp EXP. LAUNDH.ESS FOR TUES. AND Wed. Good ret Ph. University 6073. 60LTNl2-1tp COMPETENT COLORED WOMAN would like lh day work. Ph. Greenleaf 25!)5. GOL12-ltp H. GREENBAU11 A.LL PRICES REDUCED 1235. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ -~~ :t8 Ji~AMTLY WASHINGS. WILL CALL FOR a n<l rleli vt'r. Glencoe 796. Bua J'OU Waat Ad Ia Evaastoa, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be rnn in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 families in Evansron. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. PAJN'fiNG & DJ<~CORATING Best of references. Ph. 60LTN41-ltc FLOOHS RESUTII:<~ACED AND HEFTNished like 1ww. No dirt or muss. Ht'aRonable prieel:l. Phone Winnetka 1433. :~RLTN12-tfc EXPERlENCED GTHL FOR 2ND OR general housework. Ph. Wit. 3206. 60L12-ltp "feleohont W11mtttP 4 JOO or ·Wi.,netka 2000 EXPERIENCED LA UNDRESS WANTS work to take home, will en 11 for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 3509. 60LTN-43-tfp FOU SALF~8 MONTH COLLlB, PBfHgn.~erl dog, good ptt for children. Ph. EXP. WHITE WOMAN WANTS LAUNWinnetka 17fl!l, or· call P eg's Kennt'ls, dt·y or hswl{. Wed. Also every other Glenview 350. 39LTN12-ltc Tues. Ph. Wilmette 3804. 60Ll2-ltp PETS

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