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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 1929, p. 52

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WILMETTE LIFE December 20, 1929 Sears C-.e Leagues in Midst of Busy Season Twl) bovs' basketball leagues at the Joseph Se-ars school in Kenilworth are plaving regular games as a part o~, t?e -~ bLn:~· gvmnasium work. In the alrplane·· · l~ague, composed of boys 10 and 11. year_- old, t he Junker · were in first place thi:; week with four vict or ies and m1 ~..tdeab. while the \\' asps were ~econd with three wins and one loss. In t he "college" league. made up of bL1YS 12 and 13 vears old, t\orthwestern leads with five victories. Dartmouth is serond, having \YOn three g am es and lost two. 130-Bed Addition to St. Francis Hospital to Be Finished Soon The new north wing of the St. Fra ncis' 110spital has made rapid progr<: :-.". It is expected that in a few mont h:; the building will be ready for occupancy. In addition to providing fo r 130 more beds for patient s, it will hou :-.c many special department s that are '..lt present in crowded quarters in the olde r building. When it is fini shed it will be one of the m os t complete and m odern h os pitals in thi s region . Con truction days are over. Con crete floors which take 21 da vs to dry -and there \vere fiv e of them- ha ve been in sta lled; partitions are up; equipm ent is in. In fact, everyth in g is in readines s for the furniture to he mon~ d in and the la st finishing de tail s to he added. Effort is being concentrated 011 finishing the rooms on the fir st floor , and " ·h e n these are completed the fir st Hnnr wing will be opened. The patient is the most impo rtant Pt'rslm in the hospital, according tl) statf members, and everything that can be done for his care and com fort ha s hren thou.~ht of. Each patient will han' tht· most modern hos pital bed that i:-; l'll the market. Each bed is equipped ,,·ith large rubber rollers ,,·hich make · it simple for it to he lllln·e(l. ·A patient mav be transferred frnm nne room to another without !win~ moved from hi s heel: he is just \\'h.eeled intt) hi s ne ,,· ro om in his own bed. The · nurse can easi ly make her patient's position more com for tahl e b y using levers to raise the head of the bed. o r the middle or th e foot. A la rge mattress complete \\'ith roils i;lsurc furthe r comfor t. If ~ u11shine is prescribed for the patient, he may be wheeled up to the roof garden. If he is too ill to be outside, he may enjoy the sun light from o ne of the large enclosed porches. lf he is in weakened condition , ultra vio late 1<\,mps may be used which have the efficacv of the sun's rays. Much of the space on the ground floor will be devoted to new and enlarged rooms for the physiotherap y deQartment. To the north of this new wing is the ne"· chapel and home for the Sisters. Ground was broken for thi s building in July. It is not expected to he completed until spring, but by February or March the Sisters expect to be able to occupy the fourth and fifth floors which will accommodate 50 of them. \Vhen the Sisters can move in, the children's department on the fourth floor in the new patient's wing can be completed. Con-.en You Badtatot: Into a · BEAUTY SPOT American Metal Prodaets Corp. fOi ~orth llleh tgan .Anaae sa put or a 78 CJaJearo Local Dealers 'fit J. Klllan, Ine. Winnetka tOS Good Housekeeping Shop Greenleaf IStO l 9-444 ust in time for Christmas Po rcelai n-on-s tee I inside and out smallest or the largest Frigidaire, you'll find ·i t finished in gleaming, Justrous, ,, THe FAMOIJs : ~ I I COLD CONTROL" ~ we offer every household Frigidaire tn Tgave her the ~IS Christmas, whether you want to entertaining ... with greater conventence in the planning and preparation of meals. Our special Christmas terms make Frigidaire surprisingly easy to buy. And once in your home it will pay for itself. Stop in at our display room at your first opportunity. rust-proof Porcelain-on-steel inside The shelves are elevated to a And every household and out. All the mechanism is inside the cabinet. convenient height. model is equipped with the "Cold Control" that speeds the freezing of ice cubes and desserts. So give her a Frigidaire. Make her happy with the new ease she'll have in Special Christmas Terms We are now making a special offer on all household Frigidaires bought for Christmas. Call at our display room for full details about this offer now. ChHd's Playhouse Newest Proiect for Manual Pupils Eight boys at the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth, under the direction of R . J. F innigan, manual training instruct o r, are building a large child's plav hou se. The hovs working on the project, which counts as a regular sc hool subject, are: Henrv Eggert, Allen Tufts, Peter Gilbert, Joe Harri-· so n. Rog er Crowe, George Benson, Robert Robert son, and Maurice BosleY . Fred C. Schur, of KeniJwor th, dr ew the plans for the house. Its flvor dimensions are 7 bv 5 feet. and when ro mplete(l it will he completelv furnished like anv modern home. The ext erior is not to he neglected either, a~ there will be a lawn swing and other trimmings. ln addition to buiJdinR" the house, the bovs wi11 make all of its furnishings. Thev plan to sell the hou se next spring. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Oleson, 240 \Voodstock avenue. Kenilworth will have a s their guest for Christmas Mrs. Ole so n\ hre.ther. S . C. Merrell of El Paso, Texas. Mr. Merrel1 will make an extended visit with his sister and. her family . 1 FRIGIDAIRE More than a MILLION t n use lllchlga n Evanston An. Randoloh St.. (161 list Sherman AT-e. Greenleaf 4480 STOVER CO. at N. Michigan An.) Randolph 4950 Hubbard Woods · 890 Linden Ave. Winnetka Ul! PubUe Service Company of N_()rthern Jlllnoh At all their oftlees. Jllghland Park · 88! Central ATe. HIJhland ,fark UO

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