December 20, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 55 ~II th~ family w11·1 enJOY these useful 1 9 2 9 The MAGIC CHEF GAS RANGE comb~~s beauty and utiltty. Its entirely different design ·makes possible many new service features. The Magic Chef ·is .the last word in modem kitchen equipment- also a ·sure-to-be-appreciated gift for the modem homemaker. . . . . · AD the useful gifts pictured may be purchased the "Little by Little· way with a slight carrying charge. There are many other helpful sugcestions at your Public Service Store. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILUNOI&. JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Mallater 1141 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2899 Beg;,,;,g December 14 the Public Se,.vice Store will be oj)e" eve11i11gs u11til 9 P. M.