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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 1929, p. 56

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Latest School News JUNI.OR .L IFE Recrea&Zon WILMETTE, ILLINOIS. D ECE:M BER 20, 1929 Told ~:V the Pupils Board Publi$hed weekly by the school children of Wilmette under supervision of Wilmette Playgc~und and YOL. 2 NO. 40 Bob Willis Named Junior Life Editor; Exhorts His Helpers On :F'ri<lay , Dect>mber G, Howard ~ B i·lt>l'tt' d its ro_ om editor for .lt NIOR LIFE. Hob "\\. illis, our cra ck writer, won hr a \'ott· of twenty. AlfrC'd Brown IJ:td ,; and J had ~- Aft er th<' election i· \·t·n·om· yelh ·<l, "Spe<'Ch," "Speec h," \\"h i;·h u~ually follows an election. Rob "\Yillis ::-aid 8B had a pom· showing in .Jt ·xron J..u-·8 and SA was IH ·a ting us in tlw numbt>r of articlt's t>a<' h w~· t> l< W~1icll of course made our hlot·d hoi!: H<' sairt we ~hould all writ<', whi<"h was followert by g-roans from tht· Jli' OJll ' wh ,, said tlH"Y had too much work anyhow . ~frs. Stalling !'aid Rob "\Yillis shnultl appoint a boy anrt a girl to \\Tilt· art iC'It s on l':t)()rt R. The two d10S('ll Wt>l'l' A Ifn·cl Brown and .lant' "\\.ehf'r. l:r·h als" <'host· Fayl'tte Lilly to St t· thaI w.- had plenty of wit in 8B. \Y l' hope to ha \'l' mort · art i<-J, ·s in Jt ·xwn LIFE since Wt· Plt·<'lt'll an t·ditl·r. nnd 1'11 tPll you this l.Jut kt·ep it to vourself: our clterisht·<l wish is to lwa t XA in the numbt~r nf artic!t s in .I! 'X loH LtFE. -:\IargrdtP Ht·rnolds, Howard .l lH . "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" Howard Basketball T e a nz Anticipates (}hampionship Recor{i Howard 8A has chosen its l.Jasketball t·:tptain. There are going to be two teams thib year because .most of the boys are left !·Ut by having- only one team. This means the re will be ten or more boys playing. Ed Horn is captain of the first team and George Maxwell of the second. · We have won the speedball champions hip and now we want the basketball champion~hip too. Howard seems to be very good this year. There has been only one championship going out and that has been to St. Joseph. Seven out of ei~ht have gone to Howard. The winners were as follows : 5C, 6A, 7B, SA in speedball. The girls are not doing so well but that does not make any difference. They are doing something. "Hap" Gathercoal said that he wanted all the championHllips at Howard ~<.:hool. -Frederick Aschbacker, Howard SA Teacher Outlines Xmas Program for Howard 8-B :.\frs. Clark !'aiel one da~· ·a~ wt· <'llt<'t·~ · <l h er room that Wt· Wt·n· going- to g-i\'e a f' hri:;;tm a~ prog-m m and it was RUJ:>posed to be hased on Christmas mu~iv . She ehose l\larRilall I't>tt-n;o n, .John ORhorne. Alfred Brown a~ Rpons_s)i·s to g-et Little ~[iriam \\'est, Seventh grader in the Stolp . chool is the artist who a progTam ready. It has · bee n th·<·iclP<l upon that we art· to haY(· a sm:lil or- produced the a bon! urgent and cff cctivc reminder (if any is needed) of the dt ~>~ tra. It will iJ ' <·ompo:o:; d of f't~lll' approaching Christmas season. She i. the daughter of :r..t r. and Mrs. Thomas clarinets, one \"iolin, a cornl't, ;t)J(l a H. \\'est Pi 723 Ashland a\·enuc . piano, also a titl.Ja. W e also are g-oing- to havl' a ft·w l't>ad ing-fl. And also a hoy ~· g-le<· cluh com- . :---------------------. po. eel of only our t·oum .-Alfre cl 1~r""· n. Sto~ies I f,,,,.~tr d SB. Pupils Have Busy Week Preparing for Holidays We haYe lwen ha \'ing- quite a busy week this wePk bt · 1·au~ c \\"1.· are g etting ready for th e Christmas holidays. We haY · shopping- mix ed in with homework, talks deciding whom w e will give presents t() :u ul so forth. Two nf the thing-s Wt· haYt· IJC'Pn !1(1ing- in school this wef' k are talks ()y l\Iiss Chase on inYentions and talk~ by l\Ib:s Stt.>\·en!-' on science. Vile art· trying- to do our best so \Vill g-et 011 the honOI' roll this month . -l\fa1·y Ali<:<' llayes, , C Stolp. "'e Howard SA Out to Capture Basketball Championship The Howard S.\ <"lass whi<-1. has n·ct·ntly won the ~Pt't'<lhall l'ha mpionship hopt· to do as W<>ll <lut·ing tlw ha~kt'thall season. "\Ve haYe f·lected Edwin I lot·n to captain th first t ea m whih· .Jamt·s ('hambers will Cfl.!.llain the St·contl team. \Ve seem to ha\"e plt' llt~· of good pl:lrt · r~ and ought to get ~om0wh<>re in tlu· lta~ ketbnll season. 'J'lw lith:ups for tht· first tt--am are a~ follow~: llenry HotTnwyPr, c·(·ntt·r; Edwin llont, right fnrwa nl ; (;porgt> :.\Taxwell, lt'ft forw:trd; Bob 1lt·rmanson, rig-ht gua nl : Thorn0 l·~d \\'a nl~. li:'ft g-unt·d.- '\\'altt'r l<'oslund, SA llowanl. Dicken's Ghost T/ze ·December Poster Enhance ·the Xmas Spirit Stolp Children Practice Hard for Christmas Play Visit Lake Bluff-Can't Find Business District :.\ly mother, ht·othH, nn<l 1 wen' riding to Lake Bluff. After we ha<l g-otw about 17 miles, we stoppt'cl to ask how fat' ""' \\"ere f1·om L:tkt> Bluff. I saw a 1-'mnll gt·oup on th e oppositt-- <·ltl'ner. I \\"t·nt up tn Ollf" nf the m e n and a" skt·Cl hnw far \\"t' were from Lak t· Bluff. ·Otw of tltt' men 1!'\ughingly H:tid, "You'n· in LalH· Bluff." So I loftl·a·d arotutcl :utd sa\\' nnly about thret· or four ston·s and wlwn lw :-aw my amaz,'menl IH' expl:linNl that th ~" n· wet·t· onl~· four ~ton·:-; 1111 tha 1 side nnd moJ't' around thP c·n nwr.--Yi\·i :tn A braham. 6B Howard . June Tells of Thrilling ·Lake Geneva Boat Journey Elect Junior Life Editors · in Howard's Upper Grades The sixth, ~e,·enth, nnd eighth g-rades of Howard srhool are t.· h·eting· Junior Life editors. These editor~ are to s e that all games and important articit'H of the school are written up. Tht· G.A's hav · elected Eilene Weakly be<·nu~t· we all think she is a responsible girl. Tlw 8ll'R ha\'e chosen Bob W'illis and SA's, George Maxwell. The 6B'~ haYe chosen Frances ColiJns. I hope they are good Pditors and have all good articles writt<'n up. -Mary Louise ~chaefer, 6A Ho\\'ard HOWARD 6A WINS Thursday, Decen1ber 12. 6A How;ml played a game of Yolleyball with St. JosepJl,. It su1·ely was an· exciting- gam,. becau· at the first rest St. JoseJ)h was ahead.. but then we began to work so hard that the final score came out 21 to 16 fn om· favor.-Virginin FiRkE'. 6A Howard. .John an<l ~all\' hurrit>d homt:> from school. lt was tiw W<'t:>k before Christmas. The s11ow \\" :t~ falling- thiddy through tlw ;tir. ThP wind was ))lowing ~o hard that it was hard to SN·. '!'he streets WPI'f' <·nvet·ed with k<>. "(.;olly," said .John, "it surely is hard t.o walk" Just the n he ~tumbh·d. "Am T glad th~·t\· is no !';Chool tonwrrow, words c~tn hardly tell," said Sally. Finally they came to the boulevard they had to < ·t·os!'. Tlwr lool<ed hoth ways and t.·rossect the ::;tn·et. At last Christ mas gve eame, John ;mel Sally woke up in the The eighth grade pupils ha Ye b ee n morning- and Oh how tlwir eyes did open. "See," said motlwr. "A :\Te rry Chri!';t- working on their two:.minute tall<s for general scic·riet·. Each per:-;on can pick mas. Tt is your 1'1 ' \\"Hrd for playing- ,,·ha tever subjt-et he pleast-s and can also sa fpJy . "-~Jn ry Hy<"~·t ·, tiA Ilowa r<l . pi<:k any t·Xp<:'riment. 'l'he class is di\'ided up into three ~ec·tions so that a few talks are giYen eac·h day. 'flw tallu; that have been g·iven eonsi~t of a great rmtn~· suhj c-ts including l>irds, iron, chemicals, stars, and m:my other suhOne nice day in early September my jects. Mis:-; SteYens said sht· hopt·:-; tn sister, my cou ::;in, and I went down to St-'f' s1mw better ones twxt wePk . Ruth Pavelicek. RH 1 ln\\"ard the town of Lake Geneva, Wis. When we got there we purchased some tickets for a ride around the lakt'. Wt> got on the boat and !';Oon started around the lake. 'l'he fun began as soon as we g-ot on the boat. l\ly cousin wanted to :-:etwhat the water looked like when we were moving and, doing so, almost fell My favorite wintE·r ~mort iR ice skating-, in. Just when we were about one-third I love the winter anyhow because thE. of the way around we got stuck, and snow is covering· thE' world white with how ! It was just at the time when not its lovely, lenfy flai<Ps . I lil<e ice skata single boat passed, so we had to set!d ing because ev<'rybod~· d1ws. Skimming two S. 0. S.'s. After about an hour q, over the gla.s:-;y ice i~ what I call wonboat came by and picked u::; up. We <'lerful. We ha\' · our warm sweaters and finally got around and on land and how hats and scarfs to keep u~ \\'.:t.nn. There gond it did feel. :tre many g-nmes to pl:t~· on the ice-June Ahlstrand, 8B Howard ho<.·key, etc. -Mary Loui~e SC'haefer, (iA Hownrd S'fOLP DEFEATS HOWARD The Howard 8B boys }oF-;t their first l\IIRTAKEN · lllEX'l'l'I'f g·n me to Stolp 8C. The Howard boy~ played the following positions: center, About a week ago my si1<ter, Evan· ::\Iark Simonds; forwards, Jack Edmond, geline, receh·ed a pearl ne('klace from AI Brown ; running guard, Allan Roth ; Home friend~-; of ours in Washington. On :-;tanding guard, David Boozer. Our cap- the front of the neckl!we was a littl e tain, AI Brown, was greatly disappointed. hell, but it didn't ti.nkk. One evening -David Boozer, Howard 8B we went out and my little sister wore her necklace. l\Iy uncle went with us 1\IRS. SANTA and he was expecting any minute to ~ft·s. Santa is a dear, hear a horn of a cab. Thinking- he heq,rd She has a face that's full of cheer. the horn of a cab, he said, "Is that a I hope Santa remembers her, too horn'?" "No," said by ~ister, thinking he :\ s well as he does me and you. meant the ornament on her necklace, -Betty Dodds, 5B Howard ··it's a bell."-Virginia Olson, 6A Howard ~ <' " ral l·f tlw children of the Stolp !'; <·hool hrtYe b Pen practic·ing- quite harcl To make things seem more like Chri st- "" a. school play which was giyen thf' mas, the eig-hth grades are reading a Tlntr~day hdon · tlw Christmas holidays Chri~tmas Gho:-;t story by Dickens. It i!': :t n<l to thost' who knrw nothing of the play heard man:v JWople mumblin~ to ~uch a good book that everyone is intht·mseJ\·es an<l W(lllfh·ring- what it was t('r st d in it. It is a good ghost story til about. St·\·l'ral nf the children from made into a ( 'hri~tmas carol. 'J'he mont! is that e Yeryone should be merry and tht' g-le<:' c:luh sang for the play. - -).Tat·y Alice Hayes, 8C Stolp. happy on Christmas iustea d of how Scrooge !'aid it all "as humbug. We haY L: been Ringing hristma!' carols also. - Ruth PaYelict·k, 8B Howard Seventh Graders Visit Curtiss Field Recently On D<'C <' mheJ· 5, tht' <'la!-:S of 7B Stolp w0nt to Curtiss fielcl, MrR Vernon an<l ~riss Pf'ning nlsn \\"t·nt. The se,·enth ~Tac1e motlH·rs tfH1k us ill theit· carR. Tlwy wen· as foii(·\\'S: Mrs. McGill, Mrs. \\·oodlwarl , ::\Trs. "·an·Pn, and Mrs. ButTill. :\Tr~. Vernon alRn tiJok h er cnr. Mr. .\n<l e rson md us and took us around. ,,·Jwn W<' g-ot therf' . I am sure everyonP ·njo~·f'd it ancl wolll<l like to go again. -Ben·! TolE'n, 713 Stolp. Eighth Gtaders Prepare Talks on General Science Little White Cat Comes to School; Ordered Out Friday, December G, a little white cat roamed into the classroom of SA Howard. It climbed up in the bookcase and then ~tarted roaming around. Evidentl~ at ·: :15 o'clock Frank l\lay picked the cat up and took it home, for Monday morning he brought it back to school. It...roamed around a short whilP and then it was put nut, at Mrs .Jones' request. -Philip Roelz, SA Howard Mary's Favorite Sport Is Skating, She Says Mr. Todd Describes Rings to Be W om by Howard Grads . On December 10, the two eighth grades of the Howard school met in Mrs. Stalling'~ room and l\'fr. Todd told us about the Howard school rings. They are made 11r white gold with "Howard 1930" on them. Everyone who gets one wlll have his or her ftng"Ew measured RO as to have 1 h em exact. The orders will go to the i<'weler as fast as thev come in. We all '!-)ope to have them before the Christmas 'acation.-Jrma Ball, Howard 8B RUDOLPH'S NEW HAT Rudolph Kaspar has a new hat. It looks kind of funny because he always wears it in school. It is grey and has :t blue tassel on it and someone is always pulling it. (('ontlnued on Page fi8)

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