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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 1929, p. 60

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60 W ILMETTE LIFE December 20, 1929 News of Interest to Church-Goers of Our Village Baptist Ch·urch Wilmette and Forest a venues Rev. George D. Allison, pastor Chrh;tmas sen-iceR will be · held in this church on Sunday. December 22, at 9:30 a·. m ., 11 a. m., and 4 p. m. At the morning won;hil>, 11 o'clock, there will be a proces!'lional of the Junior and S nior choi_!:!'iJ Christmas decorations and Christmas carols, and a Christmas m essag-e by our p::tstor, Rev. George D. Alli son. The adult choir under the direction of l\ladam Gilderoy Scott will offer a group of beautiful anthems, includin~ "Christmas Bells"-Stevenson, a ml ··.J t>SU, Friend of Sinners"-Griegnickinso n. At 4 o'dock in the afternoon thE> dramatil' pi'Og-ram nf the church will b pre1-'t>llted, to whieh the public is cordially indll'd. Th e play, "Mimi Li~hts ~he ('nntllf"' will be ~i\·en by tlw followmg cast und er the direct ion of Fred. ~o~·~ felrlt : Dolly Bellamy, Eleanor Wtlltams, J t-a n Campbell.. Ruth Sutherland, Tmot;en e Kaufman. Elizabe th Dlaylock, huth l'lwlps, B('tty Burns, Lee 13laylock,. a1~d a g-roup of Christmas ('arolt'nL . Th1s 1s tlw fit·s t pt·e!'e ntatinn to be ~1ven hy cmr newly organized Duunatic elub of which Hobert RuethE' is Pl'esiden t, and unth'l' whost> ~eneral direction the pntirp program has het>n plamwd. Following· tht' play tlwrE' will he an inspirationR:l VV:hite Gift !wn·i<'t' in tht> <>hurch nudttonum fpaturing bN\Utiful organ mu s ic, numbers lJy tht' ·hoi!·, and a young· p ~:>o pl t>'s quart l't. Hymn by the con~regation: Come hither, ye faithful . The Nativity: Boy soprano and children's choir Soloist: Bert SimonR G Ioria Pa tri Carol: 0 How Joyfully Recitation: Junior classes Carol : From Heaven Above Recitation: Primary classes Carol: 0 Little Town of Bethlehem H.ecitation: Junior gids Carol: Beginnet·s-Away in a Mange r Recitation: Intermediate classes (boyH) Bihle class chorus: 0 Holy Ni~h~ Carol: Good Christian Me~,. .RPJol<'e Senior class: Telling the 'I tdutg-s Carol: Silent Night Hecitation: Jntermediate classt'S Gifts for .Jesu:-; The Offering J fvmn: Joy to th e World J>1:ayer and Benediction Jlvmn: L et l's .All With Gl:tdsonw Yuict.' S(lent Pmyer Distl"ibution of v.-i.fts for c hildren . 'J'he 6::UI a. m. f'hrlstmus St·nl<'t' Organ nreltuk-Christmns Them es (iuilmant Pro<·es:-;ional hymn ~o. ];)~I Praypr Jlymn No. lfi7 S('J'iptun· r eadi ng I'astm· and Choir: Tlw Story of Christmas ltt'ull'r S<·ripturp r<'ading pffPrtor.v--Sinfonic Pastorale . . . ... Handel Hymn 150 Tlw St·rmon : Th e flrNlt PilgTimng·<· of Ch ri st<'tHlom Chtdr: Unto lTs a Child is Born, from Messiah f fnncl('l Benediction Hvmn No. 153 P<)stlude-.Toy to th t' 'Vmld Austin Anthem, "Glory to God" . . .... Pergol~si Anthem, "How Far Is it to Bethlehem" ....... . .............. Shaw Offertory Duet, "The March of the Wise Men" . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . : ..... Gaul Mr. Miller and Mr. Otts Anthem, "The Storke" . . . . .. . . . . . Clokey Verses found in Yorkshtre on the fly-leaf of a 16th century prayer book). Organ Postlue, "Alleluia." ....... . Fa4U<es . The Choir .. Catherine Bushouse, soprano~ John B. Miller, tenor; Ro:-:;e Lutiger Gannon, contralto; Edward Otis, bass; Erma Rounds, or~anist and director. at 12 :30 o'clock, after the regular morning service. Saturday, December 21, being the day set apart by the historic church. in honor of the memory of St. Thomas, the Apostle, there will be Holy Communion in St. Augustine's at 8 a. m. The Christmas service at St. Augustine's will begin with the Children's Manger service at 4 p. m., Christmas eve, Decembe r 24, in the church. At the senice the children will bring the boxes in which they have been saving money dul·ing Advent for the four Church institutions for boys and girls in Chicago, and will plnce it at the foot of th e ~reat Christmas cross. Each boy and girl is also asked to bring a gift for unfortunatt· children and place it in a great box at the foot of the manger. There will be 111 · the church unde..x: the tlUlpit, a r e presentation of the .Nativity, with the l'itable, tht> Holy Child, St. Mary and St. Joseph, th e cat tle and the donkeys. This will remain in the chur.ch during- Christmas W('e}{ for children to visit at any time and bring their friends. English Lutheran Corner of Greenleaf avenue and S eventh street Carl I Empson, pastor The ~ourth Sunday in f'-d':ent Sunday scho(ll .. . ............ .l :4? a. m. "\-\'alter H.eisner, general supenntendent 1\loming- worship . . . . . . . . . . . ... 11 a. m. · Sermon: "The Annunciation" Luther league . .... . . . .. .. .... . .. 5 p. m. At lhe ·wilmette Presbyterian churc·h Christmas llay Sunrise St>nice- Fin: young: la<li t'~ will l.le coufirmed. Sermon: "The :r\atiYit~·" (,'d .. t·k S<"hool (·onvenes at !I ::lO with s peeia l (;hl'istmas programs In t·ac.:h dPpartm ent. Each m(·mb l'r is a:-kt ·<l to hrin~ gifts at this tim for tht· \\' hit e Gift senic.:t· in th e afterHooH. Tht· Chm·ch Tlw classes for the Christian e<lucation Thl:'rt· will hf' a joint sesfiinn of tlw of children will not meet during the ll!llllt dasst·s with the Ht·\'. Georg·p n. ChriRtmas vacation exrt'pt on Sa turdny. Allison teaching, and C. V. C'lark l)l:e- December 21. They will be resumed on si<ling- for th f' disc·ussion of the topic, W ednesday afternoon, January R a.t 4. "Tht> Child in a Christian 'Vorld. ·· A II th e memben; of the ~unday sf'honl Tlw ~undny B\'t·ning· duh in the Con- staff will m >et at the church at 2 o'clocl~ g-rpga tiona] ehlll'l'h will hear an <~ddt·ess o.n ~unclav afternoon next to malH' the h\· Dr. Fn·d ·t·il'k F . Sh:ln!lon, who IS YPI'Y final nrt>pnrations for th e Chri!':tma!' EYe ,,:t·ll krwwn to radio listf' ners. Madam e children's sei·vice. All children of tlw Sunday school will Edith Bidt>au Nnnm·!li will bt> the soloist. be at the church on Sunday morning- nt 9 :25 o'clock so that no time may bt> Lookin~ alwad in the New Year, the i-;t·n ior and, Adult departments of . the lost in the final rehearsal. All classps Church sehool are planninR a umque will be assig-nNl to their seats at this Please remember to h<' thet·e pr ·o~ ram for ~·edn('sclay ni~ht. .Tanuary tim<'. promptly. 1. at R o'clock. Then' will be a second servit·e OP. Christmas will h<' ('t·lehratt·tl as a Tfnme Day- let us nol forge t whose birthday Christmas Day at fl :4:> o'clock in which the pastor will delh·er a St't'mnn c·n it is ~ Matthf'w 1. 23: Tmmn nuel, God with us. The choir will alRo sing in this second service. St. John's Lutheran "'ilmPtte and Pari.: avt'nues; Wilmette H(·nnan "T· Meyer, pasto1· 40u Prairie Telephone 1396 <1\'t'IHlt' First Presbyterian Ninth sh·E>('t n t C:reenleaf avenue R('v. Clyde Randolph 'Vht>E> lnnd, B. D. 815 Grt'enwooll nn·nue Resid('nce teleohmw. Wilnlt'tte :32~1 Church office, Wilm t:' tte . 1575 Churd1 h·lephOJw 3111 Sl~JtVJ('f:S Fourth Sunday after Trinity !I ::!0 a. m.-Sunclay ~dwol and Bible f'lasses ~unday, Dec('mber 22nd. morning- wor9 :4ii a. n1.- F!rst servkt:' a.nd sermon ship at 11 o'clork. Dr. \VhePiand's ser11 a. m . -SPcond serYi<'e and sermon mon tOllic will ht~: "EtE>rnit.v in the . ~e1 nwn : "Tiw L\l,st Pt·ophetic Mt'ssage" l\Iidst of Time." Sunday S('hool ("hristmas f'Xercises at !l :30 n. m .; Beginners and f'HTUST~f.\S }~VE Primary, joint meeting- in Pt·imary rooms. n('cember 24, at 7 p. m. .Junior, IntE-rmediate and ~enior depart'I'h l' chilcln·n of _jhe Sunday school pre- ments in the Sunday ~chool auditorium . senting- "The Sweptest Story Ever Told." Theme, "Jov to the World." .runior church fit 11 a. for chi](1J·pn, :1~E'S ~ to 12 f'HUIST:'\L\S F.A UJ,Y SF.RVICE Yt>ars. Miss Pa riH·r is tht· lea det·. ChristG :30 a. m.-~ong !'erYi<·e and RC'rmon. ian Endeavor at fi :30 r., m. Sprmon: "The C:rPat Pil~rimag-e of ChristPndom." Luke 2. 1a. We cordially hn-it<' yo11 to worship with C'ht·L tmaR mornin~. second S'1'\'icf' at !l :45 us and t'njoy a musical ~el'\'ice of hig-hSt"rmnn: "Jmmanttt'l, God 'Vith 'Us." est merit. EXJW('ss your faith in wo-r;\latth. 1. 23. Rhin thnt sfimulnt('s. to ~reater faith for it iR alwn.vs faith that saws. Put your TO 'EVERYONE! foot on th.e briclgf' or you will ne\'E'r That thE' glad tidin~s of the f"hrist- <>rnRs the stream Put vour monev i·' child's birth may brin~ joy a.nd peace tht> hank or yon will ne,·er acC"umulate into vour ht>:trts and lives and homes ann a fortune. Put your hand to th~> plr,w fill thflm with E'\'ery blessing from God or yon will nevf't' rean a harVf'Rt. Put is our Christmas wish to you. :vour fnith in f:ocl or vnu are lPft leaning on you1· nwn hmkPn ·staff. Fnith idPntiSt. John's Pxtends a yery f'Ordial wel- fies von with God. Tn Jay hold em him comt> to everyone to attend its SE>rvires to trust him. to !)ut vour hawl in hi~. tr, in particular the l';pf'cial service on f'hrist- walk with him. to cling- to him in vour maR en~ be~inning- at 7 o'clock and lasting .wE>aknE>ss and in your st1·ength. this is until ahout R. and tlw early morning- SPI'\'· salvntion. ke on f'hristmas Day beginning at 6:30 o'cJc,ck. Rt'ginners' d<'nartment Sunclav ~r·hr,r)l Christmas narty, Monday. De<>rn1her 2:1, The order of the Christmas Eve S<'l'\ i<'e at 2 J). m.,. In the KinCIE>r~nrten rnnm. in whiPh the children of the Sunday S<'hool will pr('sent the story of our Saviour's Rnokp 2 will he PntPrtn ined at thP hnmP birth in song- and redL'ltion, nnd of the of Mrs. DnYid P. Mnrt>ton. 431 LaurPl Christma.q Matln service follows: avenue. Friday, December 27. This is Christmas Eve Service tht> annual Christmn~ D<t rtv. Organ prelude-Following is the musical program for ChrfstmaR chorales ......... . .. Austin Runday. DecE>mbpr 22: The Christmas Journey, by two children's Org-an Prelude, "Fantasia on "Silent choirs Ni!!ht' " ........ ....... ......... Thoma<Recitation : Intermediate class Soprano Recltatives (Messiah) .... Hand e) At 11 :30 !J. m. the Christmas Midnight service will begin consisting of the ce l~;> bration of Holy Communion with hristmas music by the boy choir. This Sfll"\'iee will last for one hour a.nd a <tuartH. Those who have been confirmed the preYious Sunday will, if they de:-;ir·e, malH· The pastor will l.Jegin a serit>S t·f St>l'- their first Communion at this ~en·kt'. mons entitled "Sermons in Glass" nexl Tlwre will be 'other celebrations on Chl'istSunday mornin~ . These sermons an· ma::-: day, without music or sermon, at basNl upon the stained glass winclo\VS S a. m. and at 11 a. m. in the church auditorium, many of which han· bt>en made memorials by tht'ir <lou On Thursdn,.v, Dec~mber 26, St. Stephen'l'· OI'l'. They follow a re~ular ~equence of e \·ents in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. da~'. therE' will be Ho.Jy Communion at 8 a. m. and again at 8 H. m. on Friday, Rt. .John's the Evangelist's clay, and SatLig-ht n·fr<'shments will be l:'etTE'<l im- '.lnlay, Holy Innocents' day. lnt'idat(·ly aft<·r the f'arly serYil'e Christm<~s morning. Thi~ happy custcnn has On Sunclny evening-, December 22, at be(·n in vog-ue mauy years. 7:30, Dr. Frederick F. Shannon. ministt>r of Central church~ Chicago will bling a The Sunda~r sehoul will present a Christme!'sage to the Sunday evemas pro~ram Sunday afternocm, Decem- Chri:stmns ning- club in the auditorium of the Coni.Jer 22, at 3 o'clock whic.:h is entirely dif- g-regnti<mal church. ff'rt>nt than anything- e\·~r attempted Lefort· in this church. It will be an im~ promptu sen·ire in \\'hich eac h dass will offer its c:o ntribution to tj1e pro~ram. Expeet most anything ancl do not lw sut·"The Li!:ht of the World," one of tlw prised at the rt'al ,·a lue whi('h YI·U may most beautiful of Christmas Pageants. I'ett:·i \·e from f:U ·h a serYice. · will be present.~ d by our own church school Sunday ·afternoon at 4 o'clock. Our people are nr~ed to partidpn te ill A ('n~t of ne~r]y one hundred will particithe Comnnmity seni<"e which will be ht·lcl pate. This will b(· the third time that Tuesday evening-, Decembe r 24, at 7 ::w this pngeant has h<'<'n rep ated, which P. m. at the Village hall around the "liv- is in itRelf proof of its beauty and inspirational value. It is hoped that the ing Christmas tree." auditorium will b e filled to its utmost capncity. The Luther league will Le thf' g-uest~ of the Christian J~ndeanJJ· ~wc.:it-t\' c1f the The annual Christmas carol song f st, Wilmette Presbyt('rian church n~xt Sunday evenin~r begi_nnin~ at 5 <J'c:lock. Everv conducted by the Wilm('tte Playground member of thP Luther league l'houlcl aYall and Recreation board, will be hPld Tuesday evenin~ at 7:30 at the Village hall, hitns('lf of this fellowship. around the "living" Christmas tree. ThE> congregation will hold a spe(·ial The pastor is goin~ to announce Sunmeeting immediately after the l<e,l'\'ice nt>xt Sunday morning. This is a call of day morning a very beautiful gift from im}Jortanc:e and it is hoped that Hery one of tht' fnmilies who have been resimember who possibly can will be present dents of Wilmt'tte for many years. at the service. The ot·phans at Lake Dluff look forward' We wish ~11 of our ~riencls and neigh- to a viRit in Wilmette homes on Christbors a very JOyful Chnstmas anu a pros- mas Day. It is OIJi' of the red-letter days perous Nf'.W Year. We invite them to in the year for them. If you can takP .1.ny or all of our s~rvices. You will feel a boy, a girl, both, or two or three of at home in Wilmette's newest ehurc:h. each, phone Mrs. Roy Haskin, 155, wh11 is in charge of reservations. Methodist Church m. This church is trying to raise $7::i0 for Lake Bluff Orphanage. :\'lost of this h :1 ~ Sundny, December 22, will be the Fourth already been raised through the Chun·h Sunday in Advent. There will be Holy school. Those nctivclv connectl·d with Comml}nion at S o'clock, Church l'choolfi the school arenot invited to share in th . ~ ~.nct B1bJe classes at 9 :45, and Confirma- Christmas offering, tiOn at 11 a. m. On Sunday, at l1 o'clock, the most Rev. C~1ar!es P. Anderson, D. D., D. C. L., B1shc,p of Chicago and presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United ~tate~. will visit St. Augustine's for the rite of confirmation. Some sixty or seventy men and women, boys and girls are tn be confirmed, much the largest ·las:-; ever presented for confirmation at St. Au~ustine's since the Parish began. S~. Aug-ustine's is the only church in the dH,Cf'l'e at which Bishop Anderson is confirmin~ as he had to cancel all appointn:ents if} .t he diocese of Chicago since h1s f'lectwn as presiding bishop . La~t f;unday a public baptismal service waR held at 11 o'clock. ThQ..se admitted to m~'-mbHship in the church by Chril'!tian baptism were Ruth Valeri-e McElroy, Charles Frederick Heckler, Edward Wilsrm L<tke, Elizabf'th Archibald Anderson, Margaret Wilson Caine, Patricia Ellyn Bird, William Gordon Bird, Laura Mae Jenne~e.. Ch~rlotte . Ann Jenness, Donald Joh n Werden, Belle Werd en , John Archbold Morris, and Cornelia Jefferson Mor ris. Some thirty more are waiting. baptism. It is hoped to have another baptismal service Sunday.. December 29, Evenin~ club in the Congrf'~ational churt·h at 7:30. Madam Edith Bideau Nornwlli will be the soloist for the ~vening-. St. A ugustine's Dr. Frederick F. f;hnnnon is to deli\'t'l' the Christmas message at the Sund:1 ' The Jligh School league closed a splt'ndid fall season lnst Sunday with thirtrsen·n in attendance. They will beg-i11 again on January 5. The pastor's office was open for inspcc· ttion last Sunday morning. The men Clf the church, led by the Men's class, ha \'C nrovided the beautifu l new furniture for the pastor and · secretary. The new buildiQg moves on apace. ~he American flag can now be seen flymg· fr'1m the top-most pinnacle of the structu ·e. The three Girl Scout troops which meet at this church will provide a program. an.<l party for the children of the ~11tno1s Children's Home and Aid society m E~i anston on Monday. The Scouts ~~ leave here at 1 :30 o'clock laden w1th gifts and goodies, prepared to share th eir Christmas narty with these Evans· ton children. T hat same evening, the

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