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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 1929, p. 63

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December 20, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE NAMED A. J. Woodcock New President of N. S. Complete Peraonnel of Wilmette Cham· ber of Commerce Official· for 1930 Real Estate Board Are Announced This Week COMMITTEES Announcement was made this week of committee chairmen and committee members of the Wi lmette Chamber of Commerce for 1930. The committees are appointed by the president with the concurrence of the board of directors. V\ ith the exception of the membership and the audit and finance committees, the chairmen for 1930 are the same men who served d.uring 1929. Marshall Corus succeeds Dan G. Stiles as chairman of the audit and finance committee, and \Yilliam Taylor takes the pla e of A. E. Nord as cha irman of the membership committee. The perso.n nel of all committees ha s been changed considerably. Following- is the complete roster of officers, djrectors, and committee s of the \\rilmctte Chamber of Commerce for 1930: Officers- }. E. \Yc rthen. president; D. E. Allen, Jr., vice president; Dan G. Stiles, treasurer, and B. T. Clark, secretary. Directors-E. E. Griflis, R Yl . Johns ton, Leo Mickel, :\. E. Xord, John · Schneider, Art Van Deusl'n, ~!arcus Mick, Carl C. Renneckar, and Paul Rensch. National councillor-L!oHl Hollister. Audit and finance cotmilittec-~lar shall Con1s, chairman, F. D. Anderson, and D . E. Allen Jr. Publicity committee- E. \\. Weber, chairman, Raym ond Klehm, and Dr. \V. A. Dunning. Civic committee-Hoyt King-, chairman, A: R. Eddington, John H. Davie s, A. R. Tighe, A. E. !'\ord, ·and A. C. vVolff. Entertainment committee-Dr. C. H. Eldred, chairman, Dr. Ralph M. Evans. Daniel M. Davies, A. D. Albri<Yht, and M. Portenhauser. Membership committee - \Villiam Taylor, chairman, A. K. Mestijian, F. A. Wilson, C. L. Rogers, and Henry Cates. Retail committee- E. E. Griffis, chairman. C. T. ·Fish leigh, Dominic Pagliarulo. Art Van Deusen, E. C. Cazel · John K. Hughes, Henry Vogt, GordOJ; Dobbins, and Leo Mickel. \Vhen Don Broc kell , 556 Hawthorn lan e \Vinnctka, returned from Dartmouth to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents, ~f r. and ~Irs. Floyd M. Brockell, he \vas greeted wi th the news that he had a little baby sister, Betty Grace, born on 1\ovcmber 14, at the Evanston hospital. The regular m~nthly meeting of the North Shore Real Estate board, hdd at the Green Tea Pot in Highland Pa rk Monday evening, December 16, proved to be one of the most interesting of the entire season. The speaker. R. C. Booth, of the John Lind corJ'l'ratioa, 38 S. Dearborn street, Chicago, talkt.d on "Real Estate Zoning." who has tendered her resignation ,as active secretary. . The annual banquet and dance of the board wilt be held January 15. Alvin Culver, 103 Broadway, Wilmette, will return from Notre Dame university on Friday of this week. Mr. Culver has been very active on the Notre Dame football team and participated in many of the large games. He plays the position of end, and carries the number 46. Mr. Culver has made a very good name for himself at the school as an athlete. \Vith This \\'as the last regular meeting 0f U r. Culver, three more young men the 1929 season, and a new staff of e~;: will return from the school, John King, ecutives to serve for 1930 was elected. Charles Patterson, and Sanguinet \VilA. J. \Voodcock, of the \Vilmette Real- liam s: tv company, is the new pre si dent, R. 0n. \Vebster, of the Heinsen Realty Charles Howe,- 240 Kenilworth ave~ompa,ny, \Vinnctka, is vice president, nue, Kenilworth, will be home on Fri- · Margaret E. Dyrn, of Harkness and Bnn, Highland Park. is treasurer, and day, December 20, to spend the Chri tC. R. Norman, of \\ ilmette, is secre- mas holictavs with his parents, Mr. and ~[rs. Charles D. Howe. tarv. Ralph E. Field, executiYe state seer~-. and ~fi ss 1fatilda Spak, of \Vilmette, loca l secre tarY, \\'ere made honorary members in recognition of their sp lendid services rendered the North Shore Real Estate hoard. At the conclusion of th,e m eeti ng a fountain pen desk set was presented to Miss Spak, tar~· . STORE OWNERS Business has been good, but a modern store front, modern lighting and fixtures would have made it better for you. "It Pays to M odetnize" This Bureau (not for profit} will gladly help you. REAL ESTATE LOANS Have funds to loan on North Shore residential prop. e rty at reasonable rates. See us on renewals. Also mortgages tor sale. E. G. Pauling & Company I North Shore Modernizing Bureau Affiliated with the Home Modernizing Bureau of the Nat'l Building Industries, Inc. 708 Church Street. Room 2 50 EVANSTON. ILLINOIS University 0991 10 S. La Snlle St. Franklin 77-&0 The Gift of lasting benefit---REAL EsTATE BoNDS. They serve in every n1anner as you would have a heartfelt gift serve. To the recipient, their setni-annual interest paying dates recur as a pleasant ren1incler of you. Their value increases through the years rather than diminishes. .~ $100 Bond, you know, yields during its maxii11un1 ten-year life, $65.00 in addition to itself. And where can you buy bonds better than here in your own community? Ottr Bonds all _yield 6 y~ per cent interest. And too, they are secured by sound properties and made by an Organization in its thirty-first year of experience in Evanston and Real Estate. Something New for CHRISTMAS Worry Proof Bonds Insurance 1\Iakes Them Doubly Safe Principal and Interest Guarantet'd by Two Old Reserve Insurance Companies - Write for Pamphlet ContaJnfng "28 Questions an d Answers" Regarding lJobry Insured Bonds D. Securities Co. A. DOBRY JOHN Bonds F. f-!~!!~> Incorporated Real Estate Insurance .. Mortgages . Renting Members Chleago Curb Exchange w 1~ ..... .,... 1619 SHERMAN -AVENUE, EVANSTON Greenleaf 2700 ..r Rogers Park 5115 208 So. La Salle St.

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