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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Dec 1929, p. 10

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Latest School News Publiahed Wttkly by the achool children ol Wilmette under 1uperviaion of Wilmette Playground and JUNIOR LIFE WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, DECEMBER, 27, 1929 Howard 8B pupils received their inkwells at last. Since they are equipped with rubber stoppers, Ed suggested a penalty of five cents for anyone losing the latter. That afternoon distress signals were heard in the back of the room, when it was found that Alfred Brown's had been "stolen," or at least it was missing. Notice was spread to all the rooms in the upper hall to find the culprit who had caused this disaster, but no one could be found who would own up to this grand larceny. Just as Danny Mickey was being questioned, out of Alfred's pocket drops the long lost rubber cork, much to his humiliation. He was called a "practical joker with an impractical joke."-Bob Willis, 8B Howard and candles, to celebrate the first birthday on the ChrJstlan calendar. Among the decorations were small Christmas trees of paper pasted on the windows. When the boys arrived Alfred Brown immediately found fault with the trees, "Gee, they're terrible, I'm going to make some new ones. Boo, take them out." Mrs. Stalling said: "Oh Yea? Well, try and do it ! Those are the ones I made." Amid cheers and jeers Alfred retired to an easier and safer pastime. -Bob WiUis, 8B Howard. Told by the Pupils Boattl Recreation VOL. 2 NO. 41 Xmas Trees Not so Good; Write Biographies Mothers Are Guests Lost Inkwell Stopper Mr. Brown Constructs 'em of Thompson Seton, at Christmas Fete Makes Appearance in Santa visited our classroom on Tueswhile the boys were in Manual Arts Naturalist, Author Given by 8th Grade Master Brown's Pocket day and left behind him pictures, wreaths, the benefit of the Juniqr Assembly and the mothers of SA. The first on the progra~n was a cornet solo by Janet Wright. Th!;t,n "Silent Night" was sung by the pupils of SA gathered· around the Christmas tree. Then a violin duet by Frank Christy and Alfred Struebing. The next on the program was "Little Hebt>ls." This play consists of two acts. one, on the way to the skating pond and the next act in G{meral Cage's office. Then "Christmas Eve at Mother Hubards," consi!;ting of one long act. The characters in "Little Rebels" were as follows : James Chambers .. ... . . ............. John Frank Christy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... Samuel Reginald Green ... ..... .......... David Edwin Horn . . . . . . . . . . . . British Soldier Bob Hermanson .... ' ... ". General Cage Walter Foslund .. General Cage's assistant The characters in · "Christmas Eve at Mother Hubbard:;' " were: Virginia Jones ...... Little Miss Muffet Frank Christy . .. ... . .. .. .. Jack Horner Betty Shanahan ........... Mistress Mary Geraldine Sprague ........ Little Bo Peep Genevieve Birlauf ........ .. . .. ....... Jill Philip Hoelz ..................... ... Jack Mary Louise M01·eau Old Mother Hubbard Mac Hutchins . . . . . . . . . . . Santa C'laus - Philip Hoelz, SA Howard. SA Howard held a Christmas program for Friday, December 20, at 2:40 o'clock, In Which a Snow Storm Brings Along Vacation Wednesday night it started snowing and continued until the next morning. My brother looked out of the windows, called me and told me to come and see all the snow on the gro'und. I said, "Quit your fooling," but when I looked out and the snow covered the ground I knew tbat he wasn't foolin..,. When I got to school the teacher said that we would be dismissed at noon and we would have no school in the afternoon. We didn't bave our regular work in the morning but we jus_ t did what we wanted to do. Most of us worked on Christmas presents for our mothers.-Fr~k Randall, 6A Central. s·IXth Grade p Upl.·S G.IVe X mas 0 peretta at HOWard On Thursday, December 17, the fifth, the seventh, and the eighth grades saw the C.hristmas operetta given by the two ·sixth grades of Howard school. The scene was in the room of a private school. The children were hl:\.ving a discussion about Santa Claus. Some said there wasn't a Santa Claus. Some said there was. Finally Santa and some of his assistants enter the classroom. Each assistant sang a song as they came in. The costumes and songs were very prettv Mns. Mason played the piano for the program. We are sure every on~ enjoyed 6B Howard had a very victorious basHoward 6A won the speedball title by the operetta.-Violet Lance and Mildred ketball game. The baskets were made very beating 6C Central, 7 to 1. fast because the 6A guard did not do his The first game was a forfeit, and also Barter, 8B Howard. best. The game came to an end with the second. The third was with St. the score of 6B, 10 and 6A, 2. The lineJoseph. We won, 7 to 3. The next was ups were as follows : supposed to have been with 6B Howard 6B 6A but that was postponed. But I think we Carl Frankel Billy Wade would have had a very good fight; 6 B Thursday morning at 11 :20 the fifth Bud Anderson, captain Lloyd Hillsbury had a very good team. Then came 6C grade and the Senior assembly went to John Speredes Bal Mac Moran Central by a score of 7 to 1. the auditorium as the Junior Pollee were Stuart Edmonds Elmer Stone The team was as follows : Frank Koento be awarded belts, stars, raincoats, and Bill Shearer Biglow Haley, Jr. en, Ed Colegrove, Harry Kramer, Jarvis hats. "Hap" also awarded the speedball Brown, Lloyd Hillbury, George Pete~:son, -B~low Haley, Jr., 6A Howard. Elmer Stone, Gerald Spinner, Harold ptnnants. We were glad that Mr. Orner Palmer, Gordon Shubert, Billy Wade, Bob spoke to us afterwards about the duties 'We gave a few MacMoran.-Harry Kramer, 6A Howard. of the Junior Pollee. cheers while we were led by our cheer leaders, Frank Christy, James Chambers, and Bob Hermanson. The boys' and girls' glee clubs sang -Marjorie Wedell, Howard 8A Tuesday, December 10, in the Stolp gymnasium at S o'clock. The girls sang, "WIJIENJOY XMAS PARTY 0'-Wisp" and "Gay Liesel." The boys The Howard school received a ChristThe 8B Howard had a Christmas party sang "Pale Moon" · and "Sweet Kitty mas gift. It was a player piano which everyone ap,preciated. Several times Mrs. Friday. We have had several meetings Clover." Then both glee clubs together Clark, our music teacher, had wished and decided that each one would write sang "Silent Night," "0 Come All Ye that she had a player piano as certain his name on a piece of. pa.per, then W(> Faithful," and "Away in a Manger." · - -Billy Crawford, 7A Stolp. pieces like marches sound better on a mi~ed them up and Q_rew a name so player piano than on the victrola. Every- that each one had a name but not his 8A CAGERS WIN one in our room got to know about it own name and ·then we had to buy a On Wednesday, December 11, 6A Cenwhen it was brought in the room by a present for the person's name you drew. We also deci~ed we would have refresh- tral had a basketball game with 6B. In mistake for another piano.-Ruth Paveliments a_nd a committee to appoint people the first half 6A was in the lead, 2 to 0. cek, 8B Howard. to w:-oyide th..e entertainme11t. We had the Don Roberts made the basket. In the secwhole afternoon of December 21 which ond half Jack Ragsdale made three basHOWARD TRIMS ST. JOSEPH Last Thursday 6B Ho:w.ard had a vol- will be devoted to the Christmas party. kets and Bob Tansill made one basket. -R~th Pa velicek, 8B Howard. Roger Williams of 6B made a free throw leyball game with St. Joseph. St. Joseph and Homer Bonner, 6B, also made a baswere first up this time. In the first ket, making a total score of 10 to 3 in ten minutes they had a leadi~ score and BRING GIFTS TO TREE 6A. then it was time to rest. 6B captain is At the Howard school there is a Christ- favor of-Richard Johnson, 6A Central Dorothy Hlll and 6A is Eilene Weakly. mas tree in the hall. The children bring 6B won by a score of 19 to 16. The canned fruits and vegetables wrapped in next game 6B plays with 6A Howard and tissue paper to look nice. The children COLLECT WEATHER REPORTS the game will be for the championship. put the presents at the foot of the tree. In our science class we have been colWe are only going to play two games in The tree is all decorated up with orna- lecting weather reports. We are going voUeybaJJ and after Christmas we are ments and lights. It looks very nice to save them and make a book after going to play basketbaU.- I · think that when it is all lighted up and the presents Christmas. We are studying the flame wlll be fun. - Eleanor S~redes, 6A How· at the foot of it. The pqor people who now, which is a very interesting subject. a rd. have not much money are going to have We have seen Miss Stevens blow glass a nice Christmas I think.-Bobby Mac- and pull it. It is very fine flakes when it breaks after It is pulled. GET ~WCCER PENNANTS Moran, 6A Howard. -Mary Louise Schaefer, 6A Howard The fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grade boys of Howard school were STILL HAS TWENTY awarded soccer pennants. Mr. Gathercoal, OPEN CAGE SEASON One day this summer, Ed Horn gave Mr. Todd, and Mr. Davif! were the award· "Hap" Gathercoal of Howard school ers of the pennants. The pennant!' were me two New Zealand reds. The first has started another season of basketball. awarded to 5C, 6A, 7B, and SA. Five C, week I had two and now I have· twenty. The ftrst game was played Monday, De6A, and 7B received the football pen- I did have twenty-four but the first cember 9. The Howard fifth and sixth nants, also. - Geraldine Bunch, 7A Sunday after I had them. one died, then grades played hard in speedball and they Monday another one died, and Tuesday hope to win in basketball. Howard. another one died, and Wednesday another -Billy Anhalt, 6A Howard one died. Then I only had twenty and SNOW I still have twenty. I hope. I don't get Snow is falling, falllng, falling NEW TRIER TRIMS SENN any JllDre.-Carl Franken, 6B Howard. Snow Is falling here and there On\ Saturday, ·December 7, New Trier Snow is falling, falling, ta111ng beat Senn in both games. The first game MAKE BOOK ENDS Snow is tailing everywhere. the score was 21 't o S. The second game In Miss Larson's room we made book was 2t to 12. In the second game there Snow Is falling In great banks and drifts ends and not any of them were failures. Snow Is fallinc all round was a boy (I do not know his name. but The dealgns were Egyptian and not any the &Tandstand called him "Jr."), who Snow Is like a nightmare. Then It's falUng all around. of them were alike so :Mfss Larson was did a lot of good playing. pleasetl.-Edwln Colegrove, 6A Howard. -Jarvia Brown, 6A Howard. -Elmer Stone, 6A Howard Howard 6-A's Capture Speedball Championship "Very Victorious", This 6-B Basketball Contest Last Monday morning our first period happened to be literature. Of course we thought we'd get out of work, seeing we had two tests last w.eek, but no, the tables of fate were turned against us. · Mrs. Stalliq~ sal<\, "Turn to page 37 in your Elson readers and study the biography of Ernest Thompson Seton until 9 o'clock and then write it in your ,own words." We all Jet out a J:roan as we saw our cherished dream bubble break in our faces, our dream being no work. We read un.til 9 o'clock, then wrote, if we could. :Mrs. Stallin)~· hel,ped us by writing the names of the places where he lived and worked. The biography is as follows : Ernest Thompson Seton was born in 1860. Although he was born in England he spent most of his life in America. He was educated at the Toronto Collegiate Institution and at Royal Academy in London. He was always interested in the study of animals and birds and he found them in their natural haunts in the backwoods of Canada and on the western plains of the United States where he lived for several years. He was chief naturalist of Manitoba, Canada, for quite :'!- few years. Mr. Seton is also well known as an artist and illustrated mal)y of his books on animals and birds. Amon~ them are "The Biography of a Grizzly Bear," "Wild Animals at Home," and "Wild Animals' Ways," from which the story of "Coaly Bay, the OutlJlW Horse," is taken. We have studied and read the story of Coaly Bay and have enjoyed it very much.~Margrette Reynolds, 8B Howard. .I Rousing Cheers as Cops Get Their New Regalia Enjoy Visit to WMAQ Broadcasting Station We went down town last Saturday and when we got through we went over to the Daily News studio. It was about 8 o'clock and we saw Josenh Galichio with that violin of his and how he could play it! But you can't go ri!:bt down in the studio. They have a sort of parlor with a big glass. You can look and watch them from this glass and it surely was a new thing to me.-Billy Wade, 6A Howard. BOWARD CAGERS WIN The Howard 8B-II basketball team played the Stolo 8C-II team, and beat them, 2 to 1. This was our ftrst gamr this year. We did not know when the basketball season was to start and so we had to choose a captain, who is Marshall Peterson. We didn't have any practice but beat them anyway. Our basket was made by John Osborne. -John Batley, Howard 8B I like the winter very much so I wrote a poem about it: Howard School Gets Gift of Fine New Player .Piano Glee Clubs in Program; Feature Christmas Songs -------------------- LIKES WINTER The snow 11!1 falling lightly. The lights are shining briG"htly. The earth is all white with snow The noise of shovels are ringing. The children's gay volces are singing. The sleighbells are ringing. -Mary Louise Schaefer, 6A Howard. PUPILS DBA W PICTURES In Mrs. Vernon's room there is a large cardboard on which pictures of transportation and communication have been pinned. They were drawn by the pupils of the seventh grades. They .a re very good. -June Kuhl, 7A Stolp. SNOWDRIFTS EVERYWHERE All over Wilmette there are snowdrifts. On my way to school this mornIng I traveled through lots of snowdrifts. lt Is fun to go through and play in them If you like to.-Bob MacMoran, Howard 6A. . CHRISTMAS DAY Santa Claus came last night And now it's morning bright I'm glad we were good girls and boys That's why we got all these toys. I I was reallY' thinner Before I at~ that dinner And now I am just right For Santa Claus came last night. -Arthur and Ted Matson, 6B Howard.

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