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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Dec 1929, p. 28

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28 WILMETTE LIFE December 27, 1929 News o¥ the North Shore Clubs Alumnae chapter of Zeta Phi Eta · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - of the school of speech of NorthwestBy P. H. ern university will celebrate national Social Calendars of North Shore drama week by presenting Edna St. Junior Membership of Kenilworth The Children's party at the KenilClubs Still Are Filled With worth club on December 20, was the Vincent Millay at the Haven school in Woman's Club Bring Happiness Festive Events usual afternoon frolic for the little Evanston Wednesday evening, Februto Those Less Fortunate tots. This is always one of the pret- ary 12. Miss Millay will give a proN'orth Shore clubs are scenes of ~ay tiest affairs of the club year, for the gram of selected readings of her own Although the regular activities of the festivitv durin~ the holida,· season. little children make the event what jt poems. Neighbors have ceased for the present , Today: Friday, December 27, the \Vom- is, with their colorful, holiday, party Edna St. Vincent Millav is America's an's club of Wilmette is giving a clothes and their bright, happy ex- greatest woman poet. Writing slowly, the work of the Juniors reached it s highest point this past week when the Christmas party for children of mem- pectant faces. carefully, and with increasing excel- young women members bent their t [_ bers and their guests, at 2 o'clock. The Mrs. Jacques de La Chappelle, as lence, she has contributed lyric after forts to bring cheer and gladness into affair will offer its guests a clown, "a one of the hostesses, had planned the lyric of enduring value to American the hearts of less fortunate people real clown, a musical clown, a clown program which included a magician literature, expressing not only her per- near home and far away. who travels with one of the biggest and, of course, "Santa Claus," with sonal experiences, but the dominant The members sent two large boxe s circu ses in summer and plays in the favors and gifts for all. During the moods of her generation. Her influ- of clothing to a village in the mountheater s 111 the winter." A dog ~hat ence has been so powerful rhat she has does clever tricks will be on the pm- past few years the Kenilworth club set the tone for a whole school of tains of Tennessee and in return rehas taken on new impetus with the ceived holly which they in turn distribgram. as will a Punch and Jud.v show, poets but she herself has steadily rle- uted to the donors of the clothing. arrival of the many new young people with Punch and Judy, the babv. the veloped her art, surpassing each of her They also sent Christmas gifts to alligator, and others, and, to etid the who have built or bought new homes achievements in turn, until todav "he seven girls at Grove house in Evanston in Kenilworth. The village is very act, a bit of magic will he performed. fortunate in this ne\v group of resi- stands at the height of her career in and furnished Christmas cheer to two The children themselves will lead in dents and they have taken their places full possession of her talents and with the singi ng of Christmas carols be- and parts in the village affairs, carry- matw vears of creative work still be- families in west Kenilworth. To the latter they sent a complete Christmas tween each act, and each child pres- ing- on the old traditions of friendli - fore · her. dinner, and a Christmas tree decorated ent will be ginn a taffy apple to take ness and cooperation which have alThe publication of her first long with gay ornaments and gifts. home . ways marked Kenilworth as unique poem, "Re nascence." at the age of 19, Last Sunday evening Miss Margaret F.ach child is to wear a slip of paper ever since it was laid out and plannPrl first announced her talent to the Bluthardt entertained the Junior memwith his or her nam e to drop into the hv Joseph Sears years ago. The club world. Her collection of lyrics by the bers at a tea at her home on Essex box at the door. A small guest fee 1 plans for l'\ew Year celebration both will be charged those who are not chil- on Xew Year's eve and on 1\"ew Year's same name, is sued the year of 1er road and later they wrapped the Chri stgraduation from Vass~r. displayed the mas packages and gifts. dren of members. da~·. emotional sincerity, th e keen, rueful The members include the Misses Thi s evening, children of the sixth, Shawnee Country club is gay this wit, and the unfailing technical com Margaret Bluthardt, president; Ruth seventh, and eighth grades will have their own Christmas dance at Shawnee holidav season and offers the members petence which have marked all I-ter Mary Harrison, vice president; Virall sorts of entertainment in the wav '..Vork. The uniformly high di stinction ginia Rich, recording secretary: Ella Countn· club at 8 o'clock. s of the verse in her succeeding volumes ) ane Holden, corresponding secretary; Dece;nher 28, brings several club af- of children's partie s, and. also, dancehas \'ron the most severelv critical and :Ruth Johnston, treasurer; Charlotte or dinners for the grown-ups. fair. . A Children's party with Santa The swimming activities of Shawnee the most popular favor ·a nd in 1922 Hamilton, chairman of the philan~laus himself as a guest is taking place 1n the afternoon at 2, at Shawnee are among the most popular featur es "The Harp \Veaver" was awarded the th,ropy department; Helen Holden, Countn· clnh. Santa has sent a tele- of the club and the pool is alwa\'S Pulitzer prize for the best verse pub- chairman of special committee; Mariot) Bent, Berenice Bulley, Estelle Farley,· gram to the club reading, "Hurry- filled with enthusiasts. It is interest- lished during that year. Persuaded by the beauty of her two Josephine Farley, Georgiana Fowler, Complding- li st of children's names for ing to know that the ,\·ater in this my party December 28. Lot of work pool is filtered every minute through plays in verse, "Aria Da Capo" and, Elizabeth Freudenreich, Virginia Heaiy, to do in m~· shops. Yours hurriedlv, huge filtering tanks and that it then "The Lamp and the Bell." the direc- Barbara Holden, Harriet Johnston, ~anta Claus." · passe s through the ultra-violet ra~· tors of the Metropolitan Opera com- Elizabeth Kelly, Viginia :Marshall, DorSkokie Country club, too, is having machine and is purified again and re- pany invited her to write the libretto othy May, Barbara Mearns, Harriet a party for Children the afternoon of vitalized so that the tests given this of an opera to Deems Taylor's music. :Mons, Martha Richardson, Shirley December 28. Dancing has been water in the tank show that the v.·at~r· Out of their collaboration came "The Ross, Phyliss Ruf Saunders, Helen planned for the older children and is better than our drinking \Yater ;tt King's Henchman" which was ac- Southward, Alice Van Arsdale, Dorogames for the younger. all times. Aside from this the water claimed. as the finest American opera thy Walker, Jane Young, and Harriet when it was produced in New York Williams. In the enning of the same day, the is changed periodically. Many of these girls are away at college crowd will have its homecoming The New Year's eve party announce- in the spring of 1927. The same critparty, a dinner dance at Shawnee. ments suggest early reservations for ical approbation greeted the separate school but most of them were here for Dinner with dancing in the dining dinner on that night as the cluh can publication of "The King's Henchman" the mid-year project, taking part in room, takes place at 7 :30 o'clock, and onl.v accept reservation to the capa':.:- in boo~ form, and firmly established this Christmas work. her in her present eminent position. dancing will follow later in the ball- it. , - of the dining rooms. room. Her latest publication, "The Buck in Garden Club to Install the Snow." is her first collection of Plan s for New Year's eve arc paraNew Officers January 3 poems in five years. Kenilworth N eigbbors to mount at several of the clubs. The first meeting of the new year The Club Vista del Lago is anticiResume Programs Jan. 7 Pb.l tb S . t of the Wilmette Garden club will be pating the most eventful and colorful held Friday, January 3, at the home The regular sessions of the Neight Ban rfiopCy tn~ 0 affair of its season New Year's eve. ene t bt 1dren s Home of Mrs. W. G. Mitchell, 1009 Oakwood Cope Harvey will be there to lead his bors for the vear 1929 closed on Deorchestra as it plays music for danc- cember 10. but the art and literature The Children's Receiving home of the avenue, at 2:30 o'clock. B. L. Gage ing. "The gay whirl of whoopee," the department, of which Mrs. \Vatter D. Lutheran Woman's league is to bene- is to be the speaker and his topic will club announces, "starts promptly at Launder is chairman, held a meeting fit by the next sewing day sponsored be "L~wdscaping." Mrs. P. B. Wagner 10:30 o'clock Tuesday evening, Decem- later in the month, December 17, at the by the philanthropy department of the will give a short talk on "Mushrooms." During the meeting the installation ber 31, and glides along until sometime home of Mrs. John O'Connor, Kenil- Woman's club of Wilmette, Friday, next ye~r." worth avenue, and the Junior memLers January 3. All women of Wilmette, of new officers will take place. Those Shawnee is arranging to make its carried on the constructive work of whether club members or not are in- selected to guide the club's affairs for first l\ew Year's eve in the new build- the Neighbors d.uring the month of vited to join the assemblage ~n these the ensuing year are : Mrs. Charles N. Hurlbut, president; ing the ~reatest of all club events. December by doing some splendid philanthropy sewing days which comTwo large orchestras will play for the charitable work near home and far mence at 10 o'clock in the morning Mrs . .Paul B. Wagner, vice-president; dancing, which is to be continuotis av.·ay. and continue until 4 in the afternoon, Mrs. R. H. Dameier, recording secrefrom 9 o'clock on. Dinner, entertainThe club programs wilt he resumed with luncheon served at 12:30 o'clock. tary ; Mrs. 0. A. Sontag, corresponding ment, sou\·enirs, favors, and breakfast January 7, when Mrs. Edwin Hedrick Mrs. Frederick Tilt is chairman of secretary; Mrs. J. B; Schaub, program are included in the plans for the eve- will present an interpretation of John the department. Mrs. Scott Smith is chairman. ning and early morning. Luther Long's "Madame Butterfly" chairman for the work January 3 asThe Kenilworth club is completing and Miss Margaret Bluthardt will give sisted by a committee composed ·of Club Entertains its arrangements for a New Year's eve illustrative selections from the Puccini Mrs. F. L. Rice, Mrs. C. F. Brandt, The Club Vista del Lago, in No ball Tuesday, commencing at 9:30 opera. Mrs. H. G. Nevins, Mrs. H. 0. von der Man's Land, entertained the children <(clock. Mrs. Leon T. Ellis, Mrs. Hoff. Mrs. Carl Empson is luncht>on of the members Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Callivette passed chairman. James R. Starr, Mrs. Dewitt Stillman, The hostesses were Mrs. Ralph Long, and Mrs. Harold F. Tid em an will act several days this week with the latter's Mrs . . Myron Harshaw, and H. R. as hostesses. Breakfast will be served grandfather, Frank A. Alles, 1636 Lake Weekly Opera Attendants Gaudy. On Christmas day there was a avenue. from 12 :30 o'clock until 2. dinner in the club rooms for the memAmong the Winnetkans usually seen bers and yesterday the young people The club also \\·ill give a ~ew Year's tea dance January 1, at 4 o'clock, with formal junior dance Friday, January at the opera Wednesday evenings are of hi!!h school and college ages were Mrs. Dan G. Stiles, Mrs. Herbert Tay- 3, and Skokie Country club is replac- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barnum, Mr. and given a dance. The hostesses for the lor, and Mrs. John F. \\'hite the ing its usual New Year's eve party Mrs. Emory Cobb Andrews, Mr. and evening were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mrs. Robert Butz, and Mrs. Thomas hostesses. with a dinner dance Saturday evening, Ritchie. The Langdon Pearses are Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin SimShawnee Country club is giving a January 4. mons. The same evening a family dinMonday night patrons. ner and bridge was planned. Country Clubs Are Gay for Holidays Club Activity I Edna St. Vincent Millay to Give Program ' Feb. 12 Junior Neighbors S dX C · prea mas beer .ew

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