WILMETTE LIFE January 3, 1930 Funeral Services Held JANUARY REDUCTIONS of for Stephen M. Dunphy . Stephen Montague Dunphy, Sr., for the past twel:ve years a resident of t~e north ·shore, died at the home of hJs daughter, Mrs. H. D. Davisson of Gle~ view on December 28. He was 17 vear~ of age. Funeral rites were conducted from the Scott funeral chapel in Wilmette last Monday, Dr. George D. Allison of the Wilmette Baptist church officiating. Burial was at OakridR.e cemetery. Mr. J?unphy ~as born in Boston, Mass., commg to Ch1cago at an early age. He was for many years engaged in the hotel and restaurant business from which he retired about twelve ;ears ago. Since that time he has made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Davisson, first. in Wilmette and more recently in Glenview. In addition to Mrs. Davisson, he is survived by a second daughter, Mrs. R. C. Tapp of Minneapolis, and a son, Stephen M. Dunphy, Jr., of Chicago. One sister, Mrs. Lettie Wyman of Chicago, also surviyes. Karl Palenske, son of ~r. and Mrs. Reinhold H. Palenske, 226 Tenth street, was host to a group of friends at the holiday din1_1er dance held at Shawnee' Country club last Saturday. I zaak W altons Propose Vast Recreation Area (Continued from Page 1) Lingerie and Hosiery Bandeau Sets Ste/l·i·s Sf! Chemises Bloomers French Panties ~ _ ~ Petticoats SPECIAL OFFER GowNs-formerly $4.50--Now $3.50 1159 WILMEITE AvE., O· -·-~-~- · ~ WILMETTE PHoNE WILMETTE a,,oi~ttme~tt 4370 - -·-·-,_n_n_n·a-lt R e,rese·llatirJe will call by Cut Flowers and Blooming Plants A gorgeous selection for your choosing, to bring joy to bleak January days. Reasonably priced. · '· JOHN WEILAND Florist Wilmette Store: 116 1' Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2128 . .,,,.1 I""""'KEEP that YOUTHFUL lookYOU will look YEARS younger once YOU have your BEAUTY work done BY such expert~ AS you find AT- Phone Wilmette 400-401 SAFE-JURE PROMPT "THE OLD RELIABLE/' the doctors call our pharmacist. ·Never has he failed to fill prescriptions accurately, never is he short in quantity, never late in filling orders. Good Old Reliable! FOREST ALL NECESSITY-LAY IN A COMPLETE SUPPLY OF DRUGS NOW! Sewing North Shott Rtaidenta for mote than 2 Mrs. F. A. Buck 1 167 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 4598 Today in this region the beginning of the entire end of these opportunities seems in sight. The quiet country dirt roads are nearly all turned into co .1crete paved automobile highways. The woods are nearly all privately fenced - estates or subdivided into small lot'3. The marshes and streams are ditched, or polluted and turned into dumps. Open pastures and back woods grow ever fewe~ Fences border even the golf courses. Walts and pumping stations come down ever closer to the lake waters and restrict the beaches. Without disregarding or attempting to belittle the values of machines, of concrete and steel, and the fact of population pressure, the conviction remains that there are none the less other _ values to human beings, to boys and to grown men and women, which =· girls, are as deep and genuine and real-as _ desirable of preservation-as those (Continued on Page 42) ROYAL TIGER SALE EXTRA PAIITS FREE WITH EVERY SUIT OR OVERCOAT ORDER 5 Yeata Snider..Cazel Drua Co. 1167 WILMETTE AVENUE Auto Delivery Service in Wilmette and Kenilworth Made Expressly for You Price $2$ 1641 ORRINGTON AVENUE