WILMETTE LIFE January 3, 1930 Cle&rance! Negligees . A limited number of negligees that have become slightly waterspotted-priced S3.95 and S9 - . which is JUSt ·· ·· · · · · GIRLS' and WNIORS' !D) JE. IE§§IE:§ &1Ill cdl IE: N§IE lMI IB3 IL IE§ for Resort Wear Smooth light tweed en· sembles with silk crepe blouses; green with green; rose with beige. French blue flann.el suit with a white, blue·dotted dimity blouse. Print frocks with plain flannel coats to harmonize in color. Solid-color silk rajah coats with print frocks--or with checked tuhsilk ones. And other wool or silk ensembles at $1 o. 5o. Sizes 8 to r 7. Silk or wool ensemblesand combinations of both. Dotted rajah, waffle cloth. embroidered ratine and Cheney print silks are used for coats and jackets with tub silk or cotton frocks . Several smart outfits combining marine blue with white in a swagger nautical effect. These . . . · and others suitable for southern wear. at $17 .50. lL 72 Price Lord's-8econd Floor Silk Underwear An odd lot of pieces that have become soiled and rumpled during tbt holiday selling : tailored and lace-trimmed models · · · all formerly much higher than the low clearance price ........ . Lord's Children's Shop Second floor $2.95 wit trun "- ' Lord's--second Floor Women's and Misses' Coats Originally $59 ·5 0 to $85Norma cloth and broadcloth and tweed coats with fine furs: Shagmoor Coats; Rumbleseat and other alpaca cloth coats ....... . filled OCillln~~®cdl IPlillir~®~ theb I . "' $49.50 ilfru® IFilrr~li: ©~ ttfru® Lord's--second Floor §(Q)lU1riHIIEIRN IFJR(Q)(COC§ and Ensembles Only a brief resume 1s possible - for every day sees the arrival and departure of the fascinating things that come to Lord's for southbound vacation- in Brilliant Colors for Resort Wear WI # lovE fro clot I Lor Felt arid Velvet Hats that were up to $7.5 o: draped models, turbans, hats with brims; off-the -face effects: a good assortment to choose from at ........... . A capacious envelope purse of mimosa yellow is bordered in black. $32.50. Knit and crochet purses in two or three shades of the same color. or in sharp contrasts; square and oblong shapes, some with metal -handled f r a m e s. $I 0. \. ' $3.95 Lord's--second Floor Dresses and ensembles of jersey and shantung and silk crepeall designed on long lines, with cirwlar and godet -inset skirts of sweeping lines. A sleeveless shantung frock rs $25. Orchid circlets printed on handkerchief linen-a sleeveless sports frock at $10.9 5. A group of sheer dimities with white tailored trimmings, $6.95, $r0.95· Jersey frocks with crepe collars and cuffs-violet, gold and other lovely colors-$35. Lord' s-Apparel Second Floor Boys' 35c Handkerchiefs White ones, with colored woven band borders and colored initials. Because they're slightly soiled, we've priced them for clearance at . ... . . 25c Lord's-First Floor Morocco envelopes 1 n many colors, finished inside with the raw leather, the outside beautifully tooled in patterns. $5. Lord' s-Leather Goods First Floor $3.95 Silk ·Scarfs in conve~tional block prints, batik silks, basque stripes: some soiled, all excellent values at ...... . $2.49 Lord's-First Floor