January 3, 1~30 WILMETTE LIFE We offer opportunities for profitable January investments .J ARTCRAFT BUILDING- 615-1 7 Davis Street, Evanston. This four story building is located in the heart of Evanston's downtown section just east of Fountain Square. The main floor is rented by Lyon & Healy under a lease having still 26 years to run. The total issue, dated April 10) 1928 is $115,000.00. ~ ANTON BUILDING- Northeast corner of Dempster Street and Elmwood Avenue. Offers stores and apartments. Occupies a site 67x116 feet. A seasoned property securing an issue of $50,000.00. HAYES BUILDING-Southeast corner of Sherman Avenue and Clark Street, combination store and apartment building. One block north of Field's, adjacent to both University and business sections. An excellent issue of $125,000.00. ' LIN C 0 L N APARTMENTS - Southeast corner of Lincoln and Brown, in Northwest Evanston. Adjacent to the beautiful Lincoln· wood section. Convenient to local and steam transportation. A six apa·r tment building on lot 50x200. . Land and building valued at $80,000.00 secure this five year loan of $42,000.00. · STONEGATE TERRACE--650-700 Hinman A venue in the Main Street section, close to lake, transportation and shopping facilities. This modern 31 apartment building occupies a lot 150x170. Every apartment has exceptional light and air. A fireproof garage under the entire building and court is only one of the modern features so attractive to tenants. · The property is valued at more than $403,000.00 and is security to the 7 year issue of $260,000.00 made in 1927. The first prepayment of $5,000.00 has been retired. 649 HINMAN BUILDING-Another desirable property in the Main Street section. This 6 apartment building 'vith the land 50x170 feet is valued at $125,000.00. The entire 7 year issue of 1926 is for $62,500.00. Prepayment of $3,000.00 is now retired. All of the above issues are on completed, fully tenanted buildings in desirable locations. There is a limited number of bonds available from each. I I· c{ }OHN Greenleaf 2700 Make Reservations Now · f Rogers Park 5115 F. HAHN, Incorporated ESTABLISHED 1899 Bonds - Mortgages - Real Estat,e - Insurance - Renting 1619 SHERMAN AVENUE