January 10, 1930 WILMETTE stellar performer on the track and baseball Jiamond. He is a very popular member of the student body. He represents . his chss on the atliletic board and expects to be elected to membership in the Mask and Tabor club before the year is over. The Elgin academy is a preparatory school for boy~ and has an enrollment of one hundred students. It is one of the oldeH schools of its kind in the Middle West. LIFE GIVE BRIDAL DINNER 15 Winnetka Duo A ids Elgin Academy to U1 in Football Title Edward Mendun to Attend Curtiss Aeronautical U. Two Winnetka boys, John T. Clore of 654 Cherry street, .and Franklin Z uttermeister of 96 Church road, played with the Elgin Academy football team that recently won the Mid\Vest Prep conference championship. Clore i~ a junior at the Elgin school and played end on the football team Winnetka Youth Awarded this year. H · e won his letter since he ·Third "D" at Dartmouth took part in all the games, and, inciLeonard S. Schmitz, senior at Dartdentally, is toting a shiny gold football mouth and son of Dr. and Mrs. M. L. on his watch c_ hain, the insignia of Schmitz, 500 Greenleaf avenue, Glenconference champions. coe, has been awarded his third letter He is president of the Mask and "D" bv ~he school's Athletic assoctaTabor club, an· organization that pro- tion. He was captain of tl}e soccer duces one musical comedy a year. He team for 1929 and is manager of the was stage manager for the Dramatic Dartmouth college \Vinter Sports club's production "Lightnin'," which team. He has been awarded his letters · was given December 13. and bars and is taking his team to This is Zuttermeister's second year Manor Richelieu, Canada, and Lake at the academy and he has been an Placid du:-ing the month of February. outstanding athlete ever since he en- He is finishing Dartmouth with nne tered school. While Clore was busy year of work at Tucks School of Busion the left end of the line he could. ness Administration to his credit. rest assnred, for he knew another \Yinnetka boy was on the other end. Miss Gertrude Mathews, daughter of l~ ranklin, although rather small, played Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mathews, 319 in every game this year and won his Essex road, Kenilworth and a schuol letter and gold football. He has a friend of hers, Miss Esther Grulee, regular pvsition on the varsity basket- of Evanston entertained a sleigh ride ball team and Coach Clark expects him party on Monday of last week. Twenty to be o;1e of the mainstays on his boys and girls attended and after the c ourt-fiv~ this winter. In addition to sleigh ride they went to the home oi these two sports, Franklin is one of the Miss Grule e for refreshments an<l be st tennis players in school and is a . dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey A. Wheeler, 265 Wood court, gave a dinner party Edward Mendun of Wilmette, who Thursday for their son, Edward Todd has been taking advanced work as a Wheeler, and Miss Eleanor Rice, who member of the New Trier High school are to be married tomorrow afternoon, and the members of their bridal party. aviation mechanics class, has been accepted at the Curtiss Aeronautical university, where he will study airpla11.e designing. R. L. F. Biesemeier, teach- 1 t r of the New Trier aviation mechanics class, reports that young Mendun '"·as one of his most promising l SAVE s~udents. Jane Young, 333 Cum nor road, Kenilv.·orth has had as her guest for the past week-end, a friend of hers from ~ational Park seminary, Miss Elizabeth Trumbell, of Mu skogee, Okla. Mi ss Trumbell and Miss Young returned to ~ational Park seminarv at \Vashington on Tue sday of this ,\·ee k. ~1 iss 25 to40% Fitted Overnight Cases Traveling Bags Suit Caaea Wardrobe Trunks Slightly shopworn Milk Fed Broilers Alive or Dressed to Order Skokie Poultry Ranch Waukegan Rd. and Winnetka .A:n·. Glenview, Ill. Tel. Glenview 31-R·l ~ MW1'11111' E5T ·ase auc.-GO A Winter of Ease in Evanston R EAL comfort, real happiness, awaits you at The Orrington, Evanston's most el~gant residential hotel. Not only an enjoyable changenew furnishings in a wonderful hotel -but ideal environmen_ t also. Picture the cozy warmth, the east of. your bright, sunny new apartment in this elegant hotel. No servant problems. Close to schools, transportation, churches, libraries, the lake, and shopping district. No place more delightful to live than Evanston . and no happier home than The Orrington. One to three room and larger a·partments, several with kitchenettes. Come see them. 1n Evanston. Enjoy a winter of ease SMART MODERNS Go South in Winter TravelingNot only means Adventure and Romance but also NEW CLOTHES the most impor . . tant part of the trip Universit~ 8700 GfluJ ORRINGTON N. A. HANNA, Inc. 9 52 Spanish Court Wilmette, Ill. Telephone Wilmette 467 Evanston's Largest and Finest Hotel