January 10, 1930 WILMETTE LIFE 17 104 PUPILS OF SEARS SCHOOL ON HONOR ROLL Twenty-Two Pupils Achieve Coveted Membership in School Honor Society Twenty-two pupils of the sixth, seventh and eighth grades of the J oseph Sears school achieved the distinction of membership in the Honor society of the school for the period just ended, it was announced this week by E. L. Nygaard, superintendent of the school. One hundred and four pupils are listed on the Honor roll. Membership in the Honor society is gained through achieving an ··£" average in school work for the entire period while the Honor roll is comprised of students who have been rated ".E" in effort. The members of the Honor society are as follows : Honor Society ·· The Spirit of the Church welcomes you Many regard their church as a beautiful building, and feel that to donate liberally is indeed almost the whole of Christian duty. Yet, do they really support their church? · Suppose a grea-t calamity some Saturd~y night were to wipe away Wilmette churches. Sunday morning would find the members meeting somewhere, somehow. Yes, the church would go on. In time, other suitable church buildings would be erected. A church is not a thing of pews, organ and beautiful windows. Those things merely symbolize the real church. A church is the expression of the Christian spirit of its members-their desire for fellowship, hospitality to the stranger, . Christian instruction, uplifting work. Only when you actively put the sptnt of yourself into th~ church can you know its meaning. Then you realize the joy of spiritual expression and service which returns fruits in abundant rewards. · Sixth grade- Doris Heaton, Shirley · Hermapn, ~!arsha Huck, Bettie Leach, I jean Small, John ~prenger and An1 nette \;V illiams. Seventh grade-Shirley Botthof, Bar- 1 bara Clark, Elinor Clark, Helena Clay, · Russell Cooke, Robert Cutler, .l{oy Demmon, Jane Harrison, Mary Huck, Tom Hildebrandt, Billy H.obertson and Louise Watson. Eig_l_1~h grade-George Bel}son, Roger Crowe and John Mathison. Honor Roll The Honor roll follows : Grade 111, Miss Clark-Betty Becker, Ruth Go9dl1ue, Suzanne Hazelet, Myrtle Holloway.. l{oiJert ~andon, George Simon, Ruth Streed, .Elaine Vaught and .Phyllis -wheelock. Grade 111, Miss Little_~-Robert Andersen, l{gbert .Barr, Suzanne Erwin, Martha Hale, Madelin Jergensen, Isabelle J ohnsqn, ) oan Ketcham, Jack Lawson, Mary Mclntosh, Bernice Modine, .t.leanor Morrison, Philip Petersen, James Robertson, John .H.ompel, .Elame .Kothermel, j e~n Schrei, H.ud Stillman and Susan Wolfe. Grade IVJ Miss Bitting-Janet Colvin, john Deacon, John Dix, Marian Mesick, Jimmy Olin, .l{osamond Ruess, Ruth ~Prenger, John Wilson and Marna Wilson. · ·Grade IV, Miss Stark - George Brown, J_.ouise Burkhard, Bredin Burns, Patricia Grover, Seeley Lodwick, Evelyn Moqtanara, june Toops ~ and Mary Wolf. Grade V~ Miss Billington-Mary Barrett, Scott CamP,l>ell, Shirley Claffey, Betty ] ane Cooke, Geraldine Cox, Bunny Dahw, Charlene Driver, Zo de Ia Chapelle, Edith GiUett, Helen Glennon, .Peggy Ketcham, Benjie MacKinnon. Suzanne Maurer, George Richards, ) e~n_nette Robertso!I, Burton Smith, Billy Stebbins, D_ o nald Stillman, John Weese and Kenneth Smith. Grade VI, Mrs. Foreman-Doris Heaton, Shirley Hermanll, Helena Holloway, M i r i a m HolmesJ Richard Holmes, Marsha Huck, Alice Kelly, Bettie Lea c h , Gilbert Mcintosh, Martha O'Connor, Gertrude Orvis, . Hugh Petersen, ) ane Peycke, Virginia Richards, Mable Sample, Aurica Simon, Jean Small, John Sprenger, Margaret Tideman, · Annette Williams and Doris Wolfe. Grade VII (and VIII)-girls-Miss Hanford-Shirley Botthof, Barbara Clark, Elinor Clark, Helena Clay, Dorothy Deacon, ) ane Harrison, Mary Huck, · Cecilia MacKinnon, Dorothy Smythe, Louise Watson and Alice Welty. Grade VII and VIII-boys-Miss Stryker-Russell Cooke, Roger Crowe, Robert Cutler, Roy Demmon, Billy Fowler.. Peter Gilbert, Tom Hildebrandt, John Mathison, Billy Robertson and Carleton Ross. Next Sunday the churches of Wilmette welcome you to join with them in expressing the spirit of Christianity Directory of Churches: St. John's Lutheraa Church Wilmette and Park Avenues Rev. Herman W. M eytt The Wdmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette Avmues Rev. Georgt D. Alliton FustCOngregationu Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Vert V. Loper St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1140 Wilmette Avenue Rev. Hubert Carleton Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf Avenue and Seventh Street Rev. Carl I. Emp1on The F~rst Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Horact G. Smith The Fmt Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf Avenue Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland Publi1hed bJI the Interchurch Adverti1ing Committee, WilmeUt Church Fedttation