J :a:n:ua:r:y:l:O,:l:~:O==============~================W=I=L=M==E=T~T=E==L:;I~F~E======================================~ 21 "What are steps the United States has taken and must take to join the World court? "What are the arguments for and against American adherence? "How would you go about working out a careful evaluation of the court for dett!rminlng whether or not the United States is making a wise move in con~idering adherence? "Is the court an agency for world peace?" Affairs Schools to Associate Alumnae Will Visit McKinlock Campus Hold .Discussion of Opportunity to visit Northwestern U.S. in World Court university ·buildings on McKinlock cam- These are much-mooted questions the third sessions of the annual Schools of Foreign Affairs will seek . to answer Thursday, Jan. 16, at the First Methodist church of Evanston. The reading references announced in the program for the sessions sugg~sts acquaintance with "The United. States and the Court" (Jessup) Vol. 12, No. 4, and Beatrice Pitney's pamphlet, "The Root Formula for United States Entry into the World Court." The pamphlet was prepared for the League of \Vomen \' oters. To Dramatize World Court The important item of the day's program will be a dramatization of the \Vorld court t0 be presented by the class in international organization at ~orthwestern university under direction of Lawrence D. Egbert, Ph. D., department of political science, N. U. The actu:1l case presented will be that of the S. S. Wimbledon examined by the court in 1923. This case involved interpretation of an article in the Treaty of Versailles which deals with the rights of Germany in the matter · of the passage of ships through the Kiel canal. Representatives of the British, French, Italian and Japanese governments will plead the case agcrin st Germany. The president of the court will give the decision. This sesston will be held at 8 at the Woman's club. Mrs. Amy 0. Parmelee, president of the Evanston League of Women V oters, will preside. The 4 o'clock meeting- will be held, as usual, at the First Methodist church. Prof. Egbert will be authority on facts at this session. Mrs. Frank Fearing will preside and the discussion leader will be Walker M. Alderton. There will be no dinner. · The group of local organizations sponsoring the schools include the Woman's club, the League of Women Voters, the Business and Professional Women's club, the Central Council of Evanston School clubs, the local W. C. T. U. and the international relations department of the League of Women Voters. Use Hoover Quotation The group has headed its printed program with the quotation from the Armistice day address of President Hoover: "Peace is not a static thing. To maintain peace is as dynamic in its requirements as the conduct of w::tr." The programs of Thursday, Jan. 23, will be devoted to consideration of "Russia Today." Jan. 30 the subject will be "Some Problems of the Pacific." Mrs. George H. Tomlinson is general chairman of the committee in charge. Mrs. U. S. Grant is the vicechairman. The secretary is Mrs. Franklin Fearing, the treasurer Mrs. Wilfred L. Childs, and the assistant treasurer Miss Caroline Littler. Others serving on committees includ.e Mrs. Townsend Smith, Mrs. James M. Judson, Miss Mary Slack, Mrs. Frank H. Tuthill, Mrs. Isaac J. Cox, Mrs. Martin Kent Northam, Mrs. Horace B. Gardner, Mrs. 0. H. Pilon, Miss Elizabeth Pratt, Miss Winona JewelJ, Mrs. ]. M. Barnes, Mrs. Curtis M. Raisig, Mrs. Roy J. Cook, Mrs. E. A. Bronson, Miss Emma Rogers, Mrs. A; H. Easingwood and Mrs. M. L. Wagner. Miss Georgianna Fowler, daughier of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fowler, 16 Warwick road., Kenilworth, returned to Ogontz school last Monday. Doro~hy Darling and her sister, Jane, also returned to Ogontz on Monday. pus, Chic~go, will be included in the program for Saturday of the Associate Alumnae when they hold their January meeting there. This will be upder auspices of the Lydians, organization for women on the downtown campus, and guests will meet in the Lydian club rooms in Wieboldt hall at 12 :45. The visit to the buildings will begin then. At 3 there will be a program in the club rooms . Edyth Carpenter, president of the Lyd..: ians, will give an address of welcome and will introduce Neva Leslie, secretary of the school of commerce, and Mrs. George Paddock, president of the Associate Alumnae. Brief talks relating to their business experiences will be given by Clara Le Quam, Kathryn Kite, Grace May and Irene Underwood. Later tea will be served. Mrs. John A. Scott is program chairman and her committee includes Alice Wyman Schulze, Grace Hanbury, Edyth Carpenter and Hazel Grant. All members of the Associate Alumnae are urged to be present. BROWNIE'S Remodeling Alterations Women's Accessories 6 6 5 Vernon Ave. Glencoe ·Phone Glencoe 18 5 PERSONAL SERVICE SHOPPE MODISTE-DOROTHY ELLEN BROWN will fashionably dress you for any occasionby remodeling anything from Hats to your Lingerie. Daily-8:30 to 6-Saturdays-8:30 tog · Women of Fashion Are women of Common Sense, too. In which case they realize that one's ·wardrobe may be maintained at relatively small cost by keeping garments freshly cleaned and pressed. They also realize that the ERMINE ·cLEANERS, I~C. are the BEST in the community - because of their thoroughly experienced and intelligent organization of fifty. . Their work and service cannot be excelled at any price anywhere. For your convenience we maintain an alteration and repair department Established 19 21 WILMETTE 1 1 5o Central A venue Phone Wilmette 704 Phone Wilmette 748 0Tl"O F. 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