36 WILMETTE LIFE January 10, 1930 : BOY SCOUT NEWS of the NORTH SHORE TROOPS He's an Eagle A regular feature p~~ge 1. b ....,mt.-. pttputd tach Wet" fJ ·m ~n· 1 of the Boy Scout Prtll club, North Shore Area Council North Shore A rea North Shore Area Scout Scout Council Now Council Ranked at Top Has 1,229 lJI!embers in Survey of Region 7 The year 1929 ended with the North Shore ~A.rea council going twenty-nine over the 1,200 mark for the number of registered Scouts. Twch·e troops reregistered in December with some dropped Scouts, but in the last week there ha\'e been 137 new Scouts pbc:ed on the books. This includ.es six new troops and raises the total to 1.229 Scouts and fiftv -s eY<' n troops. The new Troops are Troop 28, Kenilworth. Sea Scout Ship; Troop 56, Kenliworth, Aviation troop: Troop 43, \Vilmette, Sea Scout Ship: Troop 27. Glencoe Methodist; Troop 54. Half Day; Troop 39, Highland Park. Sea Scout Ship. Following- is the list of new Scouts: Wilmette Troop 4-Bill Boddie. Charles Hardt. Ray Nelson. John Slayton, E(hn.rd. Snyder and Jack Stein. Troop 9-Raymond Balmes, James Kivland and James Zeutschel. Troop 10-Hm,·ard Ball, ~orman Johnson, George Pederson and. Gerald Zapp. Troop 11 - Dick Benedict, Paul Dempsc~', Jack Leckner and Charle. Broad. Troop 43-( Sea Scout Ship) Edward R. Ardrn, Foster Bennett. Ross Blaylock, Roger Delancler, \Vilhert Knnz. Charles Stiles. Charles Taylor. Pant \\'illiams, Arian Delancler, Gordon Ruff and \Vatter Haas. Kenilworth Troop 28-(Sea Scout Ship) John \V. Howe, Joel Dickinson. Dorrance Nvgaard, Erl,,·ard Hoffman, Ben Phillips, Robert Knauer. Robert Burns, Tom Sinding ctnd \\'illard Bent. Troop 56-(A,·iation troop) Joel Dickinson. John Howe. Bob BHne, Elwood ~~ ons, Claude Hamilton Tom Smith, Dill Smith. Stirling Harper. Herbert Otten, John P. \Vilkins and Harry Richards. Winnetka Troop 14-Joseph Coamhs. \Valter Schults, \Yilliam Stein. Allen Swahacker, George Taylnr and George \Vatson. Troop 16-Fred Log-an. transfe!'recl from Virginia. Glencoe Troop 27- Gt'orge \\'alter. La\\Tl' llcc· Teich an I Ed,Yin Vaughan. Ravinia Troop 35-).f elvin , trau:; . . Cr.1nt Benson, Art BPldaul. Cro :; )e,· Keller. Frank Lawrence. Earl Paln;c'r, P:wl Rice, Rob rt Lautmann . .Tame. Farrl'II. Robert Olson, John Thompson and Charles Zahn. Highland Park Troop 30-~furra,· Durrett, Xnrman Evans, George Gaidzik. Sherman Keller, Rnbert ~foseley, Venllm Rudolph and \ Yilliam Tv son. Troop 31-\\'alter Cradle. C'lifforcl Kutzer. Matt K ntzer. Gordon Engles. ) ames Rice a,nd Victor Larson. Troop 32-Frerl Golden, Harr,· Hall and Donald Hurd. · Troop ~9- (Sea Scout Ship) n._car Goepner, ~!ark Canmann, Lennard Keaster, Randolph Herman, \ \'illiam Eisendrath, Morton Traub, George Kre skamp, Edward Loewenstein, Al fred Meyers, John Horn. David 1IcCa1la, John Kraft, Peter \\.hite . Highwood Troop 36-Ciln 1\otogocoma. Lake Forest Troop 45-David \Vitliams and William Good. Troop 48-George Bousson, Robert The North Shore Area council was voted the highest of all the 106 Councils in Region 7, comprising the states of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. in a membership analysis made recently by the National council, Boy Scouts of America. Each council was rated according to its growth in troops, and scouts, :~.nd to members' advancement 111 rank. The councils were then classified according to their standing into groups. A, B, C, D, and E. The North Shore Area council was the only one to get in Class A. receiving 936 out of a possible 1,000 points. This analysis is made e\·ery three months and for the next report the council is working hard to keep its high standard. Many New Leaders Join Scout Ranks During December With the registration of twelve old troops and registering of six new troops in December came many new leaders into Scouting in the North Shore Area council. In some cases the followincr list shows "old Timers" registering in new positions, hut in most cases the men are registering for the first time as new leaders. Here ~re the names of fortv-six of the men g-iving their time, effort and training for the betterment of boyhood in this area: Kenilworth Sea Scout Ship 28-Thomas D: Nanier. skipper; E. L. 1\yg·aard. chatrman Troop committee: Ch.arles Howe .. m~m bers of Troop commtttee: \V. Smdmg, member of Troop committee. Troop 56-Gary Young. scoutmaster; Charles D. Howe, chairman Troop committee; William H. \Vilder, member Troo9 committee: C. 1IcL. Hamilton, mem'ber of Troop committee. Winnetka Episcopal Church Wilmette Troop Aids Chicago Family Troop 4- Carl E. Sterner. troop committeeman; 0. H. Ber ch, troop comTroop 14 of Winnetka Episcopal mitteeman. church gave a Christmas basket to a Troop 5-S. E. Minor, scoutmaster. poor family in Chicago. We gave them Scout Leslie S. Robinson of Troop Troop 10-Irving D. Heller, scouta dinner, already prepared to eat. and 3, vVilmette Methodist church, was reclothes, books, games and extra food. cently presented vvith the Eagle Bad.~e, master, f.xmerly assistant scoutmaster. Troop 11-Joseph \V. Lechner, troop \Ve also gave them a real surprise the highest rank in Scouting. Ea!Sle committeeman; Paul Frieberg, troop which was a Christmas tree all dec- Scout Robinson transferred this fall committeeman; Clayton \V. Peters~m, orated. from; Troop ,6 of Larchmont, New troop committeeman; the Rev. N. A. Monday, December 23. we had a York, where he had lived until moving Norman, scoutmaster, formerly troop It was there that he special meeting to prepare our pro- to Wilmette. committee. jects and pack the things. All the passed all the tests for Eagle. His Sea Scout Ship 43-Percy H. Arden, patrol leaders, with the help of George former Scoutmaster, J. D. Holby, skipper; George B. \\'illiams, chairman \Vatson, v;ho provided the car, de- recommended him highly and stated Troop committee; C. P. Dubok, memlivered the basket on the 11onday he- that he excels in life saving and ber Troop committee; Eclward A. Scout Robinson attended fore Christmas. As the troop scout- hotanv. Kunz, Sr., member of Troop committee. master was out of town, all plans were Camp- Swaney, Kew York, last summer Glencoe made and carried out hv the patrol \\·here he earned several merit badges. Troop 27-Richard L. deBerard, leaders working \vith their patrols.- He joined Scouting in April, 1927, got 5coutmaster; John A. Scrihbins, cllairhis second class January 11, 1928, and Scribe ~fitton Dethloff. Troop 1~. his first class December 21, 1928. The man Troop committee; Theodore Lo\Vinnetka. ~orth Shore Area council welcomes renz, member Troop committee; A. G. Scout Robinson to the rank of .Eagle'. Humphrey, member Troop committee'; Lake Tells Troop 2 of the Rev. Harold C. Case, member troop committee. Wilmette About Mexico Wilmette Troop t · Braves Highland Park Thursday,. January 2, ~roop 4 of \Vii Cold and Hikes to Cabin Troop 32-Leslic R. Schaufled, troop committeeman, formerlv scoutmaster; mette had tts first meetmg of the ne\\· Troop 1 of Wilmette left for the ] ames L. Hurd, troop committeema!I. vear. The majority of the Scouts exTroop .W-Huston R. Booth, shipper; hibited new pieces of Scout equipment Cabin -in-the- \Voods Saturday, Decemwhich they had received for Christmas. her 28, 1920. On arrival we built a fire \Villard E. Ericson, chairman trnop Following the usual opening ceremonies and cooked our dinner. After supper committee; George Gaid.zik. member ~f r. Lake of our troop committee gave we had a rather successful snipe hunt troop committee; George G. Greene, a brief talk on ~fexico City. which he ·which was lots of fun. Then we went to member Troop committee. Ravinia had recently visited. We also elected bed but- most' of u.' were up the latter Troop JS- Howard ~· 1pp, member Paul Sterner, an Eagle Scout, to be part of the night for it \vas pretty cold. troop scribe for the ne\v year.-Re- Sundav we skated and skiied and be- Troop committee; Harvey S. Ols')n, porter Bill Lchle, Trooo 4. \\'ilmette. tween· sports cooked our dinner. After scoutmaster. dinner we gathered our things together Highwood and left for home. \Ve all h~tcl a great Troop ~6-Michael O'Flaherty, scoutf1ousson, Anton Konsitzki, Vincent time and the boys are looking forwanl mastl'r, formerly assistant scoutmasYore, Emmett Yore. to our next outing which is coming ter; F.gidis V. Mocogni, member Troop 1 Northbrook sometime soon.-Ed. Andrews, Troop 1 comn1ittce; Guy Viti, member Troop Trnop 61- Thornton Gilmore and. reporter. committe~; George T. Quinn, member Archie Piefer. Troop committee, formerly scott tmasHalf Day SURPRISING BUT TRUE ter. Troop 54-Harold Stahl. Robert Quite 'l number of fello,\·s think that Troop 37- J. E. Engquist. chairn1an , tahl. Norman Schroeder, Sonny after a few years of Scout service and, Troop committee; William \V. Neh,on, Schroeder, Clifford Foote, Norman \\'ith, say, their Second class badg-e to member Troop committee; Frank L. Ychmer, John Lamb, Raymond Ket- their credit, promotion to the rank of ~f cOm he:-, member Troop committee; chum, Joseph Perkins and Edward kadcr should f11llow automatically. Raymond M. Molendi, member Trcop Perkin . \\rhc n it doesn't they arc ra1ller 5ur- committee. Mundelein prised.- . H. Butler. Half Day Troop 77-Anthony Clendening-, EdTroop 54-Hermon S. Engelbrecht, ward Critington, Marquis Kublank, HIP HIP HOORAY ~ coutmasler; Ernest Schroeder, chairHobert Olson, Stanley Rouse, Edwin (Tune: Yankee Doodle man Troop committee; Ben Cook, .. mall, Martin J erret and Jerry Blank. A song to act out nH:mber Troop committee; Richard Libertyville Oh Chester have you 'eared about \Vhitacre, member Troop committee; Troop 71 -Marvin Krase, Dale Acox, Harry M. Cihnan, member Troop committee. Frank Coleman, Donald Grandy, Rus- Cheat came back from the army Mundelein sell Hapke and Kenneth Schneider. I 'ear he knows how to darn his hoc;e Troop 77- Ralph L. Hazlett, as5isTroop 72-Gordon Austin. Hip Hip Hooray for the anny! tant scoutmaster.