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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jan 1930, p. 48

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Latest School News · PIaygroun d and Publi1hed weekly by the school children of Wilmette under auperviaion of W dmette JUNIOR LIFE WILMETTE, lLLl~OlS, Told by the Pupils Board Recreation VOL. 2 NO. 42 JANUARY 10, 1930 ago we wrote plays for · .\lr:-:. Stalling, our literature teacher. .\ ft(>r mol't of the da~;s had handed in play!', :\1 rs. Stalling picked out the best nnt>s and we are going to act them out ~ m t ht> ~tagt- for the P. 1'. A., some time in February. The be:-;t oneH picked out by ~1rs . Stalling belong to Virginia Jones and Fra !lk :\lay of SA and Bob Willis of 8B. Wt> are now writing plays for .\11::-:s .\Jadl'en, our grammar teach~r. Katherine Hoffmeyer, SA. .\ ft'W Local Girl Scouts Eilene Shoots Un Entire !Janet Wanted Boots and P. T. A. to See Give Program for It Seems She Got Them Neighborhood; Yep! Kodak! Plays Written \Ve always open our pre:.-;~nts on ChristI had asked for a. pair of high cut hikEvanston Orphans we trim our tree. . The week before Christmas I mas eve by 8th Graders ing about pestered We wexie ,opening· the presents thrs the life out of :\[other .\lunday, December 2:1. the Wilmette we~ks ju~t boot~. atte~ · Eighth Grade at Stolp Starts New Year Right Monday, January 6, the children of the seventh and eighth grades o! Stolp came back to school. The SD class started out ~ionday morning by having perfect attendance and Miss Chase, our tracher, wRs very pleased. That afternoon the 8D and SA girls had gym. Our regular teacher was absent and we had a "sub." Miss Skidm':>re drllled us all aft('rnoon on marching and opening and closing orders. Once when we were marching down the middle of the gymnasium, :\liss Skidmore gave us a wrong command. We were very mixed up and Miss Skidmore said, "Line-up hgain, girls." We did so. She said. "~ow that we have trac<'d the origin of this tangle let us proceed in order." This caused a g-eneral laugh. -Lucy Anne Jane:-l, 8T> Stolp. askin~ If she wouldn't takt> me to the shoe store and havt~ me fitted. \\'e were going on a sleigh ride on ~Ionda~· hefore Christmas and I hadn't anything to wear on my feet except a pair of f'\'ery day shoes an d some low ga,loshes. Well I didn't get my boot~; until Christmas morning·. Of course .Mother and Dad gave me that hox to open Ia1-;t and by the time I had opened all the other presents b('fOrt· this one I waH almost ready to belieYe that f wouldn't g-et my boots until Easter. When I finally did get to that package it was so small that I though they coul dn 't t:.ossibly fold them up into such a. small package. But they did. St·vente(>n inch boots folded up into an ordinary shoe box. I received many more presents hut the boots were the most appr('<:iah'd and the on<· I got the biggest tht'ill out of. - Janet \Vright, ~:\ Howan]. Christmas eve wheu I found a. rather bulky package in among mine. I opened It and jumped for joy because it was a l~odak something that I'w wanted since I can 'remember. Tht> thing·s that made the package look bulky I :-:oon found were rolls. I put one in the Kodak and as soon as the s un came out Christmas day I beg-an taking pictures. AnythinA· I could find was my victim. I went and got the puppy and took a picture of him. It came out so wel} I'm g·oing to haw· it t.·nlarg-t·d. :\Iy h .odak has an autograph tlxtul't· whkh I like very much aR I can write down when I took the J)i<'ture. when· I took It and who is in it. T had heen hoping· for· one for HO long t h:t t 1 ~urt·l~- wa:-~ plt.>ased when I got it. --Ellene V\·('akly, 6.\ Howard. Uirl Scout£ presented a program to the orphan~:; in Evanston. We arrived there at 2 o'clock just like ~anta Claus, full ol bundles and presents for the children. Each Girl Scout brought a preHent along· for a certain girl or boy. We were given nameH beforehand. We had a nice time singing and enjoying ourse lves when we heard bells and sure enough there was Santa Claus with his bag full of prest·ntH. He distributed them and then pa~~:;ed a round pop corn balls. -Margery Taylor, 8B Howard. Shopping Spree Proves too Much for Marjorie 'l'ht· first day our Christmas vacation Christmas Tree Lights Blow Fuse; Eat in Dark Walter and Friends Take Thrilling Ride on Sleds I··rillay, January 4. gdwin Horn, Jack Stein, and Walter Foslund, happened to be bumming around outsidt' wht-n all of a HUdden a thought came to Edwin'!' mind. He said he was going home and ask his brother 1f he would pull us on the ~led with his car. He agreed and we started. Before we knew anything we were speeding down Prairie avenut-, very fast, we thought, but I guess wp Wf:re only going about tw enty miles an hour. 'Vt.> W(>nt up to Kenilworth going around curn!!', fallir.g off, and having lots of fun. - Walter Foslund, Howard 8.\. l1cgan which was :\Ionday, my father and I· went shopping in Chicago. My The night before ('hristrnas we Wt1re fixing the lights that wert.· to g-o on the trt>e. As WI:' had a hig tret· we had to have a lot of lights. Tht·J" werf' forty on a Htring and when my mother plugged the cord in the wall tlwrf' was a little l'hock and then th<' light:-; all on·r the house went out and also tht' oil burrier. l\Iy father w.ent down st:lirs to see what fuse plugs had burm·d out. He found that it · was th<' main om· n nd as that i~ locked up in a box hy itst"lf ht> couldn't get at it so ht> r.alll'fl n Puhli<· ~ervil·p man to come and fix it . It was ahout an hour before he came aJHl tlwt night we atf' our ~tonday morning, January 6, was litera- dinner by candlf· light. turE> in :\[r:-. Stalling's room. We were - Enid Ht·nd.·r:-;oJI, ~:\ llowarcl . ~11 buzzing about what we had received fnr Christmas, our New Year's resolutions, if we had made any, and other gossip. When we came into the rooms our desks were all mixed up, which reminded us of a Chinese puzzle. We found our own The GA and 6B had an operetta ·~he uet-~ks and placed them in order which r-<>sulted in a lot of confusion. Then 1\Trs. FridaY night before school let out. W<' Stalling said before we began the class wrr(> · pra0tl<'1ng all week and did not we each had to clean out our desks. han' any spelling lesson that week. I " 'as We gave it for the thre(' 5th Finally when they were cleared out, Jane ~lad. Weber passed the ba!"ket and although grades m the auditorium. The se,·enth sht:> fell over the basket a couple of gradPs and the eighth grades werf' th t' rt> times, she was speedy. We then began and at the> ~>nd two boy!' eame up and < · la~ses with the satisfaction that we g·a ·n· us a chE.>er. 1'he:r ~urely made a lot of noil't'. \Ve madt> $26 on the open·tt:t. had started the New Year right. - :\largrette Reynolds, Howard SB. .\ REAL JHSAPPOINTJIF.:X1' Friday, January 3, at 11 :30 o'clocl\ to VACATIO"'S' 'fDIE'S OVER ~obody forgot to come to school Ja!IU- ht· exact, J rushed to the door as ·he ary 6, but thos(> who came weren't very nostman rang the bell. He ga\'<' nw a glad to comt·. The first thing we did at bunch of letters and a copy of tlw \Yn.school wal-l to elt' an out our desk::; as Mb"TTE LIFF.. T-hrowing asidt- thf' lt ·Ut>rR to begin the new year right. Then we T s(>ttlt'd to enjoy the "riLMF.TTJo~ LiFE. :-:tarted to talk ahout our New Year's To my dissapointment ther<' waR no rt>solutlons and If Wt· would hreak them. Junior Lift'. I look (:'d at it all ac-nin ThE>n we finally g·o t !-:dtled and started to hut with th<' same result. By this time work after a flyp mlnutt· C'On\'ersation. The bell rang and that is how we spent T was rt>:td~· to ch(>W nails hut I hn(l to ou r firl't period of th<> first day of school. hro ('ontt-n t and w::tit for next Fricll'l,.. --TV·ginald r:reen. Howard ~ . \ . -Ruth Pan-licek, SB Howard. father drive to Linden avenu and from thcrt· wt· took the elevated. We went first to tl~<· Davis company. They had beautiful de(·orations but I liked Marshall Fields' decorations the best of them all. We did a little shopping and then we were tirt.>d and came home. Wh n I got home r got a \'lolent headache and I seemed to g·t't numb. )Jy hands \H~re SO funny T < ·ould nut feel. I dozed off a couple of times but it did not get better so I went tc. bed and that was the rf'sults of a ~hopping day. -l\tarjorif' Wedf·l\. School Work Gets Off to Clean Start on January 6 Virsrinia Discovers That Boys Just Must Be Boys Last Saturday T went n\'er to one of nw friend!" house and we started to make l· ·tohoggan !-:lide. Wf' got it all ~moothed out and ni<'e> when om· of thl· girls \'i!'iting my fril'nd suggested that Wl' put water on it to make it into ice so we <·ould slide on it lwtter. W{'ll, finally, when we had got it nice ;;tnd Hlippery who should ( omt- on·r hut some bovs, and like all hoys, sta<'tt>d throwing srww balls at us. So \\'t' Wf'nt in the house and didn't pay · ~u~· at tPntion to them for somp t1me 1 thinking that they woul1l go away. Finally wlwn they did go awar and we went out what should mePt our ('Yf'S but our ni1·t· t··bog-g-an slidt> was ruined. -VIrginia, Fisl\, flA Hf1ward. WOW! WDA1' .\ ST,Jnt: uav last year 111\. ('OUSin :t n.J T wPnt to f"arv. )rv <·ou~in took a r-;led with him. T 'took the !-'lf'rt :md wt"lt on the st.>cond hill of tht> ski jump. T told my C'ou:-~in to give m e a tmsh. M he did ~iH· Jll(> a push and we W(·nt down the hill so fa:-:t that even·thing· sePmed to go backwards. At thE' bottom of thl' hill was a hump. I hit the hump and went about three fpet off tlw ground. But he Rure T n<>ve t· tried that aJ!nin. -O('orge Pedersen. Howant fiA. Olll' Frank Has Novel Pleasure of "Kidding" Big Brother ( Jn January 4, I was upstairs with my !.!'other, noh who is in high school and i .~ trying to grow a. musta c he. My mother had told J-.im to shan~ it off so one day when lw was up town he waH going In a harher :-.hop to ha\'\' hi~-; mustache trimmed hut h , said there wt·rt- too m::tny JH'oplt· in the barber shop. Then I started to kid him about it so that night when we were going down town somehody was in the bathroom. T went in there ~tnd what T found was a surprist.>. Tt was mr brother shaving his mustache off. It was thf' first time he had shaved. I told my mothet· to put u in his baby hook. -Frank Koenan, GA. Howard. Sixth Graders at Howard School Present Operetta Christmas Shopping Crowd Source of Genuine Thrill The :\londay before l 'hristmas my girl friend and I decided to tRkt· the Chicago, North Shore and :Milwaukee to Bvanston to finil'h our Christmas shopping. After we had done our shopping and ·we were waiting for our train to come. a crowd of people came pouring U}) thP step~. )ITJSICIAN C'OJIING UP lly be::;t present on C'hristmas was a e!arinE>t. J can learn to play It when I take lesl'ons. When T tried to blow it, It would CJnly · make a noise. But I hope I can pl:ly it well so I can get in the hand or orchestra. T hope some day I can be a musician. -Bobby :\lac~tonan, 6A Howard. .\N TTP·STA 'S'Dl:XO. OIRJ, ThE' ni<'P"t rtay of m~· ('hrlstmas YHI'l'ltion "~'~ . -. 'F'rldaY. when mv sistt:>r an<1 T w(>nt to ,L hill close to our house. '\\re t.·ol' our slerls and wt'nt slldinJ.r down. hrwinJ.r " lot flf fun . ThPn T thmtght It would bP fun if we ~tood up and could srP whn hrok(> thE- record. I tried hut T dtd "()t make It so my sister triE.'d it :-111d fell. ~he nevE>r trfP.d ft aJ!ain, th en T triNl IMPOSSIBI.~E SITUATION ouce more llnd made it. I got a gun for ( 'hrlstmal' and I put -Helt'n Mickey, fi..\ Howar(l. up a box In the bast·ment. I shot at that for a few day:-, Tlwn I got l'ome old XRW YEAR~ OD~ERTA~C'E hristmaR tree lights and hit those· for T ,..elehrated ~ew Year's day hy g-nfng awhile. Then n.:>xt 'day I put somt· bottles on the box. One of tht· bottle:-; would tq the TPatro rtel Lng·o and saw '"rhf' ~our DP\'Ils." Tt "'~'~~-' ,.pn· e'cltin~t '1 nrl not break :-oo I quit. it ,,,. a!" all A.hout <'ii'C'll<: thin·r~. The nl::tv P r~ -Elmer Stun(', tiA Howard. wprp Janet Gaynor, Bany Xnrton, Charles \lorton. and Nancy Drf'XtPl. Tt was :1 vPl'Y RAVAGES ()}" . BOOK WO.iDl On ChristmaR day I receiYed three ~ood show. Anywa~· fm· a Nt'w Year'::; dav. Tarzan books and I started reading them -Helf'n Barry, Third Gradf'. ~t. Fra nels the day after C'hrlstmal'. I do not read X .. vier. r.1uch and whE'n I :-;tartt>d reading so much all of a :-;uddt·n mv mother said T want to fly J had thP n·ading- bug. · Way up In the sky. Edwin C'ulegro\·t·, 6A Howard. T haven't any plan(> 'RtJt I ·will fly just tht.> stlmt· Tht> first ~lonrh1v after Yacation was Way, Way up in th~> deen hlUl' ~k.v on a Achool rlW\'. Wht>n I got up from bPd Hi~her than an:r bird could fiy I thou~ht, "Oh. ,.,chool again." I thought Higher than the moon or the sun it would ht> different but It waRn't. T Far nwa:v from evPry onf'. waR glad to ~'··P my fri(>nds again. Oh! It will b(' lots of fun to fly. -Araxit> Jorjorian, HowRrd GA. -Helfln Jeanf'ttf' PearRon, 6A Howard. I Then th(· train came and thert" was only one car so we tried to naC'k in but we could not. We left half of the people stan ding rJn the nlatform. Some were hollering because th(>y were g(>ttlng \nto ELECT NEW EDITOR a tight squ eeze. I will never forget it beOn Monday, Januar~' 6. the Howard ~A <'ause it waR so thrl1llng. cla~s electE>d a new Junior Life (>dito r who -·:\lary Louise Schaeff('r, 6 A Howard. Is Reginald Green. Our old editor Philip Hoe lz became the school editor. The 8A NEW YEARS STYLES cla!'s has been very HU<'<'e"'~'fUl in haYing :\lany new fads havt· heen started in the arti<'les in the Junior Life. These two eighth grade this new term. Phil Hoelz boys are especially goorl at writing ar- came to school with grey corduroy pant~ Uclt~ ~. on and snappy new sayings written all -Bob Hermanson, RA Howard. over them. George Maxwell and Ed Horn both came with colored (·otton shirts. FOR BETTER NEW~ George had a green one and Ed a brown~ Ln:-:t w<>ek when we were In Mrs. Stall- Ish red. They boys are lwing kidded about ing'l-1 room for Lnn~uag-<', ~fr~. StRlllng t}'leir new fads . Jet us ,·otf' for n boy or girl for Junior -Reginald fi1·een, Howard 8;\ . Liff' articles. \\Te haY<' c ho:-~en Ellene 'Vt-Hklr. 'V(> nr<> no"· J"luttin~ more :UlGHT TRY WRITING ONE .lunior Lite artides in. I think that I think it woul ·l hf' ni<·e if an articlt· ,Eil<>tW lmows how to go about it. about some interesting hook you hav<' - l·~l f-a nor Sperede>s, 6A Howard. read or ~:;orne lovely pieee of music vou have heard could lw prlnt<'d in the Junior 'fHE NEW POSTERS Tlw H<lward school a~ their new 1930 Life sometimes. I think maybe my writ.ing po:-ters h.n·e, "I resolYP to c·ro~o~s streets thl~ artlele lA due largt.>ly to my love for l'arefull~· during 1930." Tn it aR some re::~ding. '£ am alway!-: trying to flnrl somPh(Jys and g-lrlfl writing their names under new hookA to read. it and tlw:r all havfl joined. Elizabeth Lesli<'. fiA Howard. - Bill;\· Anhalt, 6..\ Howard. ROR WA~ A RT1' Glt'F.F.'S' .\ ~TEPPING WE WILL GO T r eceiv(>d a ring for l'hristma~ anrl it On Christmas mornin~ my brother, I~ ~trePn .rold. I nev~>r hParrl of green siRter, and I got up at 7 o'clock to see ~old. I rbought my fnther and mother what we had. I openM all my packages, w(:'r(> kidding me but T found out dltrerenthut best of all wal-1 my coat. T likP It h· wh(>n I got ft. Tt w~~o; n nie~> rinv with "0 mueh hecause It is nPW. thP initJnl "R" on it. · .... -Ele~tnor Speredes, 6A Howard. - Robert Bolinger, 6A Howard.

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