so N. S. Residents Sail for Home This Month Bruce Hulbert, son of Mrs. Roy Hulbert, 316 Richmond road, Ken~l wortli, Stedman Willard, 330 Abbottsford road. Kenilworth and Jack Hamilton of Wmnetka, will sail for the United States on January 22, from Cherbourg, France after spending a period of six months abroad. The young men sailed on August 31, and have visited nine countries on the continent. Bruce Hulbert and Stedman Willard spent the Christmas holidays in Switzetland where they joined two other north WILMETTE shore people, Miss Charlotte Eckart of Kenilworth, Miss Marcelle Vennema of Winnetka who are studying at the Sorbonne in Paris and went there to spend the holidays. They also saw Mrs. Burn:. ham of Kenilworth and her three sons, David, James and Phillip, formerly of Kenilworth. Mr. Hamilton was in France for the holidays with a friend of his, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania of which Mr. Hamilton is a graduate. He is studying to be an architect. The three young men will go to Belgium and Holland and then on to France sailing from Cherbourg on the Steamer, · ." LIFE January 10, 1930 Sisterhood to Hold Next · Meeting Wednesday, Jan. 15 The North Shore Congregationisrael Sisterhood will hold its next regular meeting Wednesday morning, January 15, at the temple, in Glencoe. There will be sewing at 9 o'clock, a business meeting at 1, and a program at 2 o'clock. There will also be an industrial workshop display. The members are asked to bring box lunches. The program for the afternoon will consist of a group of songs by Doris Birk Watersto.~e and a play, "A Str~et Scene," by Elmer Rice and Anne Kuper. Edward Todd Wheeler to Wed Eleanor Rice· Tomorrow Afternoon The marriage of Miss Laura Hartzel Rice, daughter of Mrs. May Rice, of Dunedin, Fla., and Edward Todd \Vheelcr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey A. \Vh~eler, 265 \Vood court, WilIm!ttc will take place Saturday aften;oon, January 11, at 4 o'clock. in the rooms of the \tVilmette Parish ~I cthodist church. The ceremony will be performed hy the Rev. Abbott P. Herman of the University of Chicago, who will be assisted by Dr. Horace G. Smith. A reception at the church will immediatt·ly follow the service. ~I iss :\lberta Huff ot Oak Park will Ia· the bride-elect's only attendant, whik J l'ttrcy E. Poole of Evanston will be best man for ~1r. Wheeler. The ushers will include \\'illard 0. Ushnrne of \Vilmette and Alexander 1\:unklc oi Lombard, Ill. .\t the wedding ccrclilony Mrs. Jeffrey Poole will sing appropriate numl>trs. She will he accompanied at the piano by ~liss \Vinifred .M ickey, who will also play a group of solo selection~. ~I iss Eleanor Perkins of Evansll>n and .\liss Lillie ~lac Humphries of \\' ilmcttc will pour <.luring the reception. The bride and groom elect will l>e at home after February 1, at 2319 Lincoln street, Evanston. Both .\[iss Rice and ~fr. \\'heeler are graduates of the University of Illinois. The former is a meml>er of the Phi Beta Kappa society and ~fr . \\.hl't.·lcr, \\'ho graduated from the sdwul of an:hit'l·ctural engineering, i~ a nwmhcr of Tau Beta Pi, national ll(lJJnrary engineering fraternity . ---- Announce Engagement of Katherine Ainsworth You have to get up! You have to get up! When the night is cold as ice and the telephone jingles merrily out in the hall, how comfortable it would be to have an extension tel phone right at your bedsi ! No visions of icicles drop ·ng from the hall ceiling; no anno · nee in your voice when you . swer the call. And why shoul there be when the telephone extension is right at your elbow? With a telephone in your bedroom you can call assist· ance immediately in case of fire, sudden illness, robbery or other emergency. These dangers are met quickly and surely wi~h a telephone extension close at hand. Women folk especially appreciate the protective feature of telephone extension service. The men will probably like the comfort of Telephone Convenience. The Cost is Small. The engag(·ment was announced on Christmas eve of ~1iss Katherine Ainsworth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. .-\insworth, of Battle Creek, Mich., to ) ames R. Peterson of the Ridgeview hotel, Evanston. The announcement was made at a family dinner at the ho111e of ~fiss Ainsworth's sister Mrs. \Villiam L. Hart, 623 Greenleaf a~enue \\'ilmettc. ~liss Ainsworth is a grad~ nate uf !he Cnin~rsity of Michigan and .\1 r. Peterson of the Ia w school of the U~1irersity oi \V_isconsin. The wedding wlll take place 111 the early summer. Amon~ the guests who were present at the d1:mer were, Mrs. W. M. Ains· worth, Mr. and ~lrs. Gordon Ibbotson of Ann Harl>or, :Mich. who arc Miss Ains\\·orth's brother-in~law and sister. and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hart. ·. HAVE PROGRESSIVE DINNER One of the \Vilmette dinner clubs h:ld ~ progress~ve dinner party on New \ear s eve. The first course was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C.. Nason, 733 Cummings avenue, Kemlworth, and the second at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cullen, 1226 . '..shland avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Alb~rt G. Frost, 509 Central avenue, \Vtlmette entertained the club members at the third course, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace Kerr, 707 Forest avenue, were host and hostess at the fourth course. ~illiam Mesick, 331 Essex road, Kemlworth, entertained several of his X ew Trier friend.s at his home last Satur?ay <>vening. There was dancing and pmg-pong. --o'l'hurs1ay, J a.nuary 16, the Alpha Phi Mothers club Is having a bridge party at the ~lpha Phi sorority house. Each mother 1'> asked to take a table. -oMr. and Mrs. Kirk Taylor 515 Cumnor road, l_(enilworth hav~ gone to spend ~ perto4 of perhaps five or six weeks m Flonda. They left on Frida~· of last week for Palm Beach. · Call Our Business Office ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM · One Policy One System Uni\let'Sal Sen.rice