February 21, 1930 WILMETTE · LI.FE BAHA'I LECTURE ."What Price. the Spiritual Glory?" ~·\'Ill be the subject of the last lecture tn the F~bruarr. series under the general subJect: The Message of the New ~ge," to be presented by Albert R. Vatl, Sunday, February 23 a.t 3:30 o'clock, in Foundation hall' of t.he Baha'i Temple, Linden avenue at ~heridan road, Wilmette. 3l New Trier Mermen Trounce Kenosha Tank Aces, 32-27 urgeat Malu'r· of Oil Bumttt in the World In an open meet at the Kenosha, \Vis. High school last Saturday. New Trier High school swimmers trimmed the Wisconsin entries, 32 to 27. Kenosha threatened to walk away with the honors by winning first places in four events, the 50-yarg swim, .100-yard Mrs. Aubrey Sidford of Londonville back stroke, 100-yard swim, and the N. Y. arrived in Wilmette yesterda; d~ving event. to be the guest of her sister and her The meet was decided in the final family, the Karl D. Kings, 914 Greenevent, the medley relay, which was wood avenue, for a short time. won by New Trier. William Sprenger. Townsend Chri~tie and Charles Larner swam for New Trier in this event. Sprenger also won first place for the Gray and Green in the 100-yard breast stroke. The 200-yard relay went to New Trier, which was represented in this event by· Ted Wilder, Victor J oycc, Charles Larner and Norman Roo-;. Roos placed in two other events winning second in the 50-yard swim and third in the 100-yard swim. On Thursdav of last week ~ e,,. Trier won a double swimming victory oYer Waukegan. The Gray and Green junior team, Suburban league cham pion, trimmed the \Vaukegan juniors. 34 to 19, while the senior team won ]>,· a larger score, 39 to 20. · In the senior section of the meet ~cw Trier \VOn first in the 160-vard re lay, the 40-yard swim, the iOO-yard hack stroke, and the mcdlc,· relav. he . ides copping several secon(l anct" third ... the more one thinks places. Norman Roos won first in the of it, the more apparent 40-vard swim and second in the 100ya;d swim for New Trier besides swimis the relation between ming on the "·inning 160-yard relay team. smart appearance and New Trier won the 160-yard relay. good cleaning. Shore the 40-yard breast stroke. the 40-yanl swim and the 40-yard back stroke in Line service appeals to the junior meet. The Grav and Green rela~' team was composed of Bob Seilfolks who exercise the er, Ed Shapker, Re\·nolds Ostrum and Ted \Vilder. Wild~r took first in the same discrimination in 40-yard swim. and Tom Johansen. anchoosing a cleaner as in other New Trier entry, placed first in the 40-vard back stroke. Wilder also choosing clothes. won a -second place for New Trier in the 60-vard swim. Two other New Shore Line cleaned gar· Trier ju~1ior swimmers who distinguishC'd themselves were Bob Rosenberg, ments look clean . . . who took first in the 40-vard breast stroke, and Carl Encheltnaver, who feel clean ... are clean. \\'On second in the diving event. A·k a Uwr-Ht Can Tell You Evanston Show Room Hubbard Woods Show R.ooa 16:~o SHERMAN AVE. 900 LINDEN AVE. Gmnlcaf 4821 WiiUlttb 650 Greenleaf 0700 Cleaning that preferred by thoughtful men and women ··· lS · New Trier Junior Music Club in Meeting Monday The Junior Music club of New Trier High school met on Monday of this week at the home of Charlotte \iVachs, 322 Woodland avenue, Winnetka. The program included a piano solo by Arline Sanding, violin solos by Constance Addenbrooke and Bernice Augdahl. a flute solo by Dora Crawford, and two duets from 14 Hansel and Gretel" which were presented in costume. A member oi the Senior Music club of the high school, Elizabeth Potter, played "Minstrel" by Debussy to close the program. Miss Adelaide Jones is the faculty sponsor of the Junior Music club. Miss Mildred Tideman, daughter of ~r. and Mrs. S. N. Tideman, 1025 Linden avenue, who has been working in the American library at Paris, has llOW accepted a position as a secretary of the commercial attache in the American embassy. Recently she attended a reception given by Ambassador and Mrs . .Edge at the embassy home. -0- And they are shaped with precision you can only expect from a cleaner who combines long experience with complete equipment. Get critical about dry cleaning-phone Shore Line. 12 1 s Washington An. Wilmette I·~· te die Krauu Cleaning Co. SHORE LIN C. L. ROGERS., Prt~itknr A PHONE CALL WILL BRING OUR TRUCK TO YoUR DooR Dr. Donald M. Callie, Jr., 1115 Elmwood avenue, left last week Wednesday for Washington and New York, and sailed on Saturdav on the S. S. Calamares from New York for Panama and South ,America. He expects to be away about a month. NO TOLL PHONES GRE'ENLEAP (B't'allltoa) 3400 GLENVIEW HIGHLAND PARK 3400 WILMETTE ········· ·3400 310 GLBNCOE ······· 1300