ExoficL'Heur. 'u wafts ifs ?iitébIe fragrance t h r o u g h the interestingly shiped bottie eddgift con- 4ner which bold if.t.$750 Smàr fI1y Compact.. the Primrose House compact compels attention for the in- formel costume ........ $2. .while a richly enamelIed case s _ultra-<shionable f o r dress..............$4.95 Femin inities for "Her" The allure of perfume . the fasci- nation of decorative flacon. . . the cham o di nte for her boudoir are subtie complimfents to Fier, femininity whicF no woman can.withstand! Hence. theégifts whici presuppose a dlelicacy and fragilit of nature always find a ýdelig*ht edresponse ..and',are most beloved of womnen of ail' ages. ..ITheie"lovely things chosen firom our Toiletries Section, but suggest the un- usually, attractive assortment .avail- able. Among fhe Haunting Odeurs: Bourji s' Evening ln P1aris, I Ounce,$ Lentheric's Lotus D'Or,'[ Ounce $4 Lucien Lelong's Parfum C, I Ounce $4 Guerlain's Mitsouko, 2 Ounces . . $1 5 Houbiganf s Au Matin ......... $5 Ciro's Bouquet Antique, 2 Ounces ..............413.50 Caron's. Belodgia, 1 Ounce...$6 Duo DOrsay ... ifs quoint squat bottie contaîtned in a soft suedelilke .box.. wilIwi.n ifs way înto any boïudolir. $ 10, Ebony, jade àand Sivr.. form a delecfable entente i this perfume atomizer, flacon and tray for the mosf fasti.. diaus of ladies ........$20 . . 5 . rn-GOS