$yRutheda L.Pretm.l Hulda Lashanska-gracious singer of lieder. Her noirth shore audience at ,New Trier Higb achooli last M4on- day evening fo'und ber charming of voici and mien. Madame Lasbanska appeared under tbe a uspices of the Winuetka Music club, wbicb spon-i sors the Artist-Recital series.. The last encore Madame Lashan- sica gave seemed perbaps the best number on. tbe programn. She, sat at thç piano and sang,,"Annie Laurie", while bier fingers gracefully moved over, the. keyboard, playing a few simple . cbords.' The effect was de- lightfutty. poetic and simple. Madame1 Lashanska sings everything-from the heart.. Her voiceis always warni and glowing with bier sympatby for the mood., Wben she played bier own. accompaniment i-seemed that litre wags the perfect way for bier té express herself. One would sug- gest that ini concert 'programs she include a groiup of lieder for which she acts as ber own accompanist. Artists who sing as* thougb they love miusic, and through it tellissome- thing of their own joys and sorrows, cannot failtet win an audience. Madame Lashanska was immediately ,.cclaimed and approved of because everything about ber is beautiful and sincere and individual. Wisely, she lcuew that ber personality is at its best in the lieder, and bier prograni iras largely ma de up of Schubert, Schuamann, Strauss and Brahms lie- dcr, whicb sbe sang, with so much feelng and se lunch niusicianshil.. Hçr 'Gérman is impeccable, but for those. who did not understand thé language,,t here were the English notes giving the texts of the songs. The voice is vibrant and ricb in Ïts Iower, register and f¶ute-like in Ïts upper, register.. The mniddle register 1seems, to be mnetallic, but the tones -were se wett formed that tbe whole, effect was pleasing. Madame La-- shanska's voice is primarily a sootb- ing, caressing voice, and last Mon- day the Artist-Recifal patrons found it quite te their liking. "Çhristmas Oratorio at the iFricay afternoon; December 19,' and Satur- day evening, December 20, pair of concerts at Orchestra hall. The Christmas program will. also. include part of Pie rne's, "Children's Crusade." wbich Will be sung by a. cbildren's chorus from the Chicago Publicý scbools., "Tbe Children' at, Bethlehem" is now' in rehearsal, and -shows Pierne àt bis best. Solo parts will. besung by Margaret Lester as the Virgin; Anna Burmeister, the Star; Agatha Lewis,' jeannette; Margaret Hey- Wood Wood,. Lubn; Raymund Koch, the (Ox; E ugene . Dressier, the Ass; Hobart' Somnliers, the Narrator. Frederick Stock will conduct . .The orch estra wil also play.fori the first' time in- Chicago- Weinberger'ý sympbonic poem, "Christmas," and, *stssymnphonie poem, ."Les, Pre- tudes." At this weekend's 'pair of-concerts, the orchestra is ptaying Ilgar's "In- trodutc1inan~d Allegro" for strings, Hanson's "Nordic" symphony; or- chestral, fragments f rom Ravel's "Daphnis, et Cbloe," and the Straus Rondo ."Tilt Eulenspiegels Merry Pr.anks.", Myra, Hess in Recital 1on Sunday Afternoon Myra Hess, wbo created so0 empbatic a sensation in piano circles. during her V'isits to America, witl be beard ini recital on Sunday afternoon, Deceinber 14, at the 'Studebalcer theater, under the direction of. Bertha Ott. Miss Hess is acclaimed as one o the greatest and best Chopin players of tbe present time, but she is equatly excellent' in Bach, Schumann, Beet-, boven and Mozart compositions. Her ptaying inspires critics to use superla*- tives because she bas such forcef ul- ness and suavity,, sucb pure artistic beauty. , the story is'toldý tha t several days before ber London debut, Miss Hess and sone friends were stayi'ng at an i ;n nerTnndonn. In the evefling before the 'Lake F<orest Music i) on Sunday afternoon, December 14, at 3 o'clock. . IJer prograni will- be, composed of "'Minuet," by, 1Bîzet-Racbmanifloff; ."Etude," Chopin; "Scherzo,"' Chopin?. three Preludes by $criabin; Serenl- ade," St.rauss-Gieseking; "Toccata," Debussy. Miss Manchester is in, chargé of musicç and, rhythm classes at the Lake Forest school, and ýshe is also in charge of,,the rhythm work in the Montessori school of 'Wintietka. "elo0toHave. Perfor mance On Satur-day, Night "COtello,", one- of Verdi's master- Pieces, will be.heard again on Satur- day eyening of this, week, at the Civic Opera House December 13, with Claudia Muzio as Desdeniona, Maria Claessens as Emilia, Charles Marshall as Otello, Vanni-Marcoux as Iago, and, Chase Baromeo as L.odovico. Roberto Moranzoni witi conduct. The Chicago Civic Opera coin- panv's version of "Otello" is a vital, thrilling one. As soon as the curtain goes up the mnusic bursts out coin- pellingly, and the effect of storrni the staging is forcefully put over. Under Mr. Moranzoni's baton the orchestra rises to - heighUo stormy passion, furnisbing -a magnificent background for the* unrest 'depicted by the chorus, and the, dorninatirig voice of ago. In ail four scenes of the, opera the ensemble stimulates one and rivets the attention upon or- chestra, sitiging and stage. Here. is grandeur and a sense of lavishnes, grand' opera in its true form.,. 'CadaMuzio's prayer in the last act is particularly beautiful, showing off, to its bestý advantage that fragile, golden tone; and Charles Marsba'll pours out bis voice generously. But it is Vanni-Marcoux wbo continues to, draw audiences by the power of *Mary Garden is to give lier second performance of "Camille" on Tuesday evening, December' 16, at the Ch- cago Civic Opera House. The cast is the same as for the first performance, Charles Hackett',as Armand,. Chase Baromeo as Duval, and a strong s up- porting cast. Roberto Moranzoni conducts. Next week begins with "La Travi- ata" on Monday evreninig, December 15., Violetta will be -sung by, Claudia Muzio, Alice ýd'Hermanoy will' sing the role of Flo ra, Charles Hackett is 10o be Aifredo, Richard -Bonellî will be heard as -Germont, and ther e ill be a ballet. Emil Cooper wil con - duct. On, Wednesday evening, "Tann- haeuser" will have its final perform- ance this season.ý It will be sung. in ýGerman.by Emma Redeli às Eliza- beth, Cyrena Van Gordon as, Venus, Theodore: Strack, as Tannbaueser, Hans Hermann Nissen as Wolfram. CÇhase Baromeo as Hermann, and others. The ballet will be seen. The opera will be conducted by Egon Pollak. Mary Garden will be, heard i n "Resurrection" for the first timé this season on Thursday, December 18. The opera is in four tableaux, and the libretto is by, Cesar Hanau after, the story by Toistoi. The music was composed by Franco Alfano. "Res- urrection" will be sung in 'French with Miss Garden as Katiusha, Rene Maison as Dimitri, Cesare Formichi as Simonson, and a strong support- ing cast. Roberto Moranzont will conxbict. "Il Trovatore"' is scheduled for the Saturday afternoon performance, De- .emnber ?0, with Claudia Muzio as- I4eonora,. Cyrena Van Gordon as Azucena.,,Marîo Laurence making bis debut as Manrico, Richard Bonelli as the. Count of Luna, Virgiio Lazzari as, Ferrando. There will be a ballet. Roberto Moranzoni will conduct. On Saturday. evening, December 20, the operatic twins, "Cavalleria Rusticana" and "I Pagliacci," will be offered. In the first. Rosa Raisa will IN Tsèha thc;ssbctithe of Hienry E. ion bul Junder. ày af ternoon, e .direcetion of turopean cines where snc singing for the past three yt 1give a récital at the Civic tl Chicago Sunday afternoon, E 14, at 3 o'clock, linder the of Bertha Ott., been wilI ter in -mber ttion