open at 10 dock in the morning and *williast ail day. If anyone is taking an early train in town for shopping, she la invited to stop ln on the way for, if the goods are flot arranged for display, they can be eseen and sold carlier than that hour. A number of years1 ago thèee sles were an annual évent and Kenilworth. it is stated, responded with the largest sales of- the societ y., The articl es ôf- fered. are reasonably priced, it will bel relnenbered, -and are of great beauty.: Tficy. are practical as welL. AmOng those *who will assist Mrs. Hedrîck, are .Mrs. J. C.. Carpenter, Mrs. Noble Gillett,. Mrs., Bèntley Utcp Cloud, Mrs.. J. P. Oleson, Mrs. John Rathbone, Mrs. ,Sidney Bal,# Mrs. Clyde Ross,- Mrs. Percy Fckhart, Kari eKorrady, .Mrs., Grant Ridgway, "M rs. Oliver Barrett, Mrs. Richard Jobnston, YMrs. A .Mc-. Dogl, Mrs. Gilbert Kelly, Mrs. George Jôffft, Mrs. Huai' 1oreman, Mr.Guy Litteil, Mrs. Charles R. Bull, Mrs. Charles Ware, Mrs. Mark Cresap, Mrs. Thomas White, and Mrs. Thomnas Coyne. * The work of the shut-ins is under voluiiteer supervision almost entirely, wth the exception of certain teach- ers who are sent . to the shut-ins in order that their products may be saleable. Great progress bas been M~ade i the quality of the articles. The.cbaby things always have been. a atration. Practical gifts as must bec.kept at work and not left to starve. *Tbey are people, cr7ippied or bed-nidden, struggling to make a small living anid not bc dependents. It is. nôt an unUsual occurrence to find a woman or man, lying fiat on bis or ber back, weaving raffia into bags or.painting small trinkets which have been designed by some other cripple or miade by hands of one whose legs~ are ini complete disuse. Photo bY BlOOn1i Miss Pauline Pettibone of 512 Central avenue has set 7iuesday, De- cember 30, as the date for her -1arriage to Lelaid Morse of Chi- cago. The service upill be held at thse Con gregational church and zvnlI bc read by the Rev. William Mc- Cormack of Champaign, Ill., for- merly of Wilmette. A reception'. u'ill followu in the churci: parlors. SmïS., attend .on of given by Mrs. Misan &v*isura nus; day evening of last week and the bridge parties at' which Mrs. Ray Stultz of Chicago and Miss Florence Wray of Giencoe were hostesses this week. Welf are Auxiliary Will Have December Meeting "The orpbans need our beip s50 we nreý havie a Decenhpr i1heeting of are invited tw attend tn's meetin. In connection with the work whch is being done by the committees of the D. A. R., the radio chairman,. Mrs., Edward L. Kelley, bas an- nounced* that every Monday, and Thursday afternoon .. at 5:20 o1clock this organization presents à program through, th e courtesy of W1BM Programs wbkt*h have been given this mopth are:. Decemnber !-the soviet of1 Russia, Henry. D.' Baker.. M ri Baker was held in Russia by the Soviet., December 4-An Appeal for the Children. Col. Robert I. Randolph.- December, -The Children of the American . Revolution. Mis$ Edith Collim, state director of the "C. A. R." Deceniber i 1-The Colonial Home. Elmo C. Lowe. Prograis which wilI be given'dur-w ing the rest of the month are: Décember 15, 5ý:20 P. M.-Tý'he Un- employed. Coi. Rqbert 1. Randolph. December 18, 5:05 P. M. J.alk on~ unemployment by a member of the governor's commission. December 22, 5:20 P. M. Second tàik, The Colonial Home. Thomas: Talmadge. Deéember 29, 5:20 P. M. 'ýJudge DUiUV0 nLU i- Mr. Murphy is Mrs. Andrew T. lane Whînnetka, son c phy c SThose wýhich 'have been given in- clude a dinner for 'sixteen of, Miss McDowell's friends given December 4, by, Miss ean' Ever's of 1020 Sher- idan. road. The affair was a hosiery shower. and bridge was p layed after dinner. Sunday- evening, December 7, Miss' Elizabeth Babcock. of 566 Ash1 street, Winnetka, entertained at a buffet ýsupper.. Miss Patsy Flentye of_919 Centrai avenue, Wilmette en- tertained, Thursday evening for Mise McDowell. Am ong the parties, which have been pianned is, one .for December 15, to be given by Miss Vesta Swe'i- son. of Evanston.- A dinnèr will be given Tuesday evening, December P), at the Medinah Athleti.c:club by Miss Nathalie McChesuey-and Miss Cat h- erine Clark of Evanston and Miss Charlctte Corneil of Glencoe and the fôiiowing evening Miss Betty Mar- shall of Wilmette will entertain -et bridge.- Miss Helen Southward of 306 Oxford road, Keenilworth will be hostess at a party on, December 20. John J. Lupe. Link N. Serves Luncheon Entertaining Continues for Woman's Society Todag for Miss cbel Thompson The Woman's society of the Wil-. Re cent afar nWoo fMs mette Baptist church will mee± Fni- Isobel affaîsno ilmnor >f h day, December .12, at the church for. is to e ompsonthefbriett Seyluncheon at 12:30 o'clock. Link , Dvealso of Wilmette, icude teo whicfr Mrs. C. P. Du.bbs is chair- lunceonandkithen howr gvenman, wiil be hostess. TIhe executive lunheo an kiche shwergiv iiboard of the society wiil meet at Il by Miss Catherine Farrar of Wîl- ocoki h ul om h r- mette, who is to be Miss Thompson'sococintegldom.Ter- miaid of honor and the tea and hn-grami wiil start at 1:30 o'clock .with kerchief shower at which Miss Elea- A. B. Machiin speaking-on "Among norStwat f eniwothwa hst.- Chicago Jewish" and the -Rev. A. J. ess on December 6. Another ofthe Lipinski, on "ýOur Polish' Baptist hride.:elect's attendants, Miss. Char- M4ission."ý Mrs. E.. ýA. Sellers will *lotte .Moody of Wilniette, gave abuf- give, vocal numbers., An exhibit of fet dinner at ber home in her honor. Christnîias atile1 mde, by the links' The marniage of Miss Thonipson and to. be sent to Raymond chapel wili Mr. Davies will take place at the be Èheld 'that afternoon. Shawnee Country club on Deceni- ber 23. nJdh ~ f~* ler, Louise or ot airs. J. *dJane cago who' 15 Trexas. nday for are aiked to bring donatibns of food, elothing, or. money foi charity. ber hborne at 1426 previous evening,. rey Schroeder, and 1, ail of Evanston. m of' Evanston, en- tire association. at Ridge avenue the Thujrsday. ~pringU~