&PYM im at ' The occasion wiIl be the first of its kind staged. by the model airpiane dband at the same. time the first pipen meeting to whicl-. he- pube. -is pnvted that- the group bas held dur- nuits tbree years of existence. Glen WGathercoal, recreation as- ; .stant, Sponsoring thé* club- bas planne'd the, .sçbedùle..of races .with handicaps for 'the ýmore' experienced, hiers ii ôrder that the new membersI will have the same chance'in cQMe- pétition with the vétérans. The planes teo>bc entered ini .thé tvents- must bc made by the menm- bers, of thé Ace club .without:any actual help fromn others andi a plane maust havepassed thé first tests prov- ingi its ability te fly. Ail races will bc won by planes able to stay in the air the longest. Prizes *ill be presented te first and second place winners. SKenneth E. Brubaker, instru<forf the club, and Mr. Gathercoal will act as judges for the races, in which. .30 contestants.have registered. The system of handicaps is: 20 seconds te holders of industrial pilot, licenses; 10 seconds to- holders -of private pilot licenses. There are three licenses.grauted to the club members after they have constructed planes that1 have, passed tests of varying degrees of difficulty. A plane staying in the air. 30 seconds or more nets its owner a righit to a p rivate pilot license, a plane staying n the air a ,minute or more n:ets its .ôwuer an industrial pilot license, and à plane staying ini thé air three min-. lites or mnore grants its owner a right je the highest rank license in. the Aero club, that of a transport licenise. SMr. Gathercoal ecpressed the opiný- jôp that sevçral newmembers of.the ýlub are. expected te i their private *Ilot licenses during tercs MENPS BASKETBALL * . .(B League) Lymain's Texacos (18) s. C. F-rs (19) Cia.rnce $teffens Charies Lauer t'wo players to pltch. Gantes can be postpofled until the followlni week only once, after. tha.t It should be forfelted. Games include two out of three games. Tuesday, Decenber 9 St. John's I va. St. Joh's IL. Wilmette Grocery vs. Méthodiste. Rapp Cab Co. vs. Congregational. Tuesday, December le St. John's I vs.,.Wllmette Grocery. Halp Cab Company vs.- St. John's XI Congregational vs. Methodlets. Tuesday, Zanub.W7a St. John's I Lvs. Happ:Cab'Company. Congregational vs. Wilmette Grocery. .Methodints Çis. St. John's Hl. Tuesday, January 13 St.' John's 'I vs. Congregational. Mthodists vs. Happ Cab Companyý S.John's II vs. Wllmette. GrocerY. îýhTuésds.y, January 20 et. oi' I, vs. Methodists. et. Job ~:If vs. Çongregatioflal. WilInette Grocery vs. Happ Cab Co. -ME's BASNETBALL (,& League) ,-(h.Itz à-Nord (26) Wolff-Griffis <18) B3ob McLeafl Ralph W%ýelch Eugene'Hardt Bernard Johnson John Borneamp George Salter Bob Nord George Speider Marshall Ling. Bob Wolff Joe Berol1 Walter Bernie. AI, Abegg Todd, referee State Bank *(54) Bruins, (12). Tony Varney Harry Sierens Bal Robinson Vernon Wyle, Tom Ring, Paul Burges Chris SchaeferA Bows Jao CulenWinfield Roger. Carl Cllfton Robert Snfilth H-arloif, refereee Gere Bu 4ethodist (27Y Charles Variâey Bert -.athereoal Fred Waidiner Kenneth Page Chpirles Lundberg. Harloff,i (36) Bruitis (20) Winfield Rogers Robert .Waters Art Cramer. AI Bows 1 .Clarene. Steffens le [arlof, refere * Hornes (37) William .Webster -Robert'Gordon Russell Hornes Charles Megiiines Robert Bernstein refere Team Standings Won Lest z &Nord 40 Bank...3 1 Grifiis ý2 3 îîst ............ I terlans 1 4 I..........0 5 Pet. 1.000 .750 .40 .250 .250 .256 .000 Team Sta.ndIiigs Won Lost Pet. Bruins.......... ...... 4 0 1.000 e Irish...................3 1 .750 ~East Siders ..........75 1*Roasters............. 3 1 .750 Junior A. C.......... 2 2 .500 Bruins V...... r....:.. 1 3 .250 Freshmen...... ......O0 A4 ..000 NTB!'s................. O0 4 .000, MEWIS VOLLEYBALL Gym Clasa II Hoffman Florist8 William Schifller -James Hoffmnan Arthur, Garniss Alex Hoffman RQbertCalvert Jake Hoffmfan Clyde ,mlth Bd -Phillips Art, Christie. Elarl Miller. Pa.ul Burgig Ben Thalînann Stone, referee Howard P. ýT. A. Gym Class 1 (10, :16, 15) (15, 14, 9) Jerry Schneider Walter Doose Martin Lynchi Carl Ge-ppert John: Baughman stanley Peterson Jesse Walworth .R.alph Perdue Ed Fellers William Williamson Ray Robinson Stone, referee Bapuist Hloffman Florists Il (1, 15) (12,.13) Pari, McDow Lawrence Weiss Walter Ha Paul Burgesi, George, Willanis Tony Schiffler Ai H-eirens William Shiinleir Art Youngberg 'Ra y iIoff man Eàarl(Carlson Gatherc.oal, referee Methodist Village c14 ,.(15, 15) .(71, Leslie làntawalt Dave Boyi Dewey Anderson 1 Adolph Staverý Moulding Harry Ber Walter Lindblad Ray Ho: Leslie ',atson William . Sel Gteircoa)l, referee -'l'en i sndings WVon Lost Baptkst.........4 O Hoff man Florists 4 () Howard P. T.'.......2 Methodist . . . Gym chisisIl-........ Gym Class L..ý........l Village Cleaners 1Roth mahirdi. offman .00) .500 .250. .250 .250 Ohio 3) XZ (22) .aequtelliine Shabeck Dorothy Kurmmerý Dorothy Smnith Rosetta- Connelly Janet Radie Elizabeth Hoffmati Sarah -Garrity Lilan Hein, Mary ,Kreuseh Vivian Quigley Cleinentine* Antonio Jans; ref.eree SOM (14Y. Agnes Costello .Helen Hunter Anna .Krlstoff Pauline Garrlty Clara Krlistoff Elsie Zopp VillEj at, a Christmnas party .given for the class inembers by the class instructor. Miss Joe Skidmfore, recreatiôn assist- ant, nexçt Thursday evenling. The party will begin at 9. o'clock, followîng the regular gymnnas ium class prd.It.. 1i1ntroduces acmag . new niembers upon whichlthe clâss wiII, e mbark. directly after the Christinas holidays, in an effort to increase the clasîs membership 100 per cent in. one month. Tbirty-Ôûne womeèn are already en:- rolled in tihe class and an increased en- roilment was expected at last' night's mîeeting held at the Howard school. *No f ee is charged for the class Which is opetied to.ail women residents of Wilmette. monday, December .1l 7:30 P. m. Womens Basketball. XYZ vs. F'reshhien Il. Stolp gyninasiun. Men's Volleybail. Baptist vs. Hoff- man Fiorists. Howard gymnaslum. Men's Volleyball., Howard P. T. A. Ys. "Village. Cleaners. Howard gym- nasium. 8: 15, p. in.* Women's> Basketbail. Fresh- men I vs. TNT. Stolp gymnasium. Men's' Volleyballi. Methodiats. vs. Presbyterlan. Howard gymnasiu1.. Men's Volleyball. Gym Class I vs C ymn Clatsi Il.. Howard gymnasium. [9 :i5 p Women's Basketba-i. SOM v's. Wiconsin... Stoip gyinnasluin. Tuesday, December M. 7 1).im. Grammar sehool Gytînasilutr cias's. Howard gymnasium 7:30 1). m.. Women's Basketball. 0hio vs. Schultz & Nord. Stolp gymnasium. Men's Horseshoes. St. John's I Ys. Willrette Grocery. Hlovard school atc. Men's Horseshoes. Happ Cab Comn- pany vs, St. John's IH. HoWard school attie. Men's Ho.rseshoes. Congregational v,&:. Methodis ts.- Howard school attic.. 8 :15 p. m. Womens Banketbaîl. . Vil- lage Cleaners vs. DOD)'s. :Stolp gym-_ nasium. 9 P., m. Business girls' gymnasiurn class.. Howard gymflaslum. 9:05 P., m. Womnen's Basketball.- Brownies vs. Chicago. Stolp gynri- nasium. ,Weduiesday, )eeMber 17 7 p. m. Men's Basketball. Mjthodlstq vs. Wolff-Griffis. Howard gymnaslum. Men's BasketbalL State ]Bank vs. Hornes. Stolp gymnsilum. 8 p.'tm. Men's Basketball. Bruins 1 . .. .. t .. Lost o 1. i I 3 .3 a .4 IJuu To11 referee .Rlggles,1 - .-Schultz & Nord (30) C. (82) Fresbmen (12) Vera Johnson ors . Bd Horne Geraldine Weber Iliams Bob Hermanson Eva Berndsten rue George Jones Ethel Keenor pe ..Phil Hoels Florence Cliffordl. Katheil w' Brownies ........... Li Som...>............ 'y Wisconsin -e Schultz & 'Nord. DODs ...... Chicago ... )TNT .............. r.Freshrneri 1...ý....... r Village Cleaners. ýýixyz t Freshmen Il........ r Ohio......... ..