EVANSTON SHOP A GORGEOUS DRESSlrNb, iOWN Truly a 'Igift for a kingfi-Self figured> dressing gowns with Charvay trimmed shawl collar, girdie an.d ýcuifs. In deep mairoon, With black trlmming or b 1lack with mharoon triminng. 10 CëOMFORTABLE Vic'i. KID SLIPPE.RS Finequalify vici kidslippers With leather sole and rubber heel. ss A DEMI.BOSOM MADRAS SHIRT Figured Madras shirts with two collars to match. $350. BEAUTIFUL HAND TAILORED Silk faille striped and figured necweQr. TU1E S LUXURIOUS F UR 9,LINED GLOVE.S 2Soft cape g loves of Meyers: Make. $ RU1C H S E LFI1G UR ED RUIFERSP EVANSTON SHOP OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL -CHRISTMAS (j>