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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Dec 1930, p. 52

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,earned a . * ot iowarci beno» te adpennant awards, Ado cu inacher, director of Intramural sports, et Nortbwestern1 unlversity, gave a splndi spech on "The Advantages'of thePreentDay Athiete ,Ovek- That of Howard sehool appreclates 1Mr. Schu- anachor's kixiduqas Inradropplng bhie work and comling out. to Howard Ws11ool to give a. splendid, talk for nothlng. We also wat: to pralme 1fr. Schiumachoer for hie talki. Mfr. Sebumacher sald that the boys in Wllmette sehools have the ýadvantffe et la.lngboy Intheirown iwelght ai4sswhtle In, Gra âc'hool là hie ramar acheol 1<4ys ho plVeod *with. boys. from 14 to, 16 years old. Il lo is talked ai >t other aubjects. Hie aaidthat it n onlY, takea abllity but. brains to mako a. good football ployer. 1 arn sure evorybody enjoyed and learned a ýlot f rom Mfr. _Schumacber'sB taik 'and Will .Profit by Lt.-Chalrles Moreau, Howar'd 8B. -Soprano, Alto and Bass »lend for Yule Carols During our music and glee club per- Ioda, we are practlolng Chfrstmas carois. Arnong theme are *1BilentNight, Koly Nlght," "The FIrst Noci," "Corne, Ail Ye Falthful" and othore.. -These ,nrnbers are sung in three Parts1 se- prano, alto -and bàss. Today durini mnusic w.hile we were practiclng. the, songe, 1Mrs. Clark said tha.t we were golng to mlng on eitherÉ the l8th or 17th of December at the smre Urne the Christmias play, 'Why the Chirnes .R~ang," la given by the 8A group. WE% hope the program will **go over big." -Cahern.Reynolds, Howard 8B. iece Club, Prepares for Stolp Christmas Pirogram M ru. Clark'a Glee club la planning te sing in the Stolp Christmas prograse. Our' tiesebave been ordeyed. and we ex- pect to wear themn thon. "Silent Nlght," *10O Corne, Ail Y. Falthful," "It Camne Upen a Midnigbt Clear." "Angels, We Have Heard on Hiigh" and "We Thrée King" of the Oriént Are,"- are the songe that have been selected.. We are all worklng te perfect. them.--Jane. Horst- Ing, Stolp2c. 1P ais Selling Gbriçtmas, UPc fellow te play. Bach team will pla.y two gàmes aplece eve ry TIueàday -lght. ;H!p»latrying* this. ote ee how it =oksand If It dees, ho. will bave It ail tbrougb the season. life la doing thie. in aIl theý grades frorn fifth g rade and up. This allo*s ail thé fellows te play, înet only tho best playei'. We ail thinký this .1la agood idee because t tgivea th-ý othea' feflow a chano.-Ludwig 8kog,; khtSta CmdesThree ÏBethlehem Chai, éang. In my atory I will -tell bowOrtstim acarneabout. Once, three wlae e n were traveling te flnd a. king. They were tollowing a. very brlght star. They thought It would lead them te a king. The star stopped, rlgrht ove. Bethlehemn. It tee m- topped right over the manger- where Baby Jesus lay. The 'wise.me» camne to the manger and gave Jesus rich presents. They were gold, rnyrrh and frankin- couse. That I. baw, Christmas vasi started.-Bud Seubold, M ru. Glennon's a'oom. Cooties Defeat Spiders in Close Volleyball Tilt1 Monday,~ December 1, the 1C Cooties played the 1B Spiders. It was a good gaine and the score was tied at the end of the IlYst balf. In the second haIt the Cooties woke up and got "hot," and what scoring they did! The Spidera ealrned down and the garne ended wlth( the final score 31 te 29 ln the Ceotles'( favor. This was the Cooties' third vol-f leyball gaine. and even theugh tboy( have lest the other two by close scores,1 they hôpe te win the reý,t.-1Ruth WJn-1 bea'g,, 1C tolp. Volleyball Team'a of 8A Beat 8B in Two Gaines Wedneeday, December 3, the SA girls' volleyball tearns played 8B. Team SA-i played team SE-2, and tesrn SA-2 plé.yedç teaz» 8B-1. These games wea'e boths vdry excitlng, but SA won ln the .endd a double header. The flrst gaine wei beat SE-B,.113 to il; the second gane a was better, a score ot 16 te i1ln1» ur fâvor. Eeth gaines proved evry exclt.c Ing and SA bopes te bave such goodt luck ln Our' other games.-Vlrglnla v Green, SA Howsad.e Hée just 10v55 .rabbt on big rnner. it' got darker and darker. AUl of asu d- den bhe ard a mous.. Ho hoard smre- thlng comlng closer and clouer. Tt stopped. Ho began te ru». Something jurnped at hlmi. Itrnissed. I t got Just a little of bis taI --RH- ran fauter and faster and it grewý lighter and lighter. Just then ho saw..bis homne. Atter. that ho wae careful when ho went Into. the wood.-Mary, Jâne Eddington, Mrs. Giennon's roorn. Byron Enjoys His Meal Unt*1 MincePie Arrive On Thanksglving Day:w. went eut te rny aunt's bouse. When we got there 1 noticed smrething étrange. The bushes al around were ail bloornlng. The. funny thing about It was that there was. snow ail areund thexm Everywhere cars were freezing. I *thought our car would- frocs.. When we got ýthere we could hardly eat ail that. we got for dinner. A little whlle after we, had eaten, our a.uft carne In with smre minepie. ý My brothae could not eat It because ho was too full, but I did flot eat It because 1 doûflot like mince pie.-Byron Towle, Mrs. Qlennon's roorn. Lunch Room at Howard Attracts Many Students The lunch roorn at the Howard schol opened several days ago. They sald they wouldni't open It til i t got cold. They kept their word. Now lt's cfld, and the lunchroom ls open. They do not have tho lunch slips prlnted; se evorybody pute bis order on a plece of sanal llned paper. I'Ther. la a long, long trailaa-wnding", down the hall from now on to the lunch room.-Jack Anhalt, 6C Howaird. Barbara TJ"eIls Sad Story of False Hopes, Thin Ice Everybody Is very anxlous for the tee skating te open. Skates'are being sha-rpened and shined, and I'rn qulte ure, the pond will be crowded the first day it opens. Yesterday Jean Perrli and I were on. oua' way home, when we saw what looked like cildren'skating. We, hurrjed homne and riot.oifr skates out When w. _got up te theé- ond. Team 7A-2 laYed 7B-1 Wednesday ln volleball eïrdi ot stalit out so weilln1 it, becaaùse oua' players were battlng the balle too bigt. Our lirst baîf was up wfthout.,much succese, and the score was a;tde, 6' to 6.e It ýwas made a tie because ýot&. bail, battéd by Dorothy Hill, which. gave.,us more ,of a. chance. of wiii»i»g. Thon we -began our second half, sllpplng behind tili the score stood S to 6 ln tayor of 7E-i. Kate MeConnehie got Up and she fum- bled at ber firat try. Thon ahe got >- othor tufrn, and ahe kept on untilil score was 18 to 8 ln tavïoi of 7A-2 Bide. It was eertalnly. lucky that Kate happened, to corne up juat at that tirne, the end et the gamne. She eurely. de- serves credit whioh she did -g t by pats on the back. Eotb eofr e:U won;* 7A-1 won by the score, of'18 to..1 3.-Juneý Sorsen, 7A Ho*ard. Comic ChaÀLLîracters Caper in Charle'àwnShow, The littie show I made la 40wn ln ou'r baseeret. 1 have a table to set it on. [t bas a stage, toc. The piçtures ln It are the Sunday jolcos. One night In the mniddle of November I made *1!- teen cents. 1 have twe seats. and a rug underneath them. November 28, 1 made the stage' longer. 1 have had the show about a year aiready. Ii runs automatlcally by a lawn dlock.-Cha rles Beck, Standard school. Book Plate Designs Win Praise of Art Teacher The seventh grade beys are maklng book plates for art. At firet we made désigns, then put them on linoleum blocks and then carved tiiem out. Mrs. Maso», our art teacbqr,1 said thea'. were several ceod onea. Borne ilesigiis were about Jheta' favorite hobby and smre wero about the work they would Ilke to do When they were big. Most of the boys enjoyed rnaklng thein and T'rn with them too.-John Sporedes, 7A Howard. Pyrani pWorlc 1 thlnk idS in Egypt Are I arvels to Robert tho yie In, Egypt are "onderful things, Inthe woirld&. rne. The .on their ýward. 1.0 tj.j UUII, '-na un.5iLsUL1l1 5 55igh; ýhey coe they seem te say We're à&I werklng faut, v -1 wisb I were back on the Christmas présents te i funny the, eld tree looks Some are buying books, a lest on It. Boni. aie buylng toys; ioutslde all wlnter long EveWtYbodY's loekhag w a word It says. * At tlhinge f«? girls and1 «tY Waugh, Standard uchool -Jauioe VnInwagena,j buy. boys. 5E eioward SLII Down on thq -there Is a wlnter I go dc great fun te rnucb tfin te rear tmore làco.. - In ale4. It's t nos up.-BarX

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