ui~usmrngeotlgery.81 .nen -uch woricoeerW. rnseV who rexnember when 'a. whole day waa passed ln washi . . . . . .Ing clothes certain- - ly dg ;ppreclate the modem mechianical devce iEen 'the firat*waahlug ma- *hlnea, wýhlh were, operated.wlth a ceranlc, were a .bleaalng te the hous. Miss Marie,, Chriatiansen. 3287 WrightWSod ave., c a, tr $001 29d et a. aiCicero ave. machine operator. '.The v«uuum jg*The c1e#pee" aa tu.Uie aiid energy. It cati be han«d ea lad the brooni which re. Qulired mahiual labor. Thé tank o« awee>, lng was tedjous and the duaýt w'hch was raisedl by the broosn waa botb annoylng and Wmurlous.'@ lils, mate Peling, 48l5F,Iorest ave., Downera Grove., machie operator. «'Theatutomnattela 'waaher là the house.. wifeB * greateat bleslng. N o bo y, lukes to w aa h dinhea.- It flu a dirty and unpleaaant job. With ani automatlo washer alil we need do la toaplace tfie s~ diahea ln the washear and turn :op tn julce, Housekeeplng lost 1h moat Oh- J@étlonabl'aiid tedious duty when thuC dlaiWasher nmade I1h appearaiice." Misa Luella. Crowe, 325 Shen àtotiè rd.. Rlveraide, ma- But-Eyes Ieft for a minute or twe-ond read what five wornen; pickod at rondom, told th4 Chicago Daily Timeos inquiring reporter a short time ago. If your home hasn't ail the electricai conve- nionces it needs, why flot change your tactics this Christmas, and givo your wife something she can reaily use. Electrical gifts wilIlot her sprint through the housework and be free to'enjoy hbalf-halidays she could nover, dream, of taking beforei. £ £ £ ý2ll4i C FOR1 Store w. R CONMMNENCE, your:Public Service b. open until 9 P'. M. until Chrl8tmaa. He Means -Welf, Noov FeIlow Naturally'ho wants to play. Santa Clous in a big way. Surprise his wife at» Christmasl Sa Ne worries for weeks and at the tast mfin ute-in desperation-he rushes out and buys a gold- plat.d gadget or a custom-IbuiIt gewgaw. And a month later it goes up ta the attic... It's ail bocauso he has an idea womon don 't want'somothing practical. J & aC&.>1 -nace Ô I 2899