af ernoon, iJecember 14, at 4 o'clock will lie presented in the old auditorium at the high school instead of in the Leslie F.ý Gates gysnnasium as an- nounced last week. This wifl l e the thirteenth annual programh to lie given b y thé high school choruses, glee. clubs and orchestra dur- ing the, Christmas season. AIl residents of New Trier township have been* in- vited to- attend. The prograni will be in charge of Mrs. Marian Cotton, head of, the New, Trier music depatet isWni fre Mckey and. Miss Adelaide Jones, who have.beendiiectini the rehearsals. *For the benefit of readers who may not have seen the prelimninary aùnnunce- ment: of« the program, it is repeated this week.- Carol, '«0 Corne Ail Ye F'athful".............Reading Audience "ud chorus .-Out of the. Silence"...Cyril Jenkins Cornbined glee clubs Adagio, third suite...... ...Ries Orchestra -Hrow Par.iIs it teo Bethlehem"....... Richard Donovan "lu ulci Girls' gice club Indl Jublil.. Ancent German carol "Song, of Rest"'.. .............. Bach "Les Anges dans' Nos Campagnes" ........ Old French carol BY octet fromn boyrs' glee club composed i f Fra~nk Christian- sen, Paul Moore, Hugh Mid- dletoTi, Olini Sethness,, Thomas *Evin, Vicor Joyce, Robert Klrtland and John Chapman, dlreeted by Winnitred Mickey. Carols "The First Nowell" .Traditional "Hrk, the Herald Angels *Slng"I................ Mendelssohn Audience and chorus -0, My Deir Hert" club ac Boys' glee........bc * "The Shepherd's Stor:y" ........ Clarence Dickinson Combined glee clubs and chorus, assisted by semi-chorus corn- posed of Virginia Sprn-gue, solilst, Jane Norman, Ernest- Ine Bçhrens, Frances> Whitman, 1 Jane Orr, Virginla Sprague, and Jean Llndstrom. Carols, "Joy to the World" .landel- "ietNlght" ..... ..... Gruber- Audience itnd.chorus * "Gloria in e:xcelsgis" (f romn .Twelfth Mass) .--......... Moart Gléee clubs, chorus and orchestra. 'Now the Day la Over".... .... Barnby .jtdience and -chorus .Robert Stoddard, chairmats of Wilmenttes Plans commission> and Zoning board uil addresstise Wil- mette Civic league Friday noon, December 19, at the, Univer.fity club, Chicago. Mr. Stoddard is to ex- Plain the pro posed, revision of the» Wilitetté., Zoning 6rdinancèr. 'Building in Wilmette Passes $1,OOO,OOO Mark According to the monthly report of Building Inspector Stanley M. Peter- son for :Novembee the total estimated cost of buildings completed in Wil- mette last month was M9,655, while the estimated cost of buildings under construction at the end of the month was $262,190. One hundred and geventy-four building- permits had been issued in Wilmette up to Decemn- ber 1 for building construction total- ing $1,063,1 14. The figure for the corresponding period last year was $1,561,774. Vacation in Schools To Start Week £rom Today The Christmas vacation inr.he Wil- mette Public schools this year will begin on Friday afternoon, December 19, one week f rom today. It will end on, Monday ouig anuary 5, giv-' iingthe pupils more than two weeks of play tiMe. Public schools in the three other New" Trier township vil- lages -Kenilworth, Winnetka' and Glencoe-will ber closed at the sarne time. Eight mien will assume the duties of the various offices at that time. They in- clude J. E. Worthen, who was unani- mnously reelected president for the coin- ing year; A. S. Vanfleusen, Jr., vice- president; W. D. Leary, treasurer,. andi Leo Mi.ckel, John Hughes, R. M. Johns- ton., E. G. Petry -and RalPh G. Blann, directors. The Chamber of Commerce lias a board of directors composed of 'ten members, each serving for a termn of two years. The five.who wereelected. last year and-whose termis do not ex- pire until December'31, .1941,'are-, A., S. VanDeuseo,,Jr., John Schneider, Marcus Mick, Carl C.. Renneckar'and Paul Rensch. James C. -Murray, May Head Board of. Trade James, C. Mur ray, 433 Cumnor road- Kenilworth, vice-president of the Quaker QOats company and a inem- ber -of the Chicago Board of Trade, has béen slated by the nominating committee of the board as president of the Stock Exchange on the regu- Jar ticket. Mr. Murray served as director of the Board 'of Trade in 1909, 1910, 1911 and 1921. He was chairinan of the committee which arranged the dedi- cation of the new Board of Trade building last June. He bas been a member of. the board since 1904. For more than twenty-five years Mr. Murray bas' been a resident of Klenilworth.* He is a niember of the Kenilworth club and the Indian'Hili 'Country club. MASONS HOLi) ELECTION The annual meeting for 'the elec- tion of ýofficers -and transaction of, No. 931, A. F_ and A. ., was leld other business for Wîlimette Lodge, in the Wilmette .Masonfic. temple Thursday evening. December Il. 'j. Egbert Compton is the retiring mas- ter of the lo--ai AMasonc lodge. Wnere the lecture 55 10 DC gaven, tom accommodate only a. limited udo of persons, between.650 and 700. Mr. Caslow's recognized abÎlit as a -speaker and the' fact -hat the pro~. cee4s. of the. lecture will. go to charty are:êéxpectfed to be big drawing cards. B. T., Clark, secretary of the Chambei of. Commerce, 'reported early this week thatAthe tickets- art selling out, Ps'.c.d6 tO. C.imuityieu t The' Wilmette Community Chest association, which has flot reache#4 its 1930 goland is in need.of addý- tional'funds, will benefit -fromi thé: lecture - and the money will be useti for local' charity purposes. Mr. Caslow is well kn own to radio listeners' who havýe heard hi ovo station WCHII, Chicago. When appeared before an audience of 4 a few weeks ago at a dinner spon- sored by the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce lis hearers were amazed. at his ability to talk so rapidly and' yet 80 distinctly. o h Mi It is the contentionofte"Mi Street Crusader" that the preseât, trend of American business, andthël* syndicate systemn of business in par- ticular, is flot as it should lie. [t will eventually prove disastrous to the' country's economic balance, lie be- lieves. Lectur Ststuat 8:30 The lecture will be given at 8:30 o'clock, and those wishing choice seats have been advised to be at the, Masonic temple, 1010 Central avenue, early' ' No seats will be reserved. Tickets for. the lecture are on sale at the following places of business: .Snider-Caz.el Drug store, Taylor's. Dry Goods store, Wolff-7Griffis Hard- wamre store, Van Deusen', grocery, Dannemark .Electric shop, East End market, Wilmette grocery, Schultz and Nord, Pagliarulo's Jewelry s ore, and trolc in wee's J.nnzngKoorni, 11331 Central avenue.. The occasion was the ibc ..annual dinner given at this season for IP( ail persons associated with the'business'. ,en the rdîuonal anda tof view, when he spea at Is lConviction?», 955:, WiIm,11'. 4300 GIRL'S BICYCLE, PUJLL $IZE, fine cond.; ehild'a sofai ele. stove, elec. train, etc. Good cond. Very cheap. Ph. Winnetks. iclana -n ciiy.'