A-1 FIIINO CHAUF. KIE steady work i famliy, good yard man and, housemnan. Ph.- Lakeview 8589. 42LTN32-ltp MARRI ED MAN WISHES ANY kTND) of work by the hour or day. Phone Winnêtka 3130. 4ÉLTN32-lns? CHAUFFEUR-HOUSEMAN IN PRIV- ate famlly. A-i reference. 5 Years iast place. Cali Glencoe 1214. 42L32-1tr EXPERIENCED MAN-'G ARDE N wrwaih. windows,. care for fur- naces, etc. Winnetka .1552. 42L32-ltp MARRIJIED MAN WITH FAMILY- withesWork otf any kind. Ph. WII- mette 4289. . 42LTN32-lne MAN WITH CAR DESIRES LIGHT delIveryr.work. Ph. Univeërslty 8111.' 42LTN32-Inc 43 BIT. wTrD.-,MALE &FaCMALE ACHANGE IN POLICY TO EMPLOYER - ALL CLASSES 0F: domestie heip NORTHJ SHORE EMPLOYME NT AGENCYý 'The North Shore's Oldest AK Empicyment Ageney" ,-KFOR .MRS. HELEN CI-RIM1ES 1614 Sherman Ave. GRE. 6130 UNI. 0931 43LTN32-ltc FREE TO.EMPLOYERS - EVEIRY- thing I higli grade heip. Male or femaIe, white or col. Ref. pos. Invest Ask your neighbors. Lee Emp. Agen- cy, 1631 Benson, Evanston. Davis 8116. IJNDER STATE SUPERVISION 43LTN32-ltp) EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR, houseman. Young>. couple,' colored, ý,,wife good cook., References. Ph. Greenleaf ,5359. Adam Tiliman. 43LTN32-ltp HELP VANTED-FEMALE ONCE, COOKS, SEC-' hildren nurses, practical al maida. Mariy posi- ith -ue Buyer- and Seller have found the Want-Ads of WIIME1TE LIFEcf nesimale alue. Mony à deal involving hded of dollars, bhas been the. resuit, of a Classfied ad which cost -but a few cents. 'Classified ads wilI be accepted every evening. uritil 9.. Phone Wulfmette 4300. Wedtiesday before 9 Pè. M. for- the Current Issue, 45 HELP 'WANTkD>-MALE WVANTED--- -Five men, temporarily unernloy-_ ed, for house-to-house solicitation. H.eads of families preferred. bib- eral Commission vi11 be paid, with, $30 a week guaranteed. Earn- ings, depend upon abil- ity of_-solicitor. We will furnish naines and ad- dresses of prospects, and our preliminary work Nvill simiplify the, job. Applicants must.> furnish tmrô.references. Apply P. 0. Box 40, VVilmette, 111. 51 FOR UENTr-Roomb COUPLE TO SHARE HOME, NO objection to children. Phone Wilmette 4552. 51LTN32-ltp PLEASANT BOOM, BEST LOCATION, meais If deslred. Ph. Wiimette 1184. 51LTN32-Ite ROOM FOR RENT. $3.00 PER W'EEK 1493 Asbury Ave., Hubba.rd Woods. Phono Winnetka 3130. 51LTN32-1tp FOR RENT-FURNISHED , OOM. near trafisportation. Garage optiotial. Ph. Wlmette 437. . 51LTN32-Itp COMFORTABLE ROOM 36 BTOCK TO transportation. 722 Elm S.Winnetka. 3rd floor. 51 L32-ltp FOR RENT - FURNISHED BOOM near transportation. Reasonabie. Ph. Wilmette 2399. 61LTN29-tfe FOR RENT 1, 2 OR 3 ROOMS. PH. Wllmette 2627. 51LTN32-ltc 53 BOARD AND ROOM FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS can be had. Excellent board. One or two rooms witli shower bath. Very moderate price. Winnetka 2795. 6SMA9.1 ti 3, only $60 per mo. Several other lea- sonable rentalu, furn. and unfuriiished. B. H. BARNETT Rtoom 4 520 Conter St. Whtinetka, PRONE WINNETKA,865 SOLTN32-te FOR RENTý LAKE FORIOST-UNFURNISIEZ 9 rm. trame, 5 bedrme.; 1 bath~, sleeping, poli; 2% acres, 1 blk., west of Sheridan# ]Rd. 4 bli. to. N. W. station. $75 per Mo. 61:1 Roseinary Rd., Lake Forest. Cail John Newhail. Baird &,Warner 1071 SkMke Ridgfe Dr. 1ie nce 1 i554 ATTRACTIV1E IN A- BEAUTIFIJL ,WOODID SEC1- tion of Wiimette. Easy walk to al trans., 8 rooms, 2 baths, 1-car.garage. Unusually, 10wrentai, ownor having Ieftý city. Evanshore Realty Filnance ýCo., State Bank Bldg., Univ. 8383. t«INU U'TIT E IN 7 J8I IHOME $80. was $140. Ownor on promises. 1077 Cherry St., Winn. 2140. 6OLTN28-tfe si FOR RENT.....FURN. MouCsm NICELY .FURN. 6 ROOM 'BRICK home, east, o11 hurner, gafrage. Xeow te May lst at $125. per mo. Also weii furn, 8 room, 2 bath residene' with garage near school and "L."> $150. Opposite "L" Terrminial. Ph. wiL l.6 61148-te FURNISIHID HOUSE IR ItUNT. 10 roomas, 3 batiis. Beautitlf* ly carpeted thrqughout, eompletely furnished « Large grounds well landsca.ped, 2 car garage. Show» by appointment. 1309 Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods. Ph. Long-. beach 3,650. 61LTNS2-Itc 6 BM. HOTJSE, HEATED SUNPORCH, oil burner, eiec. refrig; gar. Newl3' decorated thrcýighoýut, choisloec0. 3 biks. to transp and sehool. Until May' Tt or longerk. Reas. rent to roaionuible Party. Winnetka. 458. BlLTN'3-1te 64 .FOR RENT-SA"RASI orange wtre uilt by Nash LARGE1 FRONT BM. F ,hch ls most light hskp; water ln rm. ROADSTER private home where thei'e edition, muet room .ers,, for- nea.t and el ories cheap. mari: Garage space avall 48LTN32-ltp Wlimette ý662. r FOR REN-T- * housekeeping for l or 2en iable,.-Ph. W .AkL'. n. comple ?d, extra te 3730. jé 168 hicago A-Ve. FOR SAI4E- FORD 29 with rumbie, perfect cor selil mmeýdiately, acceso Ph. Glencoe 390. VIN mýl lit, k