1*. o r«nohou»14, cov.ri gmore ihian3 acres wë grow Iowers and planis iný immense quanitities and ofiir tIem to the roteit p-,ustomera aetlow wholeal. priosby tmWigad'vmage of our»B% cash andcarry discount. 94POMpes ver- luuek . . CarutSU.us, pet 4m.. . cai.sdsIaspet 1 -m... U Smadrag.u.,pertl<esetu..s ...sela..........8.. Ulp Christumas cherries .. ... Up l Cysamns...........e up The abat', pilcelots, 20% cash anm " ar FeaIue§,.Sesiveraas, RubberPlant., Cactus md monyihr pleu sMd eut Uowern.et momey saving pri«..AM»>§oral desige PHONEBWILMETTE 106--WE DBLWBER AL Pen an Pend!Fo u Pe ad enilSets .... 3.75 to,$125, Flashlight .................5-11-$. Cigars-boxes of 25 and -50; also packs of 5 and 10 Cigarettes in special bunildor packages or by the carton. for tnree years, A. J. Woodcoclk. A feature of the evening, wil1 be the presentation of, a speaker, wého, t 15 ,promised, flot oonly wil talk Înteresting- ly, but. will be, a man whomi everyone 15s eager to, hear. Transaction. of routine business will precede the election. 1. At present,. the officers of the North Shôre R eal. Estate -ý board are A. :J. Woock,. president; -R. B. Webster, ,vice-president;. Harold R. 'Vent, -secre- ,tary, and Jules Dixon, treasurer. The Alpha Phi Mothers' club met at the Alpha Phi house on the. North- western campus Thursday afternoon' STOM SASH ( mad STORM DOORS -home Wilm.tt. 1X1or 190 ND v w.. or the C.hý*ildren:. Gameés.............o $. Toys................Ic to$2.O0 Chemcraf t..........1.00 and $2M0 Books for Boys and Girls ........ ...U Books for the Little Tots . .10c and 1Z& Wmjîeld. H. CasIov., the «"Main Street Crusader,' oe of the .si'ntd-. icate system p1 business, will lecture at an ope# meeting qf tfli Wilmnette C'harnbèr -Of. Coimcrc on Mondây 'night- Decenter 15, a( 8:30 o'clock «t the. Wilmcu4't, Mas mdc temple, 1010,:Centralav- nue. Baptiets Arrange Numerous Holiday Season Gatherings, In keeping with its slogyan, -'A Church that Cares," the Wilnietie O -În"Friday aftérnoon, Decei1-er' I12, atý 4 o'clock, there wilI be a party, ifor boys ;nd -girls under high scIhoolý age. The program will be in charge of the eighth grade girls of the. Church school .and a moving picttîre. "Christ and the Rich Young Ruler," will be shown. 1 The Wilmette Girl Scouts will holà, their annual Christmas Carol prô- gram and Winter Court of Awards a: 17:30, on Monday, December 15. Par- ents and friends of the Scouts are St. Jés4h ~School C., C. Retnecka,- 1Phone Wilnette 316 bel flItram 7: j24. Niw me play- 8nd is being Iorgfeldt (f Wil- eservice will be [i 8:30, Decemb4er 'mil bc received-