Mr. and Mrs. james Jack ôf Lâcen, li., will arrive in Wilmette this week to spend the. holidays witb Mrs. John D. Kinnear of 224.1 Cbestnut -avenue. -o- 'Mrs. W. J. King of 611 Forest ave- .que entertained. ber. Tuesday bridge dhib a t luncheon at ber home this week. of the Senior Music cluband a read.- ing by Robert Merrimàn. Following was. the programi: Caprice Viennois . ....... Kreiler piano solo by charlotte Wachs. The Swap ............Sant-Saens Violin solo*by Amfen ýEdinger aecom- panied by Mlargaret Jean Cree, Tarantelle ......... ........Squ.rè S Cello solo by Mýry«Jane Hay-s Impromptu i F PMinor ..... . .,..hopin 1 . Pano solo by Virginia, Lang Puck .......Frnm Sýakespeare&s -M1da- summer Night's Dream" 7- Reading, by Robert Merriain Fowers CHRISTMAS Christmas," a plaY y içose ryiaI', is also to be presented by the follow- jng: Suzanne Barton, who will enact Helen; Alice Jane Rohol. who wil take the part of Richard; -:Manjory Mintz, Father - ChristInas;9 HI-elen Joanne Murphy, the F'airy ucn Mary Elizabeth Murphy who' Will portray Jane, -a girl doit; Josephine Tracey, a, cowboy doli; PolIy Kraft- hefer wiIl play the. part 6f the jack- in-hebo; ndDoothy Georger w ill have thé rote of BiUly, a wooden. soldier. The -program. is to be given ex-ý clusivelylfor the mothers and fathers of the pupils. SHOWE R FOR BRIDE TO, BE Miss Helen Soutlyward. 306 Oxford road, Kenilwortb, i s entertaining, on Saturday in1 honor of Miss Naoîni 1McDowel of. Kenilworth wbo wil libe nîarnied- in January. The affair . is te lie a bandkerchief shower.. Wendell Keith will lie home today f rom the University of Illinois to pass the Christmas holidays with bis par-' ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cifton L. Keithp, 222 Ninth street. Mr. and Mrs. Adam W. Crawford, 710 Central avenue, entertained at their home on Sunclay evening of last week. wi start at i ;.U OoCk and iIuwill De followed by the heavyweight gaine. Morton High school was formerly national high scbool basketball cham- pion. The Cicero -heavyweight. teamn b-as been 'champion of the Suburban league for the past three -years. New Trier's beayyweight*:team bas show n plenty of class this year with fine work by members of last year's chami- pionsbip lightweigbt team who. are now.playinig with the heaviesand by two' boys who played.with the Wis- consi n state high s chool champions last year. New Trier's lightwe igbt team won the Suburban, league championship in 1928 and 1929 andtied with Proviso for the championship, in 1930. ANNOUNCES TROTH Alexander G. Larson of 'Evanston announces the engagement of bis daughter,- Marie Eliinor,, to Melvin E. Feddeler of Wilmette, son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Feddeler of Pal- Tatine, Ili. Arniving from Dartmouth to spend the holiday period at their homes are Hunter. and Tom Hicks, Elmer Ricb, III, Sam Moore, Steve n Har- wood, Edward Cullen, John Sheldon, John. Cogswell, and Edward'Munn alil season add wonderfully to Yuletide cbeeriness-. For your own hoime, or as gfts to otheri, .Flow- tes lend beauty and radiance to their roundings. .Place sur- yo.ur ]END FLORIUTS ad Wilmette 1943JI 7T roomingt Entranc.-Tbw Deug Store in the. Middle. of the. P4ock F 1 RE W. W& .WINBFJtGInLc. [70 1qi IBODYI PRESCRIPTION PHÂRMACY lits GOES EPITION POR 000» DRUOS 417 Liadmin Av..,, I&