of Fur and Fur Trmmed Coafs THIS WEEK ONLY Wlt*Càuld possibly be betteaithan a beauafifuI wrrn coa o h ms? ,Neyer before have such Iuxurious coais been obteineible at such Iow prices, -nuit Le seen te Le oppreci4i.d. Corne'in and'sethi dyl UNIQUE STYLE SHOP I 12 Cenral v..Wim.tt. 2401 aOh-h boys, just. cast your eyes in. t/is direction! T/e above is just asample of -the type of entertainme»st thàt Shatnee club guests wil ,tiitness onNew lYear':EIve W/zen t/w club gives its Super Rdition oft/h Cabaret de Nuit., T/e prograrn includes nnber$ by the well knownt ýKretlow Ballet, J.. Henpry Phillips, John BurdteasdTePecmaes famolis 4u4r4el of rad io stars. Mte n h aeae pSai:"aIidyà~ Da ifis efG.d G. Churchill Williams,. son of Mrs. Walter H. Williams of 1306 Gregory avenue, wili return this week from Antioch college at Yellow Springs, Ohio. Mrs. Williams and both her sons, Churcbill and Charles, mrilI spend Christmas in Bloomfield Hil's, Mich. as the guests of Mrs. Williams' sister. Miss Marth a Fariner, daughter of Fred R. Farmer of 915 1Efmwood ave- nue, bas been home from Lawrence college at Appleton, Wis., since Dec- ember 1, when she underwent an operation at St. Francis hospital. Sire is recovering and is expected home the day bef are. Christmas- Ckdstom.J ".s: ". the mucoom of the «Mrn GOLD MEDLC NeTP« ~ 2 Suff Chrisltmas Stippers for ail the farnily, Wbeatena Ilc Calumet Pee25co Cahrsimas JodJ1>aectaitj.s (<>rsimas 6>anka Mine Mat~ '~'39c 'Cindy Bars 5< ll 6c Bordo Dates s, 'l s. 9C Ail cS.,G.sdow r 1ok Bordo Dates G Nr Se:.1g<9cheris<FeI.IW Bordo Figs..d à 21c l. Cindy H" " 2 l3c Besded Currants .8-z 12C .nivlII' *.S. M. PAULSON On the Square Shoe Rebuilder 31Main St. Willmette 1969 ,ilic